Page 6 - Jupiter West - February '23
P. 6

Page 6, Jupiter West
      Tax Talk

      Dear Friends:                                      Specialty Vs. Personalized                        development tax (TDT), otherwise known as “bed tax.” This
        This month, I thought I                                                                            money is collected by my office and distributed to the county
      would share a few “fun facts”                      License Plates                                    and invested in beach restoration, infrastructure, marketing
      about our office that I find                                                                         for the county and more. For a full breakdown of TDT
      quite interesting:                                   Have you ever thought about adding a little personality to   expenditures, visit
        • In December, our Client                        your vehicle? Specialty and personalized license plates allow   Pages/default.aspx.
      Care  and  Research  Center                        you to add that little something extra that your vehicle might     Anyone who rents or provides accommodations to visitors
      answered 18,840 phone calls.                       be missing; however, there are some important differences:  in Palm Beach County for six months or less is required to have
        • The top five states from                       Specialty License Plate                           a Tourist Development Tax Account and collect 6 percent
      where newly licensed Florida                         With over 100 plates from which to choose, these plates   of the total taxable rental receipts from the visitor. TDT must
      drivers previously resided                         raise funds for a variety of organizations throughout Florida   be reported monthly even if $0.00 revenue is collected.
      are New York, New Jersey, California, Pennsylvania and   and since the program began, millions of dollars have been     I frequently receive questions about TDT, and I thought I
      Massachusetts.                                     raised. These specialty plates include an additional fee   would share a few with you:
        • Each month, we electronically distribute more than 40,000   that is passed on to the sponsoring organization and varies     I want to list my property online (Airbnb, VRBO, or
      satisfaction surveys to clients who visit our service centers in   depending on the plate. Like standard plates, specialty plates   other platform), do I need a Tourist Development Tax
      person or contact our office by phone.             can be renewed for either one or two years and are replaced   (TDT) Account?
        • For this current property tax season, 65 percent of property   every 10 years. There are nearly two million specialty license     Yes, if you are renting your property for six months or less,
      owners paid their property taxes during the month of November.  plates currently issued in the State of Florida.  you need to set up a TDT account, in addition to a business tax
        • The cat, pictured poking its head out of the milk can in our   Personalized Plate                receipt for short-term rental. Both can be obtained by visiting
      installment payment plan advertisement, is my very own kitty,     If you want to add additional customization to your
      Ms. Bader.                                         vehicle you might be interested in a personalized plate. For     I need to create a TDT account, where do I start?
                                               Regards,  an additional fee, you can request a five to seven character     First, visit and review
                                        Anne M. Gannon,  plate depending on the type of plate being personalized.   our “How to Guides” for step-by-step instructions on how to
                                Constitutional Tax Collector,   Keep in mind that requested personalizations are subject to   create a TDT account.
                                Serving Palm Beach County  approval and availability. These plates can only be renewed     For any questions about tourist development tax, please
                                                         annually, and are replaced every five years.      visit,

                                                         ‘Tis The Season – The Tourist  Noteworthy Dates
                                                         Season That Is                                    Feb. 1  – Tourist Development

                                                                                                                   Taxes Due
                                                           It is that time of year when everyone is fleeing the frigid   Feb. 20 – President’s Day –
                                                         temperatures and descending on our oasis in the sunshine.        Office Closed
                                                         Restaurants are busier and traffic is heavier. In 2022 in   Feb. 28 – Deadline for Property
                                                         Palm Beach County, we collected $80,513,227.59 in tourist        Tax 1 Percent Discount

