Page 14 - Lifestyle in Palm Beach Gardens - March '21
P. 14

Page 14, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      Old Bags Luncheon  Has A New Purse-onality

        This was not your average toy drive. Think designer
      handbags, a pink vintage car, the soft sounds of an acoustic
      guitar and the most incredible weather South Florida has
      to offer! Center for Family Services is thrilled to announce
      more than 50 guests participated at their first annual Old Bags
      Luncheon  (OBL) Purse Drive on Jan. 21 in the beautiful Via
      Amoré on Palm Beach. Guests noshed on delectable passed
      hors d’oeuvres, sipped chilled champagne and shopped for
      a cause to support mental health in our community.
        The event was generously hosted by the 2021 Old Bags
      Luncheon Cochair, Daniella Ortiz. Masks were required for
      both attendees and volunteers at the event. While enjoying
      the refreshments and smiling for the camera, guests were
      able to safely social distance in an open-air environment and
      mingle in small groups with other steadfast supporters who   Karen Swanson and Daniella Ortiz  Arlette Gordon and Gail Worth  Kristen Bardin and Fabiana DesRosiers
      share the center’s vision. Highlights of the midday, sunlit
      reception included the unveiling of the one-of-a-kind “IT”
      bag, designed exclusively for the organization by Ortiz, and
      the extremely generous donation of 16 handbags for the silent
      auction from donor Nicholas Chavez.
        Purse drive guests included Cochair Daniella Ortiz,
      Cochair and Board Chair Karen Swanson, Honorary Chair
      Michelle Gluckow, Junior Cochair Stacey Leuliette, Auction
      Chair Shawn Jan, Danielle Rollins, Liz McDermott, Arlette
      Gordon, Gail Worth, Sonja Stevens, Barbara and Andrew
      Pendrill, Beth Brown, Jill Gallagher, Randi Winter, Kent
      Anderson, Sam Cerney, Stephanie Schwed, Michael Reinert,
      Stephanie Eady, Whitney Hesse, Jim Kinnear, Elizabeth
      Marshman, several members of the “Let’s Get Social”
      community, and more.                               Jill Gallagher and Beth Brown    Paige Held and Sonja Stevens     Kent Anderson and Samantha Cerney
        The event produced more than 65 handbags donated for
      OBL’s legendary silent auction, collected in a 1955 Dodge                                   “Service is our number one priority”
      Coronet, graciously donated to the event by the historic
      Ragtops Motorcars of West Palm Beach. The organization’s                                                  561-743-0070
      purse drive was a prelude to the annual committee kickoff
      luncheon hosted by The Colony in their newly renovated                                       
      East Garden.
        This year, the center is celebrating its 60th anniversary
      with a Diamond Jubilee, moving the Old Bags Luncheon
      from The Breakers to The Colony Hotel and Worth Avenue
      as its premier destination.

                                                                                                                                    Expires 3/31/21.

                                                                                                                         State Licensed & Insured
                                                          Serving Palm Beach County                                    CPC # 1457468 • LPG#30099

      Sarah Cooke, Michael Reinert and Stacey Leuliette

      Old Bags Luncheon on page 15
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