Page 6 - Talk of Tequesta- May '23
P. 6

Page 6, The Talk Of Tequesta

                                                               NoNProfiT eveNT

                      Hannah’s Home Gala Raises Record Amount

        The Hannah’s
      Home of South
      Florida Fourth
      Annu a l  Ga l a ,
      Reaching for
      the Stars, broke
      fundraising records
      for the organization
      with more than
      $500,000 in gross
      proceeds.          Abby Brennan, Tania Rogers, Joanne
        Held on March 2  Dively
      at the Pelican Club
      in Jupiter, the gala                                                                                 Hannah’s Home residents
      gathered nearly
      340 supporters and                                                                                     This year’s gala featured WPTV and Fox 29 anchor Tania
      guests. The  event                                                                                   Rogers as an honorary guest and emcee. Legends Radio
      was chaired by                                                                                       personality Mike McGann led the live auction.
      former Tequesta                                   The Mastroianni Family                               Hannah’s Home offers a two-year residential program
      mayor , Abby                                                                                         that provides food, lodging, clothing, and medical care at
      Brennan. George G.                                who have nowhere else to turn,” said Abby Brennan. “True   no cost to its residents. Since its doors opened in 2011, 81
      Gentile, president  George  G.  Gentile,  Stephanie   to this year’s theme, we are empowering these courageous   infants have found a home at Hannah’s Home.
      of 2GHO, and  Mitrione                            women to reach for the stars and achieve their dreams.”  About Hannah’s Home Of South Florida
      Stephanie Mitrione,                                 Hannah’s Home is in the midst of a $14 million capital     Providing a safe and loving Christian environment for
      South Florida community relations and marketing specialist   campaign to add a two-story dormitory and four transition   single, pregnant young women, Hannah’s Home is a maternity
      served as honorary cochairs.                      cottages. Following last year’s gala, the nonprofit added an   facility with a mission of offering hope and transforming lives
        The Mastroianni Family Foundation was the gala’s   on-site chapel. The funds raised at this year’s gala will go   through counseling, life skills development, and educational
      presenting sponsor.                               toward the construction of two duplex transitional cottages,   opportunities. More information is available at www.
        “Setting records is gratifying, but more important is the   a project that will begin in early fall. The cottages will
      lifeline this fundraising provides to young pregnant women   provide housing for four mothers and their babies.

                                                              ClevelaNd CliNiC

                                                                  florida News

                                                Food Allergies Can Cause

                                  A Variety Of Symptoms In Children

      What Is A Food Allergy?                           right away. Your child’s pediatrician may refer you to an   range of allergic and immunologic disorders, from
        A food allergy is an                            allergist who can help you confirm whether your child has   asthma to food  and  skin allergies. To schedule  an
      abnormal immune system                            a true food allergy and if strict avoidance of the offending   appointment with Dr. Perez or another Cleveland Clinic
      response which occurs                             food is necessary.                                 Florida allergy specialist, call (877) 463-2010 or visit
      when the body mistakes an                           Physicians in Cleveland Clinic Florida’s Department
      ingredient in food – usually                      of Allergy and Immunology treat patients with a wide
      a protein – as harmful.
        The reaction typically
      occurs shortly after the food
      is  ingested  and  reactions
      can vary from mild to
      severe. Individuals with
      food allergies are advised to
      strictly avoid the offending
      foods in order to avoid a  Arnaldo Perez, M.D., Allergy
      potentially serious life- and Clinical Immunology
      threatening reaction called
        “Any food may cause an allergic reaction, but some
      food allergies are much more common than others,” says
      Arnaldo Perez, M.D., a Cleveland Clinic Florida allergy
      and immunology specialist who practices at the Cleveland
      Clinic Florida locations in Wellington and Coral Springs.
      “Eight foods – milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat, soy, tree nuts,
      fish and shellfish – are responsible for 90 percent of food
      allergies in children.”
      What Are The Symptoms Of A Food Allergy?
        Symptoms of a food allergy can range from mild to
      severe. These may include:
        • Skin problems: rash, hives, swelling, itching
        •  Stomach  problems:  cramping,  nausea,  vomiting,
        • Respiratory symptoms: shortness of breath, cough or
        Anaphylaxis is a very serious allergic reaction that
      is quick in onset. It can involve a number of symptoms
      including an itchy rash, throat swelling or a drop in blood
      pressure; if untreated, it can even result in death.
      What Should I Do If I Think My Child Has A Food
        If your child has symptoms that indicate an allergy to
      a particular food, keep that food out of your child’s diet
      and discuss the symptoms with your child’s pediatrician
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