Page 6 - Boca ViewPointe - February '23
P. 6

Page 6, Viewpointe                                                  February 2023
       Book Review

      Songs Inspired By Rebellion                                                                          Canadian military. Leonard traveled light sans guitar, to
                                                                                                           Tel Aviv, Israel, which he termed his “mythic home”, and
      And By Fire                                                                                          volunteered to pull his weight. He in turn was persuaded
                                                                                                           to entertain the troops in the Sinai desert. Friedman seems
      Matti Friedman. Who by Fire, Leonard Cohen in the Sinai.                                             to argue that this experience marked a turning point in
      New York: Spiegel and Grau, 2022.                                                                    Cohen’s life and led to utilization of Jewish themes in
      Bob Dylan. The Philosophy of Modern Song. New York:                                                  his repertoire including his later masterpiece.
      Simon and Schuster, 2022.                                                                               Bob Dylan, like Leonard Cohen, comes straight out of
      “I asked my father I asked/ him for another name                                                     the backwaters of the American Midwest, embodied the
      I said the one I’ve got is soiled with fear and shame.”                                              rebellious period of the sixties, the anti-war movement.
      Leonard Cohen                                                                                        The search for civil rights for women and blacks, but also
      How many roads must a man walk down                                                                  the acceptance of drugs as a psychedelic experience. Mr.
      Before you call him a man?                                                                           Dylan is very true to the spirit of America, he proudly
      How many seas must a white dove sail               the great art form of the twentieth century from Cecil de   celebrates his American culture from the Mississippi
      Before she sleeps in the sand?                     Mille, to Fellini, to Ingmar Bergman and Martin Scorsese.   river to the films and pop culture of his times. He does
      Yes, and how many times must the cannonballs fly   In any case. I could suggest that pop music was another   not conceal or contain his prejudice against the so called
      Before they’re forever banned?                     exceptional art form which evolved from the advent of   high culture of theatre and literature (and his ambivalence
      The answer my friend, is blowin’ in the wind,      radio and continue to draw the largest audiences. While   about winning the Nobel Prize in that category). He is
      The answer is blowin’ in the wind.” Bob Dylan      cinema is decidedly a middle class art form, pop music   from and for the working class, the folks who support
                                                         reaches a wider and more socially inclusive audience.   his art and success.
      By Dr. Ronald J. Meyers                            One thinks of the fifties and sixties, the rudiments of      The Philosophy of American Song is a scrapbook of
                                                         pop music emerged with stars like the Beatles, Stevie   his interests and opinions seemingly more in the pop-
         Artists are perhaps                             Wonder, Ella Fitzgerald and, of course, Leonard Cohen   culture range than deep philosophical thought. “Art is
      rightly thought to                                 (1934-2016) and Bob Dylan (1941).                 Disagreement, Money is Agreement.” That a love song
      be products of their                                  Two stars who represent the highest standard of   can hide all other emotions like anger and resentment;
      environment,  which  in                            pop music. Both are the products of the rebellion that   or performance is therapy. Or more of a pedestrian range
      turn is wedded to their                            occurred in the sixties, the decade of Woodstock, modern   that the pop song Volare inspired the designation of a
      times, talent and genius.                          troubadours living the life of sexual indulgence, sex,   Plymouth automobile. He notes the abundance of songs
      The musical culture that                           drugs, and rock and roll. They advocated freedom, at   where the subject is footwear; that many songs are derived
      dominated the  Age of                              the same times, were pacifistic. They share their Jewish   from other cultures and languages, like Autumn Leaves
      Enlightenment inspired                             heritage, which they did not outright deny, but it surely   and My  Way. Overwhelming photographs profusely
      Mozart and Beethoven,                              was latent rather than prominent, or manifest. Their   illustrated with a plethora of Mr. Dylan’s scattered
      the literary culture of  the sixteenth century inspired   lyrics and music identified with the spirited search for   viewpoints, which has made his book a best seller for
      Shakespeare, Cervantes and Montaigne, and it was the   freedom (e.g. “nothing left to lose!”). While opposed   his followers. The current of poetry in his songs runs
      artistic culture of the Renaissance that inspired Leonardo,   to the status quo, including anti-establishment politics,   deeper. He at heart is a social commentator rather than
      Michelangelo, and Raphael. The competition between   organized religious practice, middle class morality (i.e.   a revolutionary, and it is this social consciousness that
      and among artists also affects the level of excellence.   marriage), efforts by many artists of diverse faiths to be   perhaps links him as a Jewish song writer. The conceit
      And one of the chief purposes of Criticism is to point   fully assimilated into North American culture  of his notable “Blowing in the Wind” seems like it could
      out and understand the relationship of the artist to his      Matti Friedman, Canada born journalist living in   have been derived from the philosophy of King Solomon
      times, as well as his/her own uniqueness and other notable   Jerusalem, traces a distinguishing moment in Leonard   in the Book of Ecclesiastes. Mr. Dylan would continue to
      biographical predilections.                        Cohen’s life. His career, according to Friedman, was   remain true to his youthful artistic vision, and continues
         It seems to me that an argument can be made for   at an impasse in 1973. A complicated man in search of   to draw huge audiences to celebrate with him
      identifying the evolution of cinema which emerged as   meaning and soul, he had vacated his home in Westmount      After his involvement in the Sinai, Leonard Cohen
                                                         Canada, spent years as a struggling poet and song writer   would return to the isle of Hydra, reunite with Suzanne and
                                                         in Montreal, New York City, and London. At thirty nine   continue his search for validation and faith; he commenced
                                                         years old, he was now living on the eternally sunny, Greek   the creation of his iconic “Hallelujah” in 1983. A decade later,
                                                         Isle of Hydra, with his new lady love Suzanne Elrod,   he will continue the search, explore the faith of Buddhism in
                                                         the mother of his son and future daughter. Seemingly he   immersing himself in a monastery and apprenticing himself
                                                         acts on the urge to react to discourteous surprise attack   to a Master. In his later years, he performed in his signature
                                                         on Israel for Syria and Egypt on Yom Kippur, the holiest   middle class suits with his signature fedora cap while
                                                         day of the Jewish year, in October 1973. Though himself   his melodies and verses became ensconced in the Jewish
                                                         a descendant from rabbis, he earlier had had stirred   synagogues and western musical art.
                                                         controversy when he speechified for a “moratorium for
                                                         all religious worship.” When he was nine years old, he      Dr. Ronald J. Meyers, a resident of La Paz, is Emeritus
                                                         lost his father Nathan who had served with honor in the   Professor of English. 

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