Page 10 - Palm City Spotlight - April '22
P. 10

Page 10, Palm City Spotlight

        reaL estate                                                   in Your CommunitY

                                                         Local Family-Match                                  It creates a statewide pool of available children and
        Treasure Coast Real Estate                       Outpaces State In Finding                         approved families, and that has made a big difference,

        Report                                           Adoptive Homes                                    Kaiser said.

        Should I Make Major Improvements                   Cupid’s arrow has found its mark in Okeechobee and the   Upcoming Event
        Before Selling My Home?                          Treasure Coast with a match-making program that identifies     Here’s a golden opportunity to learn if you have a patriot
        By Jim Weix                                      prospective adoptive families with children waiting for homes.  in your family who served during the American Revolution,
          If you want to sell                              Using predictive data models similar to dating apps, the   1776 to 1783. The 250th anniversary of the Declaration of
        your home right now, the                         Family-Match program has been finding adoptive placements   Independence is 2026.
        answer is no.                                    for local children since 2018. And it’s met considerable success.    The program is free and open to the public. It is being
          Presently homes are                              Over the course of the program’s lifetime in Okeechobee   hosted and presented by the DAR – Daughters of the
        selling fast and at record                       and the Treasure Coast, 117 children have been entered into   American Revolution – local Halpatiokee Chapter.
        prices. You can’t be sure                        the system. Of that number, 74 percent have been matched     No reservation needed, just arrive by Saturday, April 23
        how long this hot market                         and/or placed, while 26 percent have finalized adoptions.   at 10:30 a.m.
        will last. This includes                           “These are tremendous
        homes that do not have                           numbers to realize in just four
        major updates.                                   years, especially considering
          W ill making                                   we’re  navigating  these
        major updates and                                adoptions around a pandemic,”
        improvements result in a higher selling price?   said Christina Kaiser,
          Yes, they will. However, it is unlikely that you will   community relations director
        get back what you spent.                         for CCKids, the nonprofit
          For instance, if you replace your older roof, you can   that oversees foster care and
        expect to get back about 60 percent of what the new   adoptions in Indian River,
        roof cost. A new kitchen or bathroom will give you a   Martin, Okeechobee and St.
        return on investment of about 52 percent. And given   Lucie counties.
        the rising costs and/or shortages of material, you may     Numbers in the last three
        not even get that much back.                     months are particularly
          However, if your roof is old and leaking, a new roof   impressive because they
        may be better than repairing it. This is particularly true   outperform the rest of the state,
        if the repaired areas will not match the rest of your   she said.
        roof.                                              “Of the 10 children matched
          You should focus on things  to give your home   and placed in the last quarter,
        more appeal. Power wash the exterior of your home,   60 percent were adopted,” she
        particularly your driveway and walkways. Nothing   said. Statewide, 49 percent of
        says “Yuck” like a driveway with black mold on it.  children matched and/or placed
          Spruce up your landscaping. Trim bushes, plant   were adopted.
        some colorful flowers, and add some garden mulch.     Family-Match is managed by
        That builder grade landscaping put in during the mid-  the Selfless Love Foundation
        ’80s or ’90s is as popular as avocado appliances.  and used throughout 90 percent
          Inside, repainting walls a neutral color will give   of  the  state’s  network  of
        your home a fresher look. Replacing older kitchen and   community-based care systems.
        bathroom faucets with something more modern will   The community-based care
        do wonders.                                      systems – or CBCs – oversee
          If your appliances are old, you may want to replace   child-welfare services in their
        them. Unlike the 52 percent return on investment for a   respective judicial circuits.
        new kitchen, you will do better with appliances. Buyers     T he  progra m  use s a
        tend to exaggerate what it will cost them to replace   compatibility assessment tool
        appliances and this results in a lower offering price.   developed by the former lead
          It is also a good idea to have your air conditioning   researchers from eHarmony
        unit checked. Buyers like knowing that your unit was   and has successfully decreased
        just serviced and everything is working properly.  the time it takes to find adoptive
          Carpet and grout cleaning is a must. It is not   homes for children.
        expensive and gives the entire house a clean look.
          If you would like me to take a look at your house
        and give you some suggestions, call me at (772) 341-
          Jim Weix is a broker associate with The Keyes
        Company. Jim has 25 years of experience selling real
        estate full time. If you have questions or want the
        services of an experienced expert, you can reach Jim   NoN-Toxic cancer immunotherapy
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