Page 16 - Lifestyle in Palm Beach Gardens - March '21
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Page 16, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      Tampa General Hospital Offers New Options

      For Patients In Palm Beach, Martin Counties

        Patients facing complex medical conditions in Palm                                                   “Our South Florida physicians are some of the best
      Beach and Martin counties have often sought care outside                                             in the country.  We provide our patients with highly
      Florida, traveling thousands of miles during a stressful                                             specialized medical care, especially those requiring
      time in search of cutting-edge health care. But now                                                  advanced  and  complex  procedures  and  treatments,”
      there’s another option: Tampa General Hospital (TGH) is                                              said Schwarzberg. “When necessary, we’re providing a
      partnering with local physicians to provide advanced and                                             connection to TGH and the University of South Florida
      coordinated care closer to home.                                                                     for high-level, acute hospital care for patients with serious
        Last May, Tampa General announced a new alliance with                                              and complex illnesses.”
      the Cancer Center of South Florida that enables Palm Beach                                             South  Florida  patients  have  access  to  the  same
                                                                                                           comprehensive care available in  Tampa, including
                                                                                                           case evaluations from multidisciplinary panels of TGH
                                                                                                           experts, participation in a variety of cutting-edge clinical
                                                                                                           trials through the TGH-USF Health Office of Clinical
                                                        County patients to receive care from the local physicians   Research,  and palliative  care  and  genetic  counseling.
                                                        they already know, paired with coordinated concierge-style   Patients requiring complex, specialized surgeries are
                                                        care if and when these patients need advanced care at Tampa   paired with nurse navigators who coordinate their visit
                                                                                                           to Tampa, while patient ambassadors help coordinate
                                                        General. Now, Tampa General is expanding its network
               Vine Trivia                              to create similar alliances with other private practices in   travel and accommodations. Patients receive pre- and
                                                        Palm Beach and Martin counties, such as Gastro Group of
                                                                                                           post-surgical care in Palm Beach and Martin counties, all
                 Uncorked                               the Palm Beaches. In January, its two locations became the   planned in coordination with the local physician practices
                                                                                                           they already know and trust.
                                                        Tampa General Hospital Gastro Group of the Palm Beaches.
                                                          The expansion is spearheaded by John Couris, Tampa
                                                                                                             Tampa General Hospital is ranked among the top
                                                        General’s president and CEO, and Dr. Abe Schwarzberg,   50 hospitals  in  the  nation  in five medical  specialties
       By Laura Berrio,                                 chief of oncology and senior vice president of oncology   by  U.S. News and World Report for 2020/21. Tampa
       Freelance Writer/                                and network development.                           General also is the primary teaching partner for the USF
       Blogger                                            “Since we began treating oncology patients in South   Health Morsani College of Medicine. Together, the two
         1. What temperature                            Florida last year, we have realized that many patients   organizations can provide patients access to the newest
       should red wine be                               here need and want the kind of complex, world-class care   treatments and clinical trials, advanced multidisciplinary
       stored at and served at?                         that you can only get at an academic medical center like   care, and the best physicians and experts in highly
         Red wine should be                             Tampa General,” Couris said. “We are looking forward   specialized fields of care.
       stored at 55 degrees in a                        to collaborating with more physicians in the region to     “We’re continuing to explore partnerships with
       wine refrigerator or cellar.                     help guide patients on a coordinated pathway of care and   physicians from a range of specialties so we can provide
       Red wine should be served                        ultimately improve the health of residents in South Florida.”  patients world-class care close to home,” Couris said.
       at room temperature …                              TGH’s expansion comes at a time when patients who   “Patients can now receive prompt, expert care from
       to clarify … not room                            would traditionally travel to the Northeast for treatment   Florida’s highest ranked hospital by first-rate physicians,
       temperature here in Florida! Room temperature in a nice   are seeking alternatives that don’t require stepping on a   and  multidisciplinary  teams  from  one  of  the  state’s
       cool wine cellar …70 degrees.                    plane. To meet this demand, TGH has been identifying   leading academic medical centers.”
         2. What color grapes are used to make white wine?  opportunities to expand and strengthen its footprint in     To learn more about Tampa General Hospital, visit
         Red grapes!                                    South Florida, including its alliance with the Cancer or call (561) 644-0125.
         3. How many grapes does it take to make a bottle   Center of South Florida.
       of wine?
         On average it takes 736 grapes to make one bottle.
         4. How many bubbles in a bottle of Champagne?
         Almost 58 million!
         5. Is the practice of walking on grapes (think I Love      Imagine This As Your...
       Lucy) still used in wine making?
         It is! Usually when producing small quantities of high
       end port wines.
         6. What has the highest alcohol content: wine, beer
       or whiskey?
          Standard serving sizes of all alcohol beverages – beer,
       wine, and liquor – are equal in alcohol strength and effect
       on the body.
         7. What type of wine has the lowest calories?
         Dry and low alcohol content wines are the lowest in
       calories … although I would rather drink what I like and
       cut calories somewhere else!
         8. What happens to red and white wine as they age?
         Red wine gets lighter in color and white wine gets
       darker in color.
         9. How much pressure is there in a bottle of                   driveway                                       courtyard
         The pressure in a bottle of champagne is 90
       pounds per square inch, about three times that in your
       automobile tire.
         10. Are you scared to open a bottle of Champagne?
       Now you have a reason to be! How fast does a cork
       travel when you open it?
         A flying cork can travel up to 50 miles
       per hour.
         ~Keep the conversation going and
       the wine flowing!
         Follow the Vine on Instagram
                                                                        rec room                                      wine cellar

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