Page 11 - Stuart Exposure - September '22
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Stuart Exposure, Page 11

          Cleveland CliniC martin health neWs

      Relief For Severe Acid                            Chronic Reflux And Barrett’s Esophagus             It uses the same injection method to elevate the lesion, but

      Reflux, Gallstones And Other                        that can be diagnosed and treated endoscopically. It occurs   instead uses a cautery knife to meticulously remove the lesion.
                                                           Chronic acid reflux is one of the most common conditions
                                                                                                           Gallstones And More
      Digestive Disorders                               when the lower esophageal sphincter opens spontaneously,      The biliary system includes the liver, gallbladder, and
                                                        allowing food and stomach acid to back up into the esophagus.   pancreas and a network of tubular structures called ducts that
      Advanced Care For Better Digestive Health            “ Ga st roesopha ge al                          connect them to the small intestine. Biliary diseases, such as
                                                        reflux disease (GERD), the                         gallstones, affect some 20 million women and men nationally.
         Digestive health relies on a complex system of organs   severe form of acid reflux,                  “Advanced imaging technology has expanded the visual
      to turn the food we eat into the nutrients and energy   can damage the esophagus                     field, which allows us to see far greater details of the upper
      our bodies need to survive. Some of the most common   and increase the risk of                       digestive tract and the intricate anatomy of the biliary
      digestive complaints, such as acid reflux and gallstones,   esophageal cancer, if left               system,” says Dr. Ngo. “That’s important because if we can’t
      occur in the upper digestive tract and the accessory organs   untreated,” says Benjamin              see it, we can’t treat it.”
      that support digestion, including the liver, gallbladder and   Ngo, M.D., a board certified             EUS (Endoscopic Ultrasound) is an imaging test that
      pancreas. Today advanced endoscopic techniques are used   gastroenterologist with                    combines ultrasound technology with endoscopy. During
      to care for patients with digestive disorders without open   Cleveland Clinic Martin                 the exam, a special endoscope with ultrasound technology
      surgery.                                          Health. An estimated 20                            at the tip is passed through the throat into the abdomen,
         “During upper                                  percent of people in the                           where the endosonographic images help visualize the bile
      endoscopy, we pass a                              United States are believed to                      ducts, pancreas, gallbladder and liver. “EUS is particularly
      flexible tube with a camera                       suffer from GERD.                                  useful for the diagnosis and staging of pancreatic cancer,”
      on the end down through a                            Cleveland Clinic Martin Health offers a number of   notes Dr. Ngo.
      patient’s throat to examine                       advanced treatments for acid reflux-related disorders,      E RCP  ( E ndo sc o pi c  Re t r o g r a de
      and treat conditions of                           including Barrett’s esophagus, which appears as lesions on   Cholangiopancreatography) is another imaging test that
      the esophagus, stomach                            the surface of the esophagus.                      uses an endoscope and X-rays to view an injectable dye
      and the biliary system,”                             EMR (Endoscopic Mucosal Resection) is one of the   as it travels through the pancreatic and bile ducts. ERCP
      explains board certified                          most successful techniques for removing surface lesions on   helps diagnose and treat gallstones, inflamed gallbladders,
      gastroenterologist Tolga                          the esophagus. It involves raising the lesion, either with an   bile duct blockages, pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer and
      Erim, D.O., regional                              injection of a solution from underneath or with suctioning   other conditions.
      director  of  endoscopy  for                      from above, and then removing it with a wire loop tool called      To learn more about advanced care available for the
      Cleveland Clinic Florida, which includes Cleveland Clinic   a snare.                                 upper digestive tract at Cleveland Clinic Martin Health,
      Martin Health, Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital,      ESD (Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection) is a newer   visit, or call (844)
      and Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital.             technique that is used to remove a larger lesion in one piece.   630-4968 to schedule a consultation.