                                                          Town Of Jupiter News

                                                          By Jim Kuretski, Mayor,                          completed no later than Nov. 2, 2024, at which time half of
                                                          Town of Jupiter                                  the new bridge will be placed into service for one vehicular
                                                            The Town Council has                           lane in each direction. FDOT has provided its bridge
                                                          continued to collaboratively                     contractor with significant construction schedule acceleration
                                                          work with our town manager,                      financial incentives that should result in the shortest possible
                                                          town staff and others to                         bridge out of service duration period.
      … And The Survey Says …                             pursue implementation of                           Brightline Railroad Corridor Improvements Plus
                                                          various capital improvement                      Quiet Zone Designations – As part of Brightline’s project to
        Delivering on our commitment to provide exceptional   projects within our Town.                    extend service to Orlando, all railroad crossing intersections
      customer service, my staff and I remain dedicated to maximizing   The following provides             in Jupiter have been improved. The Town has begun the
      the efficiency of each transaction. Your feedback is very   a status update for some                 process of applying for Quiet Zone designations at all railroad
      important to us, and that is why we send out surveys to clients   key projects:                      crossing intersections. Target date for Quiet Zones is mid-2023.
      who have interacted with our office via phone or in-person at     Town Hall – Construction of a new Town Hall is now   Pedestrian safety fencing is planned to be installed in targeted
      one of our service centers. We are encouraged by the recent   underway. This new 42,000-square-foot building is being built   areas where residents have historically crossed the FEC railway
      results, which indicate that we are delivering on our promise   adjacent to the current, 40-plus-year old Town Hall, which   corridor between the roadway crossing intersections. This must
      of exceptional service.                             will be demolished to make room for a new Town Green area.   occur to protect residents and save lives, as Brightline is a high-
        Our most recent quarterly client satisfaction surveys show   Target occupancy date is early 2024. This new facility will be   speed passenger rail service with its trains reaching speeds of
      that more than 50 percent of our clients rate our service   fully paid for by use of existing funding sources and without   up to 110 mph through portions of Jupiter.
      “exceptional” and another 31 percent rate our service as   incurring any new bond debt.                Memorial Brick Programs Plus Police Officer Memorial
      “very good.” That means, more than 80 percent of our     U.S. 1 Bridge Replacement – This is a $135 million   – The Town will be launching a memorial brick program for
      clients tell us that they had a positive experience with our   federally funded project. Pre-Detour Phase construction   our Veteran’s Memorial in March 2023. This program will
      office. This puts our results significantly higher than the 62   began on Nov. 18, 2021. Intersection improvements have   allow residents to purchase memorial bricks for loved ones
      percent national average for government offices similar to ours.   been made along the detour route to be used during bridge   who served in the United States Armed Forces and/or police
      We are thrilled that our results are trending higher, and we will   construction. The Detour Phase will begin on March 13,   departments. The first batch of memorial bricks should be
      continue to strive for “exceptional” with every transaction.  at which time the contractor will begin demolition of the   installed by Veterans Day 2023. The Town will also install a
        Thank you to the thousands of clients for their time and effort   existing bridge structure. The Detour Phase should be   new memorial site to honor Jupiter police officers in late 2023.
                                                                                                                                > | Member SIPC
      in completing our surveys – we value your feedback!                                                                                  > | Member SIPC
       NEED A/C? We’ve Got You Covered!
                                                                                     > | Member SIPC   > | Member SIPC

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                               We’re excited to         there is ours.
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                               hear from you.            We’re excited to
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                                                         hear from you.
                                     We’re excited to
                                     hear from you.
                   Call Today for a FREE estimate!                   Sally S Stahl, AAMS™
                                                                     Financial Advisor
                                                                                                                   Sally S Stahl, AAMS™
                       561.575.2173                                  1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106   Sally S Stahl, AAMS™
                                                                                                                   Financial Advisor
                      231 Jupiter St., Jupiter, FL                   Jupiter, FL 33458              Financial Advisor
                                                                         1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106
                                                                                                                   1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106
                                                                                                    Jupiter, FL 33458  Jupiter, FL 33458
                                                                                                    561-748-7600   561-748-7600
                               IRT-1848H-A                                                           Sally S Stahl, AAMS™
                                                                                                     Financial Advisor

                                                         IRT-1848H-A                                 1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106
                                                                                                     Jupiter, FL 33458

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