Page 14 - Boca ViewPointe - November '22
P. 14

Page 14, Viewpointe                                                 November 2022

      Rales JFS And Jewish Federation Of SPBC Assist Delray Beach

      Residents Rendered Homeless By Hurricane Ian’s Tornado

         Dozens of people displaced when a tornado ripped
      through the Kings Point development last month are
      depending on the support of the Jewish Federation of South
      Palm Beach County, the services of Ruth & Norman Rales
      Jewish Family Services (JFS) and the generosity of our
      community to help them through this life-altering crisis.
         The group of senior citizens lost their homes when a
      Hurricane Ian-fueled tornado destroyed them – leaving a
      total of 55 people homeless. About 15 of the 55 had no
      friends or family who could take them in, and JFS and Jewish
      Federation of SPBC worked with other local agencies to find
      and pay for housing for them in West Palm Beach.
         Only one of these seniors had homeowners’ insurance.
      It is now a priority of Federation’s Hurricane Ian Relief
      Fund that donations raised in the local community will
      go to those so deeply impacted.
                                                         Kings Point residents being transferred to Fountainview for temporary housing by staff members.
                                                                                                                               Photos courtesy of Fountainview.
                 Medicare                                  or very low income, with little to no savings to help     displaced, they are now getting calls from some of the other
                                                                                                             While the organizations initially were helping 15 people
                                                           “The seniors living in Kings Point are already low
                                                         them recover from a tragedy like this,” said Danielle N.

                                                         Hartman, JFS President and CEO. “These seniors will   55 originally displaced people who now also need help.
                                                                                                             “People didn’t anticipate how long they would need
        open enrollMent                                    ongoing affordable housing crisis in Palm Beach County.    rebuild their homes and their lives at:
                                                         need our help to begin to recover.”
                                                                                                           housing from friends and family,” Hartman said.
                                                           Hartman pointed out that this situation highlights the
                                                                                                             Our neighbors need us now! Give generously to help them

                                                                                                             Deepest  thanks  to  Boca  Pointe  Federation

                                                           “It’s been devastating and without our help, they won’t
                     for 2023                            be able to return to their homes,” Hartman said.  Campaign  Chairs: Jane and Dan Fishkoff, and to
                                                                                                           Committee  Members: Rhoda Berkow, Allen Brayer,
                                                           After the Sept. 27 tornado, JFS worked with the

                                                                                                           Daniel  Fischer,  Richard  Glazer  &  Elaine  Kaplan,  Bea
                                                         Palm Beach Division of Emergency Management, Alpert
                                                         JFCS in West Palm Beach, Summer Faerman of B’nai
                                                                                                           Pitkowsky, Mel Schoen, Doris & Stuart Zeuner, for their
                                                         Torah  Congregation,  and  Hands  On Tzedakah  (HOT)   Gold, Harold Katz, Joel Meisner, Arlene Penner, Murray
                                                         to find housing for those 15 seniors at Fountain View   continued dedication and leadership.
                                                         Senior Living in West Palm Beach. The response to this      If you or a neighbor are in need of help, please contact
                 cHecK For                               devastating situation must be shared by multiple entities   Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services at 561-852-
                                                                                                           3333. In addition, our main Federation telephone number,
                                                         in the greater community.
                   eXcItInG                                the seniors settled in their temporary homes, providing   561-852-3100, is monitored regularly for voicemail messages.
                                                           In addition to housing, case managers are helping get

                                                                                                             Learn more about our Federation and how you can help at
                                                         trauma counseling, and applying to FEMA for funds to - or contact Shirley Gross at shirleyg@
                                                         help rebuild