                                                    tip of the tail

      Leptospirosis                                      direct exposure to infected urine. Many animals are   later to confirm a four-fold increase in antibody level.
                                                         responsible for spreading leptospirosis, including wildlife,   Vaccination may interfere with blood testing, as vaccines
         Leptospirosis is                                such as rodents, raccoons, and opossums, as well as farm   stimulate the body to produce antibodies, which can result
      an infectious disease                              animals, including cattle, pigs, horses, sheep, and goats.   in a false-positive test result. Occasionally, a diagnosis
      that can affect humans                                The clinical signs of leptospirosis are variable and   of leptospirosis can be established through microscopic
      and animals, including                             nonspecific. Common symptoms include fever, vomiting,   examination of the urine. Unfortunately, this type of urine
      dogs and, rarely,                                  diarrhea, abdominal pain, anorexia, depression, weakness,   test is not readily available to most animal hospitals, and
      cats.  Leptospirosis  is                           and muscle pain. These symptoms usually occur within one   the bacteria are only intermittently shed in the urine; so
      caused by the bacteria,                            to two weeks of exposure, but can be as short as two days   diagnosis in this manner can be difficult.
      Leptospira, which is classified into subtypes called   or as long as four weeks. Occasionally, infected animals do      Treatment for leptospirosis relies on the use of
      serovars. Currently, over 200 serovars of Leptospira have   not exhibit any symptoms. In severe cases, kidney failure   antibiotics, which are usually administered for two
      been named.                                        and/or liver failure can occur. Without proper treatment,   weeks. Because of the risk of kidney failure, intravenous
         Leptospirosis is most commonly spread through   leptospirosis can be fatal.                       fluids are critical to ensure adequate blood flow to the
      the urine of infected animals. Contaminated urine can      Blood testing is usually needed to definitely diagnose   potentially damaged kidneys. Prognosis varies and
      enter water and soil, where it survives for weeks to   leptospirosis. The most commonly used blood test will   depends on the severity of organ damage. Survival rates
      months. Leptospirosis can be contracted from drinking   detect antibodies against  Leptospira. While a positive   are reported to be 80 to 90 percent for animals treated
      contaminated water, through contact of skin or mucous   diagnosis can occur with one test, oftentimes a second   with appropriate antibiotics and fluid therapy. Potential
      membranes with contaminated water or soil, or through   antibody level will need to be checked two to four weeks   long-term complications include chronic kidney failure
                                                                                                           and chronic hepatitis.
                                                                                                              Infected animals can shed the bacteria in their urine for
                                                                                                           weeks or months, which is a serious concern for humans
                                                                                                           and other animals that may be exposed to the urine. Strict
                                                                                                           protocols should be utilized to prevent the spread of this
                                                                                                           disease, including wearing protective clothing and using
                                                                                                           proper disinfecting techniques. These protocols should
                                                                                                           be practiced at the animal hospital where the infected
                                                                                                           animal is being treated, as well as at the home where the
                                                                                                           infected animal lives.
                                                                                                              Fortunately, for dogs, vaccines are available for the
                                                                                                           prevention of leptospirosis. The best vaccine contains
                                                                                                           four Leptospira serovars. Vaccines do not provide 100
                                                                                                           percent protection against leptospirosis known serovars,
                                                                                                           and the vaccines do not completely cross-protect against
                                                                                                           all serovars. Vaccination does reduce urine shedding of
                                                                                                           the bacteria, which is important to controlling the spread
                                                                                                           of the disease. This and preventing the disease is why it
                                                                                                           is important to have your canine vaccinated yearly against
                                                                                                              Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center
                                                                                                           is dedicated to providing the best possible care for your
                                                                                                           pets. With focuses on compassionate care in surgery,
                                                                                                           physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative medicine,
                                                                                                           extensive diagnostics, and emergency service, Palm City
                                                                                                           Animal Medical Center combines exceptional medical
                                                                                                           care with a caring philosophy for pets and their owners.
                                                                                                           For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit www.
                                                                                                  or find us on Facebook
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