Page 9 - Abacoa Community News - April '23
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Abacoa, Page 9

       NeigHborHood News

      Abacoa Community Garden

      Solitary Bees – The Super                            sting, it feels more like a mosquito bite rather than a bee sting.
                                                           Solitary bees rarely sting and are docile. Even if they do
      Pollinators                                        This photograph shows the unusual bee houses that have
                                                         been installed to attract the bees. Even though the inhabitants
         The Abacoa Community                            sometimes appear to be fickle, at least the houses attract our
      Garden is a member of the                          attention and remind us that we can plant and nurture, but it
      Crown  Bees  Community                             is the bees that provide the essential service.
      Garden Pollination Program,                           For  more  information  see:
      which is about enticing                            community-garden-pollination-program/.
      solitary  cavity-dwelling                             Garden  membership  runs  from Aug.  1  to  July
      bees  to  move in.  Solitary                       31.  Download  forms  at
      bees are more efficient pollinators than honeybees and are   community-garden  or  find  one  in  the  mailbox  at  the
      considered super-pollinators supporting food production and   garden entrance at 1022 Community Drive. There is a
      ecosystems. Bees need the nectar and pollen that flowers   waiting list for independent beds but if interested, just
      provide, and flowers need the pollination. For us, flowers   check the box. Stop by, especially Saturday morning, and
      include peppers, tomatoes, corn and all budding crops.  check out our Facebook page.                  It’s The Law!

        The Singles Scene Column                                            ©                               Did You Know That, In

