Page 14 - Abacoa Community News - April '23
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Page 14, Abacoa
      ArouNd AbAcoA

      Maltz Jupiter Theatre’s Goldner Conservatory

      Exciting Theater Camp                              Ever Happily After, July 10 To 30                    • Superhero Mashup, July 10 To 14: Learn what happens

                                                           During this three-week whirlwind experience, campers
      Opportunities Available To                           will combine all the storybook characters they can think of   when superhero worlds collide! Campers explore all superheroes
                                                                                                           and their powers. Grades K through 2.
      Students Of All Ages                               (Pinocchio, Gretel, Three Little Pigs, the list goes on …) and add      Spring and summer classes will be held in the professional
                                                         a touch of hip music. They’ll have a blast creating characters,   rehearsal hall at the theatre’s newly renovated, state-of-the-art
                                                         learning songs, and practicing dances for their performances on   facility. A campaign is under way to raise funds to finalize and
                                                         July 29 and 30. Grades 3 through 7.               expand the interior space of the Goldner Conservatory. Once
                                                         Senior Conservatory Summer Camps                  completed, the arts education facility will be able to engage
                                                            • Broadway Dance Intensive, May 30 To June 2: Spend   more students within our community in after-school, weekend
                                                         the week with dance professionals improving your technique in   and summer classes and productions.
                                                         Broadway styles. Grades 7 through 12.                The Maltz Jupiter Theatre invites parents to help their children
                                                            • Ten-Minute Play Production Camp, June 26 To July   unleash their inner thespian this spring and summer by visiting
                                                         7: Students interested in producing plays only (no singing or to sign up for
                                                         dancing) are invited to participate in this program, in addition   classes, or email Kim Cozort Kay at kcozort@jupitertheatre.
                                                         to collaborating with established playwrights to write their own   org. Space is limited, so early registration is recommended.
                                                         plays. A true collaboration for students wanting to explore all   About The Maltz Jupiter Theatre
                                                         aspects of scene work, character development and playwriting.      The not-for-profit Maltz Jupiter Theatre has become one
         At the conservatory, students from pre-K to 12th grade      • Stage Combat, July 24 To 28: Learn first-rate, safe, and   of Florida’s preeminent professional theatres, committed to
      can explore the wonders of theatre and benefit from a variety   instructional hand-to-hand and weapon combat from actor,   production and education through its collaborations with
      of educational opportunities. Arts education has been proven   choreographer, and certified combat instructor Nicky Jasper.   local and national artists. Currently the state’s largest award-
      to offer a wealth of benefits such as fostering a sense of   Grades 7 through 12.                    winning regional theatre, the theatre draws nearly 100,000
      self-identity, developing empathy, aiding mental clarity, and   Junior Conservatory Summer Camps     people annually, serves a subscription base of more than
      broadening horizons.                                  • Pirates and Princesses, June 5 To 9: Campers explore   6,200 and has world-class classroom facilities in support of
         Places everyone! Children are invited to share their   stories and characters of all favorite princesses and pirate worlds.   its Goldner Conservatory, which serves hundreds of youths
      creative spirit with these performing arts education   Grades K through 2.                           and adults. Recently having completed a stunning $36 million
      programs.                                             • Space Camp: Oh, my stars! Asteroids and Moons! June   renovation, the theatre now boasts state-of-the-art professional
         The stage is set, and the curtains are drawn at the Maltz   12 To 16: Look out! Falling stars and asteroids! Explore all space   facilities that support the talented artists who create Broadway-
      Jupiter Theatre for budding performers to explore the wonders   characters and settings. Aliens, the moon and stars, astronauts.   quality productions on stage. The theatre is a member of
      of theatre! In a world where the arts are often undervalued   You name it! Blast off! Grades 3 through 5.  the prestigious League of Resident Theatres and has earned
      and underfunded in many schools, Maltz Jupiter Theatre is      • Castles and Caves, June 19 To 23: From trolls to queens   numerous Carbonell Awards, South Florida’s highest honor for
      proud to offer top-rated performing arts education programs   and knights, campers will take a trip with characters living in   artistic excellence, including the
      for all children from pre-K to 12th grade this spring break and   castles and caves as we create fun stories. Grades K through 2.  prestigious Bill Von Maurer Award
      summer at the Goldner Conservatory.                   • Mystery Spy Camp, June 26 To 30: Do you love a good   for Theatrical Excellence. For more
         An arts education has been widely documented to offer   mystery? Campers will create their mystery and solve the crime!   information about the theatre’s
      a plethora of benefits, such as fostering a sense of self-  Grades 3 through 5.                      upcoming shows and activities at
      identity, developing empathy, aiding mental clarity, and      • Under the Sea, July 5 To 7: Children will explore all   the Goldner Conservatory, visit
      broadening horizons. In its 20th year of existence, the Goldner   creatures under the sea, from mermaids, sharks, angelfish, and or call the
      Conservatory’s goal is to provide exceptional theatre training   maybe Nemo! Campers use music and movement to create   box office at (561) 575-2223.
      and nurture students’ exploration of basic storytelling through   stories. Ages 3 to 5.
      the spoken and written word, song, movement, and dance. The
      conservatory celebrates new and original ideas and empowers
         The conservatory is a premier professional conservatory,  Addington Place – Valentine’s Day
      the individual voice within a safe haven.

      led by professional actress and Director of Education Kim
      Cozort Kay, that offers the highest caliber of artistic education   Report and Photos by Penny Sheltz
      to students of all ages. The staff strives to listen, educate, and      Addington Place invited residents of the
      perform, while utilizing studies of language, literature, literacy   area for a Valentine’s Day lunch and to learn
      and memory skills, and all disciplines of self-confidence, poise   about their senior lifestyle community.
      and collaboration are encouraged.                       Residents are surrounded by beautiful,
         “At the Goldner Conservatory, we believe that every child   serene, and on this day sunny, Florida
      deserves access to top-notch performing arts education and   landscapes. Many retirees choose to live a
      to have the opportunity to explore and grow as individuals,”   hassle-free lifestyle with wellness programs
      said Kay. “We are proud to offer a broad range of programs   and Addington Place is that and more with
      this spring and summer that foster creativity, cultivate talent,   first rate amenities, convenient wellness
      and allow students of all ages and levels to find their unique   services, personalized care, and much more.
      voice.”                                                 Friendly staff gave a nice greeting and
         The conservatory held an open house on March 17 to meet   were genuinely courteous and helpful,
      the staff and learn more about the various classes, lessons, and   including dining chefs and servers. The
      camps available to students. Whether creating stories together,   lunch of steak and lobster was absolutely delicious!  much about the community and lifestyle as stated. On this
      building confidence onstage, or learning to work as part of an      The event was a wonderful representation of Addington   tour it was shared that Addington Place has plans for a $1.6
      ensemble, the theatre’s educational programs have something   Place and their engaging social events amongst life-enriching   million renovation in the works.
      for everyone this year:                              activities and outings.                            Addington Place of Jupiter is a 55-plus community in
      School’s Out Day Camp, April 7                          Guests were invited to tour the beautiful facility, learning   Jupiter offering a safe, fun senior lifestyle with peace of mind.
         Students will create a play in a day, exploring the
      fundamentals of storytelling through music and theatre.
      Grades K through 5.
      The Addams Family: School Edition, June 5 To 25
         Spend the month of June performing in this musical that
      will bring out your inner ghoul. Celebrate all the characters
      in this “snappy” musical, then perform on the Maltz Jupiter
      Theatre mainstage on June 24 and 25. Grades 8 through 12.
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