Page 5 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - January '23
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 5
      211 Palm Beach And Treasure Coast’s

      Sixth Annual Lifeline Luncheon ‘Journey To Joy’

      Raised Funds And Awareness

      Of The Nonprofit’s
      Lifesaving Mission

        211 Palm Beach and Treasure Coast hosted the Sixth
      Annual  Lifeline  Luncheon  on  Nov.  29,  at  the  Kravis
      Center, Cohen Pavilion in West Palm Beach. Nearly 230
      supporters attended the organization’s signature event that
      raised money and awareness of the lifesaving mission of
      211 Palm Beach and Treasure Coast.
        The Sixth Annual Lifeline Luncheon – “Journey to
      Joy” featured Dena Sisk Foman, a motivational speaker,
      author and attorney and Dr. Rachel Needle, founder and                                                                     Guy  Clark,  Diana  Maune,
      executive  director  of  the Whole  Health  Psychological   Peter  Gottsegen,  Felicia               Bill and Dena Foman   Harrison Morgan
      Center.                                            Taylor                  Ken Kettner, John Deese

         The Singles Scene Column                                           ©

         The 2023 Singles Market is                          Lives with Family: What is their age? Occupation? Cultural
         HOT!                                            position? Why do they live with family? Is it a home with an east
                                                         wing? Or the basement?
            By Kelly  Leary, M.S.,
         CEO/Matchmaker                                      Lives with a Roommate: What is their age? Why? How? Who?
         “You’re so vain. I bet you                      What? When? Have fun exploring this topic as some have valid
         think this song is about                        reasons and remain age appropriate while others are not. I come
         you.”— Carly Simon                              right out and ask this in my interviews, but if you do it you will
                                                         look intrusive. Only the matchmaker can ask this type of question.   Diane  Jehle,  Jim  Reidy,  Pat  Kathleen Hillman and Dr.
         Happy New Year Everyone!                                                                          Jehle                     Rachel Needle
         Isn’t it remarkable how                             New Construction: Usually upscale, up-to-date, and financially
         quickly time flies with each                    FIT. This person knows what they want and is customizing it to     Foman, a partner at the law firm of McLaughlin & Stern,
         passing year? Tis’ another                      suit their needs. They may be demanding and uncompromising.
         golden opportunity to get                       They may be rigid in and out of the bedroom. They may be worth   LLP, shared with guests her personal journey of resilience in
         it right! I hope everyone is                    it though! I would not rule this out.             her talk titled “Journey to Joy.” Foman is a frequent public
         setting up their vision boards                                                                    speaker on the subjects of women’s empowerment, resiliency,
         and manifesting an ideal and                        Old Construction: Worth the wait. Look for a solid foundation.   and mental health and is the author of Only I Can Define Me:
         dreamy year ahead. January is the BEST month on the calendar to   Choose cement over wood. Look for good lines and structure.   Releasing Shame and Growing Into My Adult Self.
         make changes. Hold your ground this year. Don’t let the time slip   Don’t be fooled by an attractive outward appearance and forgo     Needle, licensed psychologist, certified sex therapist,
         away from you--just don’t. You will thank me later for this gentle   the inspection! Get a second and third opinion and listen to your   and  the  founder  of  the  Whole  Health  Psychological
         nudge. For those of you that are single and frustrated, know that the   gut. Seek out the opinion of a true friend when in doubt.
         Florida market is booming--and I’m not talking about Real Estate.
                                                             Waterfront vs. Western Lifestyle: This is a matter of preference.   Journey To Joy on page 6
         There is a Singles Tsunami going on right before our eyes~~and it   Do you prefer the mountains or the ocean? You can also have the
         has been going on for months. Thousands of singles have moved to   best of both worlds too--if you date smart! Wouldn’t it be nice to
         our local area in the last couple of years, former dynamic duos have   have a partner with a home in two zip codes?   Entertainer Marie Osmond from page 1
         broken up, and countless others have given up on online dating for
         good. ONLINE DATING took an even bigger nose dive in the   This is a tough market and let’s face it, when you date you are   handbags. The luncheon is scheduled for Feb. 22 at the
         last three years. It is more absurd than ever before. It is Babylon   selling yourself. Hopefully, you don’t have to try too hard. Don’t
         meets the Wild West of dating and it is destroying norms and   over sell. Believe in yourself. Move with care and kindness at   Breakers in Palm Beach.
         the modern dating culture in multiple ways. Men and women   your center and you will never lose.     Tammy Pompea and Diane Smith are chairing the 24th
         are not enjoying the transition and loss of general dating                                         edition of the Old Bags Luncheon with Cecy Martinez
         decorum. THIS is why matchmaking has become so popular.   Welcome to the dating boom in Florida--offline-in REAL LIFE!   serving as the honorary chair. Those interested in donating
