Page 10 - The Shores of Jupiter - February '23
P. 10

Page 10, The Shores
      Wuxi, China And Life On The Grand Canal

      Previously submitted by the                        to Shanghai for reshipment. The grain
      late Don Kiselewski, MCC,                          trade increased even more when the rail
      D.S., Palm Beach Gardens                           line was completed between Nanking
      Travel Leaders                                     to the northwest and Shanghai to the
        Although not exactly a                           east, with Wuxi becoming the central
      household name or familiar                         collection point for grain in the line.
      spot on the globe,  Wuxi                           Having ridden on the passenger service
      is nonetheless one of the                          on this section of China’s railway, I can
      important cities in China.                         attest to its cleanliness as well as lack
      However, it is one of those                        of concern for punctuality.
      places that you must want                            Wuxi is also one of the centers of
      to visit, because it is rare                       the traditional (hand-operated) textile
      to find it on any of the                           industries, being engaged in both
      regular tours that visit                           cotton textiles and silk reeling. The
      sites in China.  The city,                         cotton yarn produced is woven not only
      pronounced  “woo-she,”                             in the city itself but also in Zhangzhou  Wuxi’s city center
      lies on the Grand Canal –                          and Suzhou (or Soochow). Silk reeled
      which stretches more than                          in Wuxi is most often woven into cloth in Suzhou and
      1,000 miles from Beijing                           Shanghai. The production of silk was developed by a group
      to Hangzhou – near the                             of Shanghai merchants, all of whom were former residents
      northeast corner of Lake                           of the Wuxi area. Since 1970, Wuxi has been the center
      Taihu.                                             of silk reeling in China. Because of the close line of the
        Wuxi is one of the oldest                        two cities, Wuxi was known colloquially before WWII as
      cities in the Yangtze River                        “Little Shanghai.”
      Delta area. It was originally                        Modern fabrics and manufacturing processes have
      known as a source of tin,                          changed the character of the manufactured goods that
      however, by the time the  A man fries seafood in a food   emanate from the city. Today, food processing, machine
      county was founded under  market in the center of Wuxi.  tools, engineered products and the like are the backbone of
      the former Han dynasty                             Wuxi’s industry. However, silk is still the jewel of the city,
      (206 B.C. to A.D. 8), the deposits were exhausted and so   and no trip to the city is complete without experiencing
      it was named Wuxi, meaning “without tin.”          its silk industry, from the worm to the thread. The maze   Sunset on Lake Taihu near the shores of Wuxi
        Since early times, the area around the city has been   of smaller lakes and canals fill the area and produce still
      extremely fertile, and after the completion of the Grand   another crop for the area: fish. Fish farming of carp, catfish
      Canal in A.D. 609, Wuxi became the transshipping center   and other freshwater fish in these waters provides a major
      of grain destined for the capital, Beijing. It thus became   portion of the necessary food. Fish and rice are the two
      one of the greatest grain markets in China, handling vast   main staples of the Chinese diet.
      quantities of rice annually, and was the seat of a complex     No  story  about  Wuxi  would  be  complete  without
      commercial organization made up of extremely wealthy   further details of the Grand Canal, from which it gained
      merchants and middlemen.                           its geographic prominence. The canal was started in fourth
        When the Grand Canal fell into decay after 1850, Wuxi   century B.C., and was extensively rebuilt in A.D. 607. It
      retained its importance as a rice market, exporting grain   was originally named the Shanyang Canal, and was cut
                                                         between the Yangtze and Huang Ho (Yellow) rivers. In
                                                         recent times this portion of the canal has been called the
                                                         Southern Grand Canal.

                                                                                                           An old vessel docks along the Grand Canal in Wuxi.

                                                                                                             Another major portion of the canal was completed
                                                                                                           during the Sui dynasty, at the same time the original canal
                                                                                                           was being rebuilt. The New Pein Canal was an east-west
                                                                                                           link between the Huang Ho and Huai Ho rivers. This
                                                                                                           served the needs of the Chinese until the 13th century,
                                                                                                           when during the Yuan (Mongol) dynasty, the need to bring
                                                                                                           the waterway to Beijing was fulfilled. At the time, the
                                                                                                           capital was Beijing, but several centuries later during the
                                                                                                           Ming dynasty, it was moved to Nanjing, which launched
                                                                                                           the building of the various interconnecting canals until
                                                                                                           the 19th century.
                                                         Traditional houses near the Grand Canal in the center
                                                         of Wuxi                                           Wuxi, China on page 11

      Knights on horseback fight out an ancient war in an outdoor  It’s The Law!

      theater in Wuxi. The scene portrays typical warfare during
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