Page 19 - Talk of Tequesta- March '23
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The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 19

      mediCal maTTers from page 18                        For more information about Jupiter
                                                        Medical Center, visit jupitermed.
      integrated into the institute’s design, providing seamless  com, call (561) 263-2234 or follow
      updates from the care team to a patient’s family.   Jupiter Medical Center on Twitter @
        “We  are  incredibly  grateful  and  energized  by  the  JupiterMedCtr or on Facebook and
      support of our donors, especially Johnny and Terry Gray,  Instagram @jupitermedicalcenter.
      who have given generously to this project,” said Traci  For more information about the
      Simonsen, interim chief philanthropy officer of Jupiter  Jupiter Medical Center Foundation
      Medical Center Foundation. “The community’s support  and ways to give or become involved,
      can be felt when you walk through our halls and connect  visit, call (561)
      with our medical team. It is truly something special.”   263-5728 or follow the foundation   Terry Gray              Katherine and Steven Pinard

                                         iT’s The law!

           Did You Know That, In Florida …

                                             By Adam S. Gumson, Esq.
          Probate involves the                            If a trust owns a unit in a condominium association, the
        process of appointing a                         grantor of the trust, or a qualified beneficiary of the trust is
        personal representative                         considered a member of the association and can serve as
        (often called  executor                         a director of the association provided he/she occupies the
        in other states) whose                          condominium unit.                                  on Instagram @jupitermedicalcenterfoundation and on
        duty it is to discover                             A power of attorney becomes operative immediately   Facebook @jmcfoundation.
        and pay valid creditors                         upon execution. Florida does not permit a signatory to state   About Jupiter Medical Center
        of the estate. Having a                         a future date for effectiveness. This powerful document     Highly rated in the region for quality, safety and
        will does  not negate the                       gives the named attorney-in-fact the ability to perform any   patient experience, Jupiter Medical Center is the leading
        need for probate. It only                       of the powers detailed in the document instantly.   destination for world-class health care in Palm Beach
        identifies the preferred                          Jupiter Law Center is a private neighborhood law firm   County and across the Treasure Coast. Jupiter Medical
        personal representative                         located in the RiverPlace Professional Center, 1003 W.   Center’s state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge
        and beneficiaries. However, if there are still bank accounts  Indiantown Road, Suite 210, Jupiter, FL, (561) 744 - 4600,   technologies enable its award-winning physicians to
        or other assets in the decedent’s name at the time of death, The firm provides peace of mind by   provide  a  comprehensive continuum  of inpatient  and
        and those accounts do not have designated beneficiaries, it  solving problems with integrity and compassion in the areas   outpatient health care services. Jupiter Medical Center’s
        is likely that a probate shall be required.     of estate planning (wills and trusts, powers of attorney, health   specialty centers of excellence include: orthopedics,
          Alimony is not one-size-fits-all. Florida provides  care surrogates, living wills, probate estates, succession   comprehensive cancer care, cardiovascular care,
        a number of distinct alimony options: temporary,  planning, contracts and purchase/sale agreements), family   neurosciences, and women’s and children’s services. For
        rehabilitative, durational, bridge-the-gap or permanent  law (divorce, paternity, child support and time sharing,   more information about Jupiter Medical Center, please
        and the scope of each type of alimony can vary widely  alimony, property distribution, modifications, collaborative   call (561) 263-2200 or visit
        depending on the financial disparity of the parties, the  law, pre/post nuptial agreements) and real estate (community
        length of the marriage and a number of other factors that  association law, residential and commercial transactions,   Photos by Tracey Benson Photography
        are considered by the court.                    deeds, closings).                                                       Drone photos by tbcreativegroup
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