Page 14 - Stuart Exposure - September '22
P. 14

Page 14, Stuart Exposure

                                                loGGerhead neWs

      Loggerhead Marinelife

      Center Focuses On Diverse

      And Inclusive Programming

         The mission of Loggerhead Marinelife Center (LMC)
      is to promote ocean and sea turtle conservation – and that
      effort requires all hands on deck, regardless of ability or
      background. To connect underserved and underrepresented
      groups to ocean conservation and appreciation, LMC has
      launched the far-reaching Oceans of Opportunity initiative
      with the help of several local organizations.
         In collaboration with Clinics Can Help, a nonprofit
      that serves people with disabilities, LMC recently
      acquired a second beach wheelchair for use in the Turtle
      Walk, Hatchling Release, and Sunrise Nest Excavation
      programs.  The center also has sensory backpacks
      available for checkout at the welcome desk, and offers
      multilingual programming in American Sign Language   American Sign Language tours at LMC                          Sensory backpacks at LMC
      (ASL), Spanish, and German on request.
         “The availability of beach-capable wheelchairs is      In June, visitors used the newly added beach wheelchair   Walk experience. “Some facilities promote accessibility,
      a  great  example  of  how  LMC  provides  what  we  call   on a  Turtle  Walk. “[LMC] allowed me to have an   but the person still is not able to do everything. The Turtle
      ‘Oceans of Opportunity.’ They provide the opportunity   experience I will treasure as one of the most wonderful   Walk experience was completely immersive for her, and
      for members of our community to comfortably and safely   events in my life,” shared Elizabeth Merkling, who, after   she said it was one of the best nights of her life.”
      access ocean education – a right to learn that everyone   a car accident in her 20s, has used a wheelchair ever since.      In July, LMC hosted the Family Center on Deafness for
      should have. The generous donation from Clinics Can      “She hasn’t been able to go onto the beach in a very long   a Turtle Walk, which was led by Jennifer Reilly, research
      Help has helped us increase our impact, for which we   time, even though she loves the ocean,” explained Diane
      are incredibly grateful,” said Hannah Campbell, vice   Perry, a close friend who joined Elizabeth on the Turtle   Loggerhead News on page 15
      president of the education division at LMC. She added that
      other supporters of the initiative include the Association of
      Science and Technology Centers, the Edward T. Bedford
      Foundation, REI Co-op, and Starbucks, among others.

                                                            Home • Auto • Boat • RV • Life

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                                                                           Mary-Beth Zipsir
                                                                           Agent in Charge
                                                                           O: (772) 233-4444

                                                                             It's our policy that you know yours

      Clinics Can Help beach wheelchair donation to LMC

                                                                                       The Heart of Hobe Sound
                                                                Est. 1926

                                                                     ART CLASSES OFFERED
                     Answer for                                    ON THE CHURCH CAMPUS                          WE are YOUR Community

                Crossword Puzzle                            Church member Debra Monet is offering                              Church
                                                               art classes on our church campus.                   All Visitors Welcome
                                                             How to draw, paint in Watercolor and                 We Invite You to Worship with Us
                                                             Acrylic will be the main focus for the                  Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
                                                            lessons. The cost for each 3 hour class                    WE ARE ON FACEBOOK LIVE
                                                             is $20, a portion of which will be donated to          every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m.
                                                                 the Church building Improvement Project.              Give us a call or visit our
                                                               For more class details, or to schedule a class,       website for more information.
                                                             contact Debra Monet at the Sunday coffee hour,
                                                            or call her at 772-240-2063. Everyone is welcome.             (772) 546-5043
                                                                           MONTHLY DINNERS
                                                               Monthly dinners to help offset some of the almost $350,000 in
                                                             renovation cost to our Church – Dinner will be held on the 2nd Friday
                                                                    of the month at 5:30 p.m.  Cost is $15 per person
                                                                           SEPTEMbEr 9 -  ITALIANO
                                                                            OCTObEr 14 -  bAr-b-Q
                                                                           NOVEMbEr 11 - CHICKEN
                                                                           11933 SE Juno Crescent • Hobe Sound, Florida 33455
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