Page 5 - Boca ViewPointe - February '23
P. 5

February 2023                                                    Viewpointe, Page 5
      Welcome To The Fantastic World Of FENG SHUI!!!

      By Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera P.H.D.            affairs without reaching a long life as a couple. I visited   when I’m waiting for the green light in traffic, SMILE
                                                         her house and observed that it had art of varied type but   at the car next to us, of course I don’t always receive a
         New Year!!! where the end of the year resolutions   EVERYTHING without exception of single ladies, I’m   response from the neighbor in the lane, but until now the
      must be fulfilled for our goals, dreams and objectives. For   talking about paintings, sculptures, photos of trips and   smiles are greater than the long faces.
      this, we must first of all organize ourselves and prioritize   celebrations  that  he  has  attended  among  many  other      The love area is located on the southwest side of our
      what we want to give ourselves the quality of life that we   objects that gave the place a message of not wanting   house. This area is also called the marriage area, especially
      deserve and want.                                  company. At the same time, I went to his office, which   for those who are single, divorced, widowed,  or simply
         As February is the month of love, today we will talk   was luxuriously decorated but with the same influence of   want to enjoy the company of another human being, which
      about LOVE, that feeling, value and a deep way of seeing   a person who promotes solitude.           translates into a new opportunity to start a new life.
      life and things in general.                           Here I want to take a break to clarify that “solitude      The colors in this area are reds and their derivatives, such
         LOVE  has  generated  novels,  movies,  programs  of   is not bad company”, but the human being is social by   as pinks, in their entire range. It’s VERY IMPORTANT
      various kinds, even wars, although it seems contradictory.   nature, but let’s observe nature, both flora and fauna, who   TO DUPLICATE couple type objects, for example, if we
      LOVE has remained over time, in all cultures, beliefs, it   group together for various reasons, but the “herd” in the   buy a sculpture of a person we must place two and so on,
      has permeated rich, poor, races, in short, the importance   particular case of animals, it allows survival, among other   to send that energy to the companion universe.
      of its value it is that it is an energy, with an intangible but   things. Birds are a beautiful example to reflect on, they      By locating this particular area with the appropriate
      sometimes enormous force.                          live as a couple all their lives.                 colors and figures that promote the energy of the place,
         In this installment we will illustrate with a story that      With this brief story and introduction I want you to   its harmony will be achieved. It’s VERY IMPORTANT
      had a happy ending:                                help understand the importance of LOVE in our lives.   that sculptures, figures, paintings and any type of art of
         A client calls me after a while without seeing each   LOVE in all its dimensions: love for ourselves, family,   single people are not placed here. For example: single
      other, a prosperous person and very financially successful,   neighbors, friends, classmates, work, all those human   ladies without company, single gentlemen, or any type
      to ask me about her loneliness, she had had several love   beings with whom we interact. I practice this exercise   of art that involves single couples without companions,
                                                                                                           to clarify is that a human being cannot appear ALONE
                                     Board Of Directors                                                    without company because the human being is a social
                                                                                                           being that is part of a society in which he interacts.
                                                                                                              Therefore, they should be decorated with art that
                May 2021 – May 2023 Officers/Executive Committee                                           promotes love, friendship, those feelings that unite us
                                                                                                           with other human beings, making it clear that we are
         Chairman and President  Barry J. Haberman       District 5 Howard Weinstein (El Dorado)           sociable beings by nature. It is important that this area
         Vice Chair         Steve Retzer                    Esplanada, Caravelle, Palomar, La Corniche,    even influences many things that not only imply love and
         Secretary          Steve  King                     and El Dorado                                  friendship, but the nobility that despite so many negative
         Treasurer          Harvey  Kaplan               District 6 Connie Murray (Villa Flora)            things that happen, that human condition is not lost.
                                                            Villa Flora, Montego Bay, Villa Del Sol, and Palladium     In future articles, we will return to the areas again
         District Directors                              District 7 Alan Markoff (The Plum)                in this year 2023, because some readers, both residents
         District 1 Mary Ann Frazier (Palms)                The Plum/Cortina, Villa Sonrisa and Pointe 100  of Boca Pointe and friends of this newspaper, have
            Encantada, Valencia and The Palms            District 8 Robert Cornell (Costa Brava)
         District 2 Steve King (Imperial Royale)            Costa Del Sol and Costa Brava                  communicated and want to know the  FENG  SHUI,
            Promenade, Imperial Royale, Imperial, Regency   District 9 Robin Gliboff (Edgewater)           ancient science that with its energy improves the quality
            and Panaché                                     Edgewater Pointe Estates and Stratford Court   of life.
         District 3 Harvey Kaplan (Meridiana)                    At Large Directors                           Until the next installment.
            La Mirada and Meridiana                                                                           Miracles.
         District 4 Michael Ehrentreu (El Viento)  Through 2023              Through 2023
            El Viento, La Paz, and Southwinds    Chandra Stewart-Keith (Panaché)  Barry J. Haberman (Encantada)     Author Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera, Feng
                                                 Bob Greenstein (Lakes of La Paz)  Marvin Lazarowitz (Villa Del Sol)  Shui Specialist, is a resident of the Plum. Email:
                                                 Steve Retzer (La Mirada)    Carsten Bethge (Valencia)

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