Page 11 - The Shores of Jupiter - February '23
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The Shores, Page 11
      Financial Focus

      Passing Assets Through A                           key benefits. For example, your estate can avoid the time-    When are distributions made? As the grantor, you can
                                                         consuming, and highly public, process of probate. Plus,
                                                                                                           choose when assets will be distributed to the beneficiaries
      Trust: What To Know                                you can be highly specific about how your assets will be   you’ve named. You could decide to keep the assets in the
                                                         distributed.                                      trust until a beneficiary reaches the age of majority; note that
      By Sally Sima Stahl                                  To establish a trust, you will need to work with a qualified   the age of majority is not the same in all states. Or you could
        As the year winds down,                          estate-planning attorney. And while you’ll discuss many   choose to “phase in” the distributions at particular ages – e.g.,
      your thoughts might drift to                       issues, here are three key questions that will certainly need   30, 35, 40 – or after a certain number of years. You could even
      the future. And, as part of that                   to be addressed:                                  hold assets in the trust for the lifetimes of the beneficiaries.
      future, you may be thinking                          Who will serve as trustee of the trust? As the grantor, or   These types of choices will depend on several factors, such
      of where your financial assets                     creator, of your trust, you will pick the trustee – the individual   as your feelings for how responsible a beneficiary might be
      will end up. You’ve worked                         or corporate entity that will manage the trust’s assets and   in managing money.
      hard to accumulate them,                           carry out the purpose of the trust. You could choose a trusted     For what purposes can the trust assets be used?
      and you’ll certainly need                          loved one, but this individual might not have the knowledge   In addition to choosing  when your trust should make
      some of them to support your                       or experience to manage the responsibilities of a trustee.   distributions, you can decide how these assets should be used.
      retirement, but what about                         As an alternative, you could choose a corporate fiduciary,   You could designate some broad categories, such as health,
      the rest? What’s the best way                      such as a bank or trust company. These entities are typically   education, maintenance and support. A beneficiary’s request
      to pass them on to your loved ones?                regulated by outside agencies and provide significant public   for distributions in these areas is usually granted. But you
        There’s no single path for everyone to follow. But you   matter expertise. Of course, they charge for their services   could also structure the trust to provide mandatory income,
      might consider establishing a trust, which offers some   and often have account minimums.            perhaps once a year, or include a provision that provides
                                                                                                           incentives, such as distributing certain amounts of money once
                                                                                                           the beneficiary has achieved a milestone, such as finishing a
         Wuxi, China from page 10                        stories of its importance can be felt in the structures   degree or purchasing a first home.
                                                         and, more importantly, the people who live, work and     One final note: Although you clearly have great control
           In the 19th century a series of disastrous floods broke   utilize the canal. I am sure that much has changed in   over what your trust can accomplish, its effectiveness will
         the dikes of the Huang Ho, causing great problems   the living standards of the people who live along the   also depend, to a great extent, on its asset level. With this in
         in the northern sections of the system. These acts of   banks of the canal, however, to outsiders the customs   mind, you’ll want to pay close attention to your investment
         nature, coupled with the Taiping and Nien Rebellions,   still being practiced seem primitive.     decisions throughout your life and your withdrawal strategy
         caused the canal to Beijing to be abandoned; it fell     Wuxi will probably never be sold as a travel   during retirement. The better your choices in these areas, the
         into disrepair  and became unusable. It  wasn’t until   destination through the exciting photographs of a travel   more options you’ll have with your trust – and the greater the
         Communist rule in 1958 that work began to restore   brochure, but for those whose need for knowledge   potential benefits for your beneficiaries.
         the canal to its full prominence.  The aim of the   exceeds the pleasures of life in tourist areas, Wuxi     This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local
         reconstruction was to restore the canal to a state that   offers the experience of a lifetime.    Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones, Member SIPC.
         could handle 2,000-ton ships. Between 1958 and 1965     The late Don Kiselewski wrote from his personal     Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states
         the canal was straightened, widened and dredged.   experiences, having traveled in 122 countries and cruised   and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P.,
         In addition, a new section some 40 miles long was   the oceans, seas and rivers of the world. Palm Beach   and in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through
         constructed. By the mid-1970s the canal could accept   Gardens Travel Leaders, his family owned and operated   Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.; Edward
         medium-sized barge traffic throughout its length.   agency, is located at Mirasol Town Square, 11360 North   Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward
         Today, the majority of traffic on the canal is located in   Jog Road, Building A, Suite 102-6, Palm Beach Gardens.   Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
         the southern sections, below Suzhou.            The agency has been serving the travel needs of the South     Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors cannot
           Sailing on the Grand Canal, one can appreciate the   Florida area for over a quarter of a century. Contact them   provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified tax
         importance of this waterway, not only with respect to   at (561) 694-9696 or  advisor regarding your situation.
         the movement of goods, but also to the way of life. The                Photos by Don Kiselewski     Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
                                                                                                           1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.

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