                                                         The future is bright.                              their new or gently used handbags can contact the Center of
         MATCHMAKING has become more attractive to quality                                                  Family Services of Palm Beach County at (561) 616-1222.
         singles as a traditional approach to expanding your social circle   Thank you for sharing your time with me again today. Thank     Since 1961, The Center for Family Services of Palm
         wisely. Consider these basic facts as you move towards your   you to my publisher for noticing my talent (as a matchmaker
         decision to hire a matchmaker. Would you prefer a matchmaker   and writer) so many years ago. This paper is about sharing   Beach County Inc. embraces the philosophy that families
         who is LOCALLY established? Does your matchmaker have an   good news with our readers in our communities. Do tell your   should be the center of the community and the center of
         ACTUAL OFFICE or does she want to meet you out in public?   friends. Keep it simple, folks. We all need something FUN   every family should be a healthy connection. The center
         Would a REAL matchmaker seek to enroll you on a zoom or a   to talk about and something to look forward to in 2023.   is dedicated to providing innovative programs that meet
         phone call? Doesn’t that miss the point? We meet all of our clients   Together--anything is possible.   the changing and growing needs of individuals, families,
         in our office in-person. Our private practice is centrally located                                 and children in the community with their resources and
         to all of you (NOT out of state) right on PGA BOULEVARD.   Our hotlines do blow up in January, so call soon to beat the rush!   social service programs. The Center for Family Services is
         We have been here for ten amazing years and counting and we   We can’t wait to here your story!
         could not be happier. We have much more love to share too--in                                      nationally accredited by the Council on Accreditation and
         the coming year. We continue to learn and grow and change, for                     XOXO, Kelly     accredited by Nonprofits First for Excellence in Nonprofit
         ourselves and for you. It is an honor to serve all of you, sincerely.                              Management. For more information visit
                                                         #LoveOffline #DateLocal #SecretsSafeHere #TellYourFriends
         With that thoughtful note, join me as I entertain the concept   #SustainableLove
         of comparing the current singles market to the real estate                                              Best Bin Caddy#
         market. Multiple risks abound in 2023 for a buyer (aka:   Kelly Leary© has 32 years in the dating industry and a Master’s
         dater). The stakes are high. Enjoy my fun comparison below   Degree in Psychology. She’s been profiled by The Palm Beach
         and let me know what you think!                 Post, PalmBeacher Magazine, Stuart News, The Sun Sentinel,
                                                         Vero Beach 32963 and many more over the years. Revolution   NEW!
         TYPES OF SINGLES ON THE MARKET:                 Dating members are pre-screened including background
             The Short Sale: Typically, a disgruntled person that does not   checks. Professional photos are taken by the staff. Revolution
         want to be single. They didn’t choose this label per se, and they   Dating is not online dating or blind dating. In addition to
         are mad at the world. There is some hope with healthy therapy   providing matchmaking services that make singles “UN-single”
         or a time-out to rebuild thy soul.              through their exclusive club membership, Kelly and her team
                                                         also provide feedback from your dates when appropriate.
              The Foreclosure: This is a man or woman you want to   Call 561-630-XOXO (9696) or 772-932-HERE (4373) for a
         stay away from at all costs. This person is likely damaged or   LIVE chat with a matchmaker. You may also visit us at www.        On sale
         destroyed, sadly. They really should not be dating as they are in *All inquiries are confidential.        $       95
         some kind of crisis. They are likely in shambles--from financial                                                                   79
         to emotional or physical destruction. This is the saddest type of                                                                    Tax Inc.
         single to encounter. They need so much work--but it’s not your
         job to renovate. This will take a long commitment on the buyer’s                                            Recycling Bin Caddy
         part to rebuild. The question remains: Is it worth it?
                                                                                                                       Made in the USA
             The Renter: This person is just not secure for a reason. They
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         down in some way here in Florida). How long is the lease?                                           Easy To Use Design. Arrives Fully Assembled With
         What are their intentions? Are they financially sound or amidst a
         financial setback? Why do they rent? Find out before you proceed,                                         Free Local Delivery. (Bins not included.)
         without judgment. If you have concerns, just ask me what I think.                                               Call 561.354.8169
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