Page 1 - The Shores of Jupiter - February '23
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Our Village Voice

        VOL. 34 NO. 2                                                                          FEBRUARY 2023

      Commissioner’s Update                                                                                 Bill’s Box

      Peanut Island – A Tropical
      Paradise With Historic                                                                                By Bill Thompson
                                                                                                            Shore s Ve hi c ul ar
      Significance                                                                                          Traffic
                                                                                                              Yes, that again …
      By Commissioner                                                                                       some of our residents
      Maria Marino                                                                                          cannot read or willfully
        Palm  Beach County’s                                                                                disobey speed limit
      Parks and Recreation                                                                                  signs. The speed limit
      Department  has  received                                                                             on Longshore Drive is
      national awards and                                                                                   30 mph! Whether  we
      recognition for a reason: we                                                                          like it or not, that is the law. It is easy to see cars are
      provide diverse, safe and                                                                             going faster. Some are preparing for takeoff. That
      affordable recreation service,                                                                        can contribute to a particular hazardous intersection
      welcoming parks, and                                                                                  at Longshore and Lake Bend Drive. Lake Bend is the
      enriching social and cultural                        The Florida Inland Navigational District owns a large   first intersection when entering The Shores. The right
      experiences. Our sights are                        portion of the northern half of the island that has continued   turn is onto the northern section of Lake Bend. Vehicles
      set on promoting wellness, practicing environmental   to serve as a spoil site.                       leaving Lake Bend trying to turn left leaving The
      stewardship, contributing economic value, and improving     When you visit the island, which you can reach by   Shores onto Central Boulevard from that intersection
      this community into the future.                    private boat, water taxi from Riviera Beach Marina or   are in danger.  When the developers laid out the
        This also includes a commitment to preserving historical   perhaps by kayak from nearby Phil Foster Park on Blue   roadways, they created a curved contour into The
      sites, like those found on Peanut Island. Excavation   Heron Boulevard, you will be awestruck by the crystal-clear   Shores that created a blind spot for drivers attempting
      performed in 1918 to create the Lake Worth Inlet resulted in   waters that surround the island. Numerous varieties of fish   a left turn from Lake Bend onto Longshore. One must
      the formation of the island, which grew over time as a spoil   are plentiful, which makes the island a popular destination   drive forward to see traffic from Central. Then when
      site. The dredging, which was vital to plans to support the   for fishing and snorkeling. You can also walk along winding   it “seems” safe, the driver must get to the middle of
      trade of peanut oil out of the port, led to its name. Now an   paver pathways, enjoy its beaches, or get together at one of   the intersection and often wait for Longshore traffic
      80-acre tropical park, Peanut Island is home to a former U.S.   several picnic areas or pavilions. A 17-site campground is   to slow or pass, sometimes at excessive speeds out to
      Coast Guard Station and boathouse, and the John F. Kennedy   available for overnight campers that you can reserve online   Central Boulevard. Those drivers could slow enough
      Bunker, a Cold-War era nuclear bomb shelter built in 1961.  at, or   to allow Lake Bend drivers a chance to get into a safer
        Situated on land owned by the Port of Palm Beach, the   by calling (561) 845-4445 or toll-free at (866) 383-5730.  lane out. On the contrary, some seem to speed up!
      facilities have suffered from decay and neglect. In January     Views from Peanut Island give you magnificent vistas of     So, we have two problems: dangerous intersection
      2022, the County Commission entered a 30-year lease   the inlet, up and down the Intracoastal Waterway, and quiet   and Longshore speeders. The HOA Board is in touch
      with the port to take over, restore, manage and maintain   marina views to the west. It is truly a wonderful means to   with our Jupiter Police Department to seek solutions.
      the historical properties for educational tours. The county   “get away from it all” for a day, not far from our bustling   One might be to install blinking cautionary lights.
      anticipates that grant funding, impact fees and legislative   metropolis.                             Another could be better enforcement of speeders on the
      appropriations will cover the costs of the extensive work     For more information, or if there is any way I can assist   full length of Longshore, reminder caution and warning
      required, and it has been an honor for me to participate in   you, please contact me at (561) 355-2201 or by email at   lights at intervals along the way. Both enforcement and
      securing and preserving this site for future generations.                        traffic engineering would have to work together. I have
                                                                                                            confidence in Jupiter’s finest (JPD) to address these
      Solid Waste Authority                                                                                 problems and produce improvements.
                                                                                                              One other thing … most of us are aware that we
      Recycling Right Means                              $500,000 was shared with municipalities from Tequesta to   now have had two tragic accidents at the intersection
      Revenue For Palm Beach                             Boca Raton. Since the SWA started the Municipal Revenue   Bill’s Box on page 3
                                                         Share Program in 2010, partner municipalities have shared
      County Municipalities                              more than $10.2 million.
                                                           The Municipal Revenue Share Program rewards the
        When Palm Beach County                           SWA’s municipal partners for the role they play in making
      residents  recycle  right,  their                  Palm Beach County’s dual stream recycling program
      municipality celebrates all year                   successful. Each city’s recyclables are transported to the
      long in the form of recycling                      SWA, and once the SWA has sorted, baled and sold those
      revenue share.                                     commodities, the revenue is shared back with the cities, after
        The recycling market was still                   processing costs.
      hot coming into Fiscal Year 22                       In the last fiscal year, county residents placed more than
      but started to cool by the end.                    95,000 tons of recyclables in their blue and yellow recycle
      Good news is that the Solid Waste                  bins. That’s more than 1.9 million pounds of recyclable waste
      Authority of Palm Beach County                     that would have otherwise been trashed.
      (SWA) was able to share recycling revenues with the cities it
      serves. In FY 2022 (Oct. 1, 2021 to Sept. 30, 2022), almost   Solid Waste Authority on page 2

                                                                                     REPORT SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY IMMEDIATELY

                                                                                          TO THE JUPITER POLICE DEPARTMENT
                                                                                                           (561) 799-4445

                                                                                                 Use 911 for emergencies only. Lock car doors.
                                                                                                       Do not leave valuables in the car.
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