Page 6 - PGA Community News- March '22
P. 6

Page 6, PGA C.A.N.!                                                  March 2022                                                                                                                                                    March 2022
      Letter To The Editor

      Dear Editor;                                         Wally and Penny expanded the shop from just selling      In 2020 these loving soulmates decided they had
         This is a Valentine love affair that has lasted more than   admissions, bait and tackle and put in an outside patio   reached most goals in their bucket list so it was time to
      60 years.                                         and bar to serve sandwiches, sodas, beer and wine. Their   sell everything and continue to pursue their love of travel.
         In 1961 Wally and Penny, two struggling students met   customers became their friends.               This amazing couple having such a wonderful life
      on a blind date in Gainesville at the University of Florida,      They maintained the decking, railings and even the   together, have traveled to all seven continents and over
      and discovered they were both from Miami.         pilings on their pier that had been standing in the ocean   150 countries and cruises.
         Wally’s fraternity brother had a sister in Penny’s dorm   since 1949 serving generations. Some dads who had fished      They still live in their dream home and enjoy doing
      and they decided this blonde couple should meet and what   there with their fathers were coming to fish with their sons.   all the maintenance and repairs in a neighborhood of
      a match made in heaven!                           In the summer of 1984, Juno stopped their maintenance   gardeners, maids and pool services.
         Wally and Penny Sheltz both grew up in blue collar   of re-enforcing the rusted pilings and four months later      Penny still relies on Wally’s many talents and Wally
      families living hand to mouth so they had to work to pay   20-foot waves crashed over the center section. They were   relies on her medical knowledge to take care of each other.
      for their college and found they had similar values and   forbidden to re-enforce and they lost the center section of   Penny still goes on the roof to tar a leak and she was just
      high goals.                                       their pier.                                        cutting the grass this week when the belt slipped on the
         Wally was in his fourth year of aerospace engineering      Wally and Penny spent months in Juno Beach Town   mower. Penny suggested she take it to the shop to get fixed,
      and Penny was studying nursing and X-ray.         Hall and the Palm Beach Post as small business owners   when they could not get the belt back on. But Wally took
         In their first year of dating they started planning for   trying to save their pier and business but city fathers   the blade off, then threaded the driver belt on the pulley and
      their future together and even designed their dream home.   wanted the pier gone and would not let them replace the   put the pulley on the drive wheel. Then discovered a hole
      Wally built a balsa wood model.                   center section. In fact, the town made them remove the   in the chassis and used a piece of aluminum and rivets with
         After Wally completed his fifth year of engineering, he   remaining pier, the beginning and the end which was a   epoxy to cover the hole so nothing pops the belt again.
      was offered a job in San Diego so they married in 1963   major task, even for Wally and Penny.          So even in their 80s they are a loving team and their
      and moved across the country only to realize Florida was      It took many years for the county to build another pier   hearts still flutter when they see each other.
      much better.                                      for the people.                                                                Wally and Penny Sheltz
         In 1964 they moved back and Wally spent 35 years at
      Pratt Whitney. Penny worked in nursing and X-ray at St.                        Drainage Information
      Mary’s for five years and when PBG Hospital opened she
      worked there for five years.                                      From Northern Palm Beach County
         They bought a small home in Riviera Beach and were
      very frugal to save their money and bought a waterfront                        Improvement District
      lot in North Palm Beach.
         In 1969 they built their dream home on the water with     Why do some yards flood after large quantities of rain? The simple answer
      a pool that has been featured in the Palm Beach Post 1971
      and 1980 and where they still live today.             is according to most approved drainage designs, some water is meant to be
         They worked in their professions while buying,     temporarily stored in public recreational areas, yard swale and streets. The excess
      managing and maintaining 30 homes/apartments for 30   surface water slowly drains to community lakes or on-site ponds via street and
      families for 30 years in their evenings and weekends.  yard drainage grates and/or via swales, ditches and canals. The more complex
         Wally has the ability to fix anything and taught Penny
      so they did all the repairs and maintenance themselves   answer is that each yard is different. Some yards have drainage swale areas.
      taking care of their tenants with their hands-on efforts.  These are areas that are sloped to catch water and filter out pollutants as water
         Wally said  Penny is good in business with their   is absorbed into the ground. Some yards direct water to the community drainage
      accounts and likes to negotiate deals and is amazed more   system as run-off with very little water retained in the yard. Familiarize yourself
      women don’t know about their finances. They work as a
      team on their investments.                            with how your yard was built to determine how water drains from your home.
         They also raised a daughter and son and taught them
      the value of hard work as a team. They adopted a Capuchin
      monkey they raised for almost 20 years. Wally even
      restored a 1936 Rolls Royce.
         Wally and Penny are very opposite and as a team are
      perfect with different strengths  to complement each
      other. Penny is very strong and used to mowing all the
      lands at our rentals.
         Wally built her a ramp for our van so she could roll
      the mower in to go to the rentals while Wally was at
      Pratt Whitney.                                       •  Remodels / New Construction / Additions
         Penny joked: “Wally was the brains pushing the pencil
      and going to meetings and she was the brawn.”        •  New Roofs / Roof Replacements
         Penny was tired of nursing and became a real estate   •  Roof Repairs / Roof Leaks
      broker  to  help  find  more  properties. They  turned  their   •  Gutter Installation / Cleaning
      passion and love together into reaching all their goals.
         In 1974 she found the Juno Beach Fishing Pier and they   •  Damaged / Missing Roof Tiles
      bought this historical 500-foot pier to have a business on   •  Fascia / Soffit Repair
      the ocean. It was the only privately owned pier as most   •  Pressure Cleaning
      piers are owned by cities, so it was quite a challenge
      for this hardworking couple who always had a “can do”   •  Handyman Services
      attitude.                                            •  Insurance Estimates / Repairs
                                                           •  Insurance Services for Adjusters / Claims      LEO Roofing & Construction

                                                                                                                      3804 Burns Road, Suite D
                                                           Find us on:                                             Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
                                                                                                                  P: 561.935.4979 / F: 561.935.9337
                                                           Ask us about the Ygrene Federally                   E: / W:
                                                           sponsored finance program that
                                                           enables you to re-roof and pay over                          Florida State Certified
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                                                                                                                    CBC 1254723 / CCC 1328402

         Garage sales/yard sales                                           Florida owner and         see whAt our Clients hAve to sAy:
                                                                                                      “We love the tiles! They really help this poor old
                                                                            local resident for
              are NOT allowed                                                over 20 years            house! Thanks for the upgrade and all your hard
                                                                                                      work.” - Toni & Jim, WPB

              in PGA National.                                 Frank Leo                              “The #1 roofer in Palm Beach County.”

                                                                                                                           - Michael, Jupiter

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                                                                                            Major Credit Cards Accepted
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