Page 8 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - January '23
P. 8

Page 8, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens

      Young Friends Of Peggy Adams from page 7           Douglas Elliman Real Estate, Hamilton Jewelers, The Ross     The mission of the Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League
                                                         Family Charitable Fund, Nikki and Matthew Kahn, Sue Gibson,   is to provide shelter to lost, homeless, and unwanted animals,
      Reinert, Farley Rentschler, Hollis Bradley Pica, Annabella C.   Margit Brandt Palm Beach, Whitney and Scott Hesse, Carol   to provide spay and neuter and other medical services for
      Pierpont Rockwell, Hallie Rosenthal, Robin and James Schmid,   Calicchio Art Studio, GTEC Talent, Michelle and Peter Farmer,   companion animals, and to care for, protect, and find quality
      Amit Seth and Sue Jin Seth, and Judy and Fritz Van der Grift.   Pioneer Linens, Charlotte Munder, Atlas Event Rental, Out East,   homes for homeless and neglected companion animals, to
        Returning as the presenting sponsors of the Party Animal   Key Moment Films, Nozzle Nolen, and Paychex.  advocate animal welfare, community involvement, and education
      Gala were James Berwind and Kevin Clark. Additional sponsors     For more information about the Young Friends of Peggy Adams   to further the bond between people and animals. Peggy Adams
      included: Lesly S. Smith – The Fortin Foundation of Florida,   Animal Rescue League visit   Animal Rescue League has a four-star rating from Charity
                                                         About Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League            Navigator, America’s largest independent charity navigator.
                                                           Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League provides critical   Peggy Adams is an independent nonprofit animal rescue
                                                         services  to  more  than  34,000  animals  each  year  and   organization operating continuously since 1925. For more
                                                         collaborates  with  local  area  rescues  to  expand  the   information and to donate, please visit
                                                         lifesaving work in Palm Beach County.                                             Photos by Capehart

      Dixon McDonald, Sophie Harris and Mac McDonald

        open enrollMent                                  Hollis Pica and Gable Shaikh     Samantha and Kent Anderson       Charles Bane and Sue Gibson

                    for 2023

                 cHecK For


          neW PLanS

               aLL neW                                   Farley Rentschler and Anthony Bailey  Rob and Ashley Frisbie      Tim Cohan and Audrey McNniff


                    YoU are

               entItLed to


                  maY cHanGe PLanS
          JanUarY 1 tHrU marcH 31, 2023
               caLL WItH QUeStIonS

           Peter Gratzon                                 Laura Munder and Charlotte Munder  Michelle and Peter Farmer      Scott and Whitney Hesse

               toP IndePendent

               medIcare aGent                             Experience Dentistry with a Woman’s Touch

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                                                                             Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation Available
             time for a supplemeNtal plaN?
                        choose aNy                                    Joanne Green, D.D.S.
             doctor/hospital/No referrals
                aNywhere iN the couNtry                                     10887 N. Military Trail, Suite 6
        appoiNted with major iNsuraNce carriers                            Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
                                                                   (561) 622-2815 •
                    No obligatioN/
                         No fees/                                     Medical College of Virginia School of Dentistry - Cum Laude
                    No commissioN                                Hospital of the University of Penn - General Practice Residency Training
                                                                             Harvard Dental School - Former Instructor
          call for iN-home appoiNtmeNt                                Boston Brigham and Women’s Dental Group - Staff Dentist
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