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Boca Exposure, Page 15
       24th ‘Honor Your Doctor’ Luncheon

       Presented By Rotary Club Downtown Boca

       To Recognize 2020 And 2022 Honorees

         Double honors and appreciation for their expertise,      Nominations are now open online at www.
      patient care and dedication to the Hippocratic oath during and can be
      the historically challenging pandemic years 2020 and 2021,   made for a $50 donation per nomination, or three
      Boca Raton’s finest healthcare providers will be celebrated at   nominations for a donation of $125. Anyone may
      the 2022 “Honor Your Doctor” Luncheon. Presented by the   nominate as many medical professionals as they choose
      Rotary Club Downtown Boca Raton, the event will be held   or nominate one medical professional multiple times.
      Wednesday, March 30 at Boca West Country Club at 11:30   The Doctor of Distinction for 2022 will be awarded to
      a.m., concluding at 1:30 p.m.                      the physician who receives the most nominations.
         According to cochairs Janice Williams of Matrix Home   Celebrate With “Your” Doctor At The 2022 Honor
      Care, LLC and Alan Kaye of Transworld Business Advisors,   Your Doctor Luncheon
      both founding members of this Rotary Club chapter, the      “It is wonderful to be back together to celebrate
      annual luncheon recognizes and honors doctors, nurses and   our physicians and healthcare professionals, after
      other medical professionals within Palm Beach and Broward   having to cancel last year’s event and rescheduling
      counties, while raising funds for four-year scholarships for   this year’s celebration due to the pandemic impact on
      deserving medical and nursing students. Scholarships are   our community. With so many virus ebbs and flows, it
      eligible for those enrolled in the Charles E. Schmidt College   is our physicians and their teams who have saved so   2022 Honor Your Doctor Luncheon Committee (from left): front
      of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University, Christine E. Lynn   many lives  …  always with the most compassionate   row: HYDL cochairs Alan Kaye and Janice Williams, RCDTB
      College of Nursing at Florida Atlantic University, Lynn   patient care, and often putting they themselves in   President Jon Carter, RCDTB President-Elect Jeff Weber. Second
      University, and Palm Beach State College.          harm’s way,” shared cochair Kaye.           row: Ron Rubin, Gwendolyn Herb, Arlene Herson. Top row: Anne
         Annually, the funds from this event, which was founded      In addition to cheering on the area’s most respected   Brown, Gloria Wank, Linda Petrakis, Jon Kaye, Marilyn Wilson.
      by Helen M. Babione 24 years ago, are primarily raised   medical professionals, there will be more ways at the   Photo by Gina Fontana
      in four ways. These include corporate and philanthropist   event in which to support student scholarship through a
      sponsorships, ticket sales, “Chance to Win” purchases at the   “Chance to Win” opportunity. These feature chances to enjoy   through Rotary International’s mission of “Service Above
      event, and nominations made by patients and staff of their   vacation getaway accommodations at a private luxury condo   Self.” The award-winning 501(c)(3) nonprofit that also
      favorite doctors, nurses and medical professionals who will   in Breckenridge, Colo.; a private mountain retreat in North   presents the Annual Boca Raton Mayors Ball is dedicated to
      attend the event as honored guests of the Rotary Club.   Carolina, and a choice of Bluegreen Vacations resorts in Las   making a difference in its community by enhancing the lives
         Because the 2020 event had to be canceled, the Rotary   Vegas, Nev.; Gordonsville, Va.; St. Augustine or Orlando,   of many in an environment that embraces and promotes
      Club of Downtown Boca reported that 100 percent of funds   Fla., and Myrtle Beach, S.C. “Chance to Win” tickets can   integrity, fellowship, and trust. The Rotary Club chapter
      raised underwrote healthcare student scholarships.   be purchased for $50 each or three tickets for $125.  is one of 34,000 Rotary clubs in more than 200 countries
      2022 Nominations Now Open: Public Invited To Honor      “To accommodate social distancing for luncheon   connecting 1.2 million Rotarians around the globe.
      “Your” Own Doctor                                  attendees, our club has reserved the entire grand ballroom      Tickets to the 2022 Honor Your Doctor Luncheon
         According to cochair Janice Williams, the Honor Your   so that we will be able to space out the tables and table   are $150 per person.   To nominate a medical
      Doctor Luncheon is the perfect way for patients and the greater   settings. Masks will also be provided if requested upon   professional, or purchase luncheon tickets, visit www.
      community “to say thank you to medical professionals who   arrival,” added Williams.        or call Kaye
      continue to go beyond their typical ‘call to duty’ for patients,      Founded in July 2012 to support the health and wellness   Communications, Inc. at (561) 392-5166, Ext. 2. For
      especially those affected by the pandemic or challenged by   needs of its community, The Rotary Club Downtown Boca   event sponsorships, contact cochairs Alan Kaye at (954)
      limited access to care because of it.”             Raton is dedicated to impacting the Boca Raton community   558-8058 or Janice Williams at (561) 471-2992.

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