Page 7 - Jupiter Spotlight - February '23
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Jupiter Spotlight, Page 7
      Jupiter Senior Softball

        Gerry Elias,                                       Gerry’s wife,                                   league commissioner from 1999 to 2002 when the softball
      cofounder and first                                Mariette, sister                                  program transitioned “from 12 to 13 guys playing league
      commissioner of the                                Phyllis Rodrigues,                                travel ball (in various communities) to 230 who play three
      Jupiter Senior Softball                            niece Stephanie Riley                             mornings a week,” Sewell said. He presented Mariette
      Association (JSSA),                                and twin grandsons,                               and the family framed copies of the Hall of Fame plaque
      was posthumously                                   M ax and J ake                                    and of a narrative about Elias’ life and impact on Jupiter
      enshrined in the                                   Boland, attended the                              senior softball.
      organization’s Hall                                ceremony  held  at                                  The Hall of Fame ceremony coincided with the launch
      of Fame in a Jan. 11                               Jupiter Community                                 of the association’s 2023 Winter League and Mariette was
      ceremony.                                          Park. The  event                                  given the honor of throwing out the ceremonial “first pitch.”
        Elias, 82, died last                             drew a large crowd                                Gerry Elias is the third person to be enshrined in the JSSA
      February. He was                                   of senior softball                                Hall of Fame since its establishment in 2020. The late
      chosen as the 2022  Gerry Elias, the 2022 Inductee   players, several of  Mariette Elias with ball she tossed to   Ted Battistone, who died in April 2020, was the inaugural
      Hall of Fame honoree  into the Jupiter Senior Softball   whom shared fond  open the senior softball Winter League  inductee followed by Mike Richmond, the 2021 inductee.
      by unanimous vote of  Hall of Fame                 memories of Gerry                                   The year-round slow-pitch softball program is open
      the JSSA board last                                and the many acts of kindness he performed for others.  to persons 55 and older and is sponsored by the Jupiter
      April. “Gerry was well liked and he made a huge difference     Association Vice Commissioner Richard Sewell spoke   Senior Softball Association in cooperation with the
      and is most deserving of this honor,” Commissioner Paul   of Gerry’s commitment to the senior softball program and   Town of Jupiter. For information contact Gary Newman
              HCHalfPage6.75x12.pdf   1   1/24/23   4:31 PM
      Storch said in opening the induction ceremony.     how crucial his leadership was to its success. Elias was   at (917) 623-0791. Registration can be made online at

                             FEBRUARY 23-26

                              WHERE GRIT

                           MEETS GREEN                                                                     Richard Sewell addresses family and friends of Hall of Fame
                                                                                                           inductee Gerry Elias

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