        Contents Inside May Cause Happiness!               We have also noticed that our clients are falling in love   Florida…
                                                        quicker than in years prior. The “L-word” comes easier these
        By: Kelly Leary, M.S.,                          days. Exclusivity is making a comeback. Traditional one-on-  By Adam S. Gumson, Esq.
        CEO/Head Matchmaker                             one dating is on the rise leading to sustainable courtships and/or      While Florida law
           “Life moves pretty fast. If                  forever love. This is just the happiest news ever, right?   doesn’t require a lawyer
        you don’t stop and look around                     Thanks for spending your time with me again today. I am
        once in a while, you could miss                 looking forward to catching up with you soon. Please mention   be involved in completing
        it.” ~~Ferris Bueller                           this article for priority booking when you are on the phone with   a real estate transaction,
           Happy March to all of our                    one of my matchmakers! Our schedules are filling up quickly this   retaining one at the
        clients, friends, and couples.                  year (lucky you...the more the merrier).            beginning of the buying or
        Spring is days away. This is a                     Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to all! Let’s celebrate together!   selling process can prevent
        time for new beginnings and                                                          XOXO, Kelly
        refreshing. Spring cleaning                        #LuckyInLove #RevolutionDating #SpringIntoLove   having to hire one due to
        is not only for the home.                       #JoinTheMovement #TellYourFriends                   a contract dispute later.
        It’s for the soul. If you find                     Kelly Leary  has 32 years in the dating          Remember,  there is  no
        yourself nesting and making                     industry and a Master’s Degree in Psychology.       such thing as a standard
        your surroundings even more                     She’s been profiled by  Florida Woman               contract!
        beautiful this time of year, remember to prioritize your personal life   Magazine, The Palm Beach Post, Stuart
        too. There is no better anti-aging phenomenon than falling in love.   Magazine, and other local publications. All      There is no state inheritance tax. However, when someone
        You are never too old and it is never too late! In the here and now,   Revolution Dating clients are prescreened   passes away, a final individual tax return might be necessary
        calm your heart and light up your soul. Positive things are about to   in person in their private corporate office.   to file on behalf of the decedent (i.e., the person who dies) or
        happen for you! Ready. Set. Go.                 Professional photos are taken by the staff. Revolution Dating   on behalf of the estate.
                 1. Believe In Yourself. What do you love about YOU?   is not online dating or blind dating. In addition to providing      Special needs trusts are designed to provide for a
        Regardless of your age, clothing size, or status—know that you   matchmaking services that make singles “UN-single” through their
        have a lot to offer. Your future guy or girl (who is right around the   exclusive membership, each membership is custom made to suit you   physically or mentally disabled trust beneficiary in such a
        corner) will feel the same way too. Banish self-doubt. Confidence   and your needs. For more information, please call 561-630-XOXO   way that the trust assets are not counted for the purposes of
        mixed with kindness is appealing. Don’t let the noise between   (9696) or 772-932-HERE (4373) or visit www.revolutiondating.  Medicaid eligibility. It allows trust income to be distributed to
        your ears talk you out of dating. All of the good ones are not   com. *All inquiries are confidential. *Representing Ages 21 to 81.   improve the recipient’s quality of life by paying for expenses
        taken~~just look in the mirror!                                                                     not covered by Medicaid. A special needs trust can cover
                 2. Minimize Time Killers. Decrease your time on social   Local Revolutionary Hot Shots:
        media sites. Intentionally change your patterns this March and      The following photos were taken at the corporate headquarters   such additional care as personal grooming, entertainment,
        socialize IRL (in real life). Walk away from the dating app trap and   of Revolution Dating located in PGA Commons. Revolution   electronic equipment including computers and TVs, some
        hire a professional to do the work for you. Stop dating that man or   Dating has been shining like a star over PGA Boulevard for   non-government funded medical expenses such as massage
        woman that you know is not the one. Focus your energy in a positive   almost ten years and counting. LOCATION is KEY when you   therapy, and even equipment and transportation.
        direction. If someone or something is not serving you--cut the ties.   want the best clients in South Florida and the Treasure Coast.      Upon a divorce, a former spouse listed as a beneficiary,
                 3. Be Vulnerable. Fear of rejection should not govern you.   Please note, the following clients enjoy the extra exposure as
        If you sense that this is your problem, talk to a trusted friend or a   an add-on bonus--and they have agreed to go public. If you are   is no longer a beneficiary in a will under Florida Statutes. If
        therapist. My team and I are always available for questions too, if   interested in any of our amazing clients here, please mention it   the intent is to keep a former spouse in the will, a new will
        you need a neutral and honest opinion. When you date with intention,   when you call. Know that the majority of our database wishes   should be prepared after the divorce is final to confirm that
        the dating process will be much more fun than you think. Half of this   to remain confidential and you can too. Obviously, these clients   the person making the will, still wants the ex-spouse to be a
        is who we date, but the other half is how we date. So many people   will be swept away soon so do act before they become TAKEN.   beneficiary.
        find the right one who has everything they are looking for and they   Timing is everything. Many of them are already on their first dates
        are so afraid of rejection that they either self-sabotage or freeze.   and second dates. We move quickly and so should you. We look      Jupiter Law Center is a private neighborhood law firm
                 4. Cool Down Urges. Overdoing food, drink, or any other vice   forward to collaborating with you too! This is clearly not blind   located in the RiverPlace Professional Center, 1003 W.
        is a surefire way to sabotage the balance of your romantic future.   dating or online dating. This is matchmaking the best of the best   Indiantown Road, Suite 210, Jupiter, Fla., (561) 744-4600,
        If you find yourself overindulging and doing things you should not   singles in our local communities. This firm does not enroll people
        be doing or dating people you should not be dating, you are only   over the phone or on a video chat. *If someone is pre-qualified      The firm provides peace of mind by solving problems
        destroying the chances of living your best life. You are essentially   we will make an exception and do the first interview via video
        blocking yourself from love. I.E. Thwart your own escape tendencies   chat but the goal is to meet all clients at least twice in-person in   with integrity and compassion in the areas of estate planning
        and face the mystical music of love that you yearn for deep down.   our office. This is a good thing in this day and age. What’s not to   (wills and trusts, powers of attorney, health care surrogates,
                 5. Walk It Off. Movement is key and is a cure for mild   love? My clients love their life (as you can tell in these photos)   living wills, probate estates, succession planning, contracts
        depression and/or anxiety. The next time you find yourself plopping   but there is one thing missing...could it be YOU?   and purchase/sale agreements), family law (divorce,
        down on the couch after dinner, go for a 30-minute walk instead.      Let the good times roll!      paternity, child support and time sharing, alimony, property
        The rewards of action versus stillness are too profound to measure.
        Your mind will relax and create more space for loving people and                                    distribution, modifications, collaborative law, pre/post nuptial
        thoughts. This is medical science. You will sleep better too. Your                                  agreements) and real estate (community association law,
        future companion will appreciate your extra beauty sleep!                                           residential and commercial transactions, deeds, closings).
                 6. Reconnect by Disconnecting. Instead of spending time
        alone in front of the television or on social media, make a date
        with someone you would like to get to know better--or make an
        appointment with me. The point is: If you don’t know anyone
        to connect with, we can help make an introduction for you. It is
        not what you know, it is who you know. It’s simple. It’s math.
        It’s smart. Life is all about connecting.
                 7. Expand Your Circle. Make new friends and see new places.   Meet Jason...  Meet Corrina...  Meet Liz...  It’s The Law!
        Challenge yourself. Awaken. It’s good for your brain...not to mention   Managing   Retired and   Registered Nurse
        your love life and your health. Dare to do something out of your daily   Partner/CEO  Loving Life   and Wellness Coach
        grind. Do it today. Variety is the “spice of life:” and will compliment
        your life, year, mind, heart, and soul. You deserve it too. Refill that
        love tank. You have waited long enough and missed out on enough
        this past twelve months. So, keep calm and go for it! You’re alive
        and the world is full of wonder this Spring of 2023.
           We have always had an impressive draw of people in this club,                                    Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing
        but I have to say that the clientele we are meeting this year and last                              Palm Beach County and is a privately
        year is different and even more impressive than in prior years. With                                owned and managed company.
        the online dating nose dive gone rampant in Florida, quality singles                                Captain’s is committed to providing
        are more likely to hire a verified matchmaker (with a physical local                                dependable, reliable and professional
        office). I’ve also noticed that people that would usually not commit are                            ground transportation to and from all
        committing. Exclusivity is on the rise. Pairing Off is trending. These   Meet Kristy...  Meet David...  Meet Jason...  South Florida Airports and Seaports.  PBCVH212
        facts make online dating and the bar scene even more undesirable for   Nurse Anesthetist   Medical Doctor  CEO and Director   To reserve your vehicle:
        Florida singles. So where do the good ones go? HERE, my friend.                                     561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890
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