Page 1 - Boca ViewPointe - February '23
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VOL. 31 NO. 2                                                                           FEBRUARY 2023

         Very Important Information Please Read

            Our community is governed by important documents   for the good of the community. Otherwise it will be difficult      With this letter  and Notice is a written  consent
         which provides for the preservation of our Boca Pointe   if not impossible to maintain the character of Boca Pointe.   document, by which you as a Boca Pointe owner may
         residential community and the operation, management   Florida law provides a way for these documents to be   indicate your consent and approval of the revitalization
         and maintenance of the infrastructure, aesthetic character   revitalized, and requires a majority vote by the owners.  of the Declaration, without having to attend a meeting.
         and common areas serving Boca Pointe. These documents      In order to accomplish this goal, all owners within Boca      NOTHING IS CHANGING, but it is important that
         are the  Declaration  of Covenants, Conditions  and   Pointe should have received a time sensitive package containing   the homeowners approve and sign the 3rd page in the
         Restrictions for Boca Pointe Community Association,   the complete Declaration with legal descriptions of the Boca   package and return it to the Boca Pointe Management
         Inc. (“Declarations”).                          Pointe community, including prior amendments. The enclosures   Office by mail, fax 561-395-5936, email admin@
            The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and   also include, as Exhibits, the names and addresses of the owners,, or you are always welcome to stop
         Restrictions was originally recorded in 1981. The Board   legal descriptions of the properties, and a graphic depiction of the   by the office and deliver it in person at 6909 SW 18th
         of Directors of Boca Pointe Community Association,   Boca Pointe property which will be governed by the Declaration.   St. #120, Boca Raton, FL 33433.
         Inc. (“Association”) has been advised that, owing to the   If you have not received this package, please come to the Boca      We appreciate your assistance and timely response to
         passage of time, the Declaration needs to be “revitalized”   Pointe office and pick up a copy.    this mailing as it is for the benefit of all of Boca Pointe. 

      From The Desk Of Commissioner Marci Woodward

      A Message from Marci                               Palmetto Park Bridge Update                         Located in West Palm Beach, the authority’s facilities process
                                                                                                           more than two million tons of residential and commercial
         Happy New Year!                                    On Jan. 3, I held an onsite meeting at the Palmetto Park   garbage a year. That’s all the trash countywide, including
         I am pleased to report,                         Bridge to discuss the construction project with the county   recyclables, hazardous materials, and bulk and yard waste.
      the end of 2022 included a                         engineers and the contractor (Ranger Construction).     I recently toured the facilities, including the Renewable
      wonderful mix of holiday                              We discussed a number of complaints received from   Energy Facility 2 that is considered the most advanced and
      fun and long work days,                            residents concerning the site that have been corrected.   cleanest waste-to-energy power plant in North America. It
      and the new year is off to a                       We also discussed other concerns including delays on   processes 3,000 tons of garbage daily.
      fantastic start.                                   the completion of the project that is now scheduled for      Not only is it reducing waste, but it also generates nearly
         In the next few months,                         late summer.                                      100 megawatts of electricity sold to Florida Power and Light,
      there is a lot happening in                           Below is a recent update from the Engineering and Public   enough to power an estimated 40,000 homes and businesses.
      Palm Beach County and in                           Works Department on the project.                  That is enough electricity to power nearly all the homes in
      District 4. In March, we will                         The maintenance of the traffic plan to allow traffic to   Boca Raton!
      have a workshop to discuss                         switch onto the newly constructed portion of Palmetto Park      Moreover, it’s clean energy!  The Environmental
      the Agricultural (Ag) Reserve.                     Road was approved by Palm Beach County staff on Jan. 18.   Protection Agency considers waste-to-energy one of the
         Consequently, I recently toured the reserve with several      A sign has been placed near the bridge to alert drivers   cleanest, most reliable and renewable sources. For example:
      staff members to learn more about the area. It was a beautiful   of the upcoming shift in traffic on Jan. 29. Nearby residents      • Air pollution control technologies make it virtually
      day, and I came home with a bag of fresh veggies from   along the project will also be notified through a door hanger   impossible to detect any smell or visible smoke when the
      Bedner’s Farm Fresh Market. I plan to continue to meet with   at their residence or building.        garbage is being burned.
      community members in preparation of this workshop.     Contractors will work at the intersection of Palmetto      • Ash generated by burning takes up much less room than
         Lastly, I would like to extend my congratulations to   Park Road and the church/school entrance to grade out that   garbage, resulting in a 90% reduction in landfill use.
      former Commissioner Dave Kerner on his appointment   intersection on Monday, Jan. 23. Then, that area will have      • Ash management systems recover over 40,000 tons of
      by Governor DeSantis as executive director of the Florida   pavement markings placed for traffic control on Jan. 24.   recycled, sellable steel, aluminum, copper, and other metals
      Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.      Assuming no weather delays, the new portion of   from ash.
         I would also like to congratulate our newest    the roadway is scheduled for inspection by the Florida      • A water conservation and recycling system with a unique
      Commissioner, Michael Barnett, who was appointed by   Department of Transportation on Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2023.   rainwater collection system provides processed water to
      the governor to fill the vacancy in District 3. I wish them   This is necessary before the traffic shift to the new roadway.  operate the facility.
      the best in their new roles.                          I live nearby and recognize the impact this project is      SWA offers group and/or individual tours of the facility,
         If you see me out and about, please introduce yourself! It   having on residents and businesses and will continue to   providing an opportunity to observe the intricate procedure
      would be my pleasure to meet you, and don’t forget to follow   monitor it closely and provide updates.  of processing the county’s garbage. For more information,
      us on social media!                                                                                  visit
         As always, I am here to assist, so feel free to email me at   Let’s Talk Trash or call 561-355-2204.                                                           From The Desk Of on page 2
         Also, please follow me on social media for regular updates      As your county commissioner, I also serve on the
      and happenings in Palm Beach County.               Board of Directors of the Solid Waste Authority (SWA).
                                                                                 taxing district governed by  Please Help
                                                                                 SWA is a dependent special
                                                                                 the seven elected Palm Beach
                                                                                                               It’s a New Year!!! Now is the time to clean out your
                                                                                 County Commissioners.        closets! The homeless shelters are accepting used clothing.
                                                                                   As an enterprise agency,   Please bring any clean, gently used clothing that you would
                                                                                 SWA generates revenue from   like to donate. The drop off location is at the BPCA office
                                                                                 user fees, waste tipping fees,   located at 6909 S.W. 18th St., Suite A120 in the Boardwalk
                                                                                 energy sales, recovered    shopping plaza. The donations are distributed to local
                                                                                 materials sales, biosolids   churches and homeless shelters. Thank you for your generous
                                                                                 processing facility fees, and   donations this past year! It is greatly appreciated! 
                                                                                 other sources.
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