Page 15 - Talk of Tequesta- March '23
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The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 15

                                                             TheaTre happenings

                                                         Rex Recommends

                                                                          By Rex Hearn

      Palm Beach Opera                                  Flagler Museum Music Series                        you can see the new Pretty Woman based on the Richard
        March 24 to  26,  this                            Attracting only the highest quality chamber groups, these   Geer, Julia Roberts movie of the same name from March 7
      distinguished company                             concerts are regularly featured on National Public Radio’s   to 12. The New World Symphony appears on Monday, March
      present Verdi’s  comic                            Performance Today. The fifth and last concert of the series   13 at 8 p.m. An African American Film Festival begins on
      masterpiece, Falstaff. Taken                      is on Tuesday, March 7 at 7:30 p.m. featuring the Neave   March 16 in the Rinker Playhouse. Comedian Jerry Seinfeld
      from  The  Merry  Wives  of                       Trio: Anna Williams, violin; Mikhail Veselov, cello; and Eri   appears on March 18 at 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. The Zurich,
      Windsor and  Henry lV by                          Nakamura, piano. Often compared to the late Beaux Arts Trio,   Switzerland, Chamber Music Orchestra gives a concert on
      Christopher Marlowe, I’m of                       a Boston music critic said of them, “Their unanimity of style,   Sunday afternoon, March 19, at 2 p.m. as part of Kravis
      the belief Marlowe wrote the                      communication, variety of touch and expressive sensibility   Center’s Classical Concert Series.
      bard of Avon’s plays. Verdi,                      are of the first rank.” Meet the musicians after the concert     And the musical  Wicked as  part of their Kravis On
      in retirement some years,                         during a champagne and dessert reception. For tickets please   Broadway series goes up on March 29 through April 9. Ballet
      had visits from his friend and                    call (561) 655-2833.                               Palm Beach presents A Midsummer Night’s Dream from
      librettist, Arrigo Boito. Sensing the old man’s restlessness,   Kravis Center                        March 31 to April 2.
      Boito left a copy of his draft of Falstaff for Verdi to find     Famous for the excellent Broadway shows they present,     For tickets call (800) 572-8471.
      after one of his visits. The trick worked. At 80 years of age
      Verdi produced a brilliant work. Company favorite, Michael
      Chioldi returns as Sir John Falstaff. Antonelllo Allemandi                        Rex’s Review
      conducts. Event is at the Kravis Center. Call the box office
      at (561) 833-7888. Don’t miss it.                                    Palm Beach Symphony: A Splendid Mix
      Palm Beach Symphony
        Also appearing at The Kravis Center on Tuesday March
      14 at 8 p.m., conducted by Maestro Gerard Schwarz, the     The Jan. 30 concert at the Kravis Center harkened back   or three rehearsals to be up to speed, but it is the conductor’s
      orchestra opens with  Sojourn:  Reflections  on  Thoreau   to Victorian times when orchestras threw together soloists,   vision and direction that gives them polish, distinction
      commissioned by the symphony. The composer, Joseph   popular songs and heavy and light music pieces. It was a   and beautiful playing. They respond to Maestro Schwarz
      Schwanter, 1943, from Keene, N.H., writes, “It is a   night when Palm Beach Symphony showed their versatility,   enthusiastically and the two are as one. His leadership is
      musical journey inspired by the words of Henry David   brilliantly accompanying the great mezzo, Susan Graham,   inspiring.
      Thoreau, who said, ‘Music is the sound of the circulation   playing a Debussy work with sensitivity and refinement,     After the lively Marriage of Figaro overture of Mozart,
      in nature’s veins.’” Next, noted pianist Misha Dichter plays   and delivering a heavy Russian work with conviction. Under   singer, Susan Graham, began with the two popular mezzo
      George Gershwin’s Piano Concerto in F, a serious work,   the baton of Gerard Schwarz they have become a great   arias from that same opera and a serious piece from Mozart’s
      commissioned by Walter Damrosch, conductor of the New   orchestra comparable to the London Philharmonic, across the   Le Clemenza di Tito. Naturally chosen to show off her
      York Symphony in 1925. He had heard Rhapsody in Blue   pond, whose new dominance of that city’s 10 professional   amazing range, she delivered in spades; the Figaro songs
      and knew of Gershwin’s desire to be accepted as a classical   orchestras is due to their new Music Director Edward Gardner   fast and romantic with some lovely quiet passages and the
      composer. Webern’s Adagio follows, arranged by Maestro   – a comparison that is not lightly made.    Tito aria yearning and rueful, its dramatic melancholy nicely
      Schwarz. Stravinsky’s exciting The Firebird ballet suite     What is the key to this glorious sound? It is in a word –
      ends the program. Call (561) 281-0145.            refinement. Professional musicians at this level need only two   Theatre Happenings on page 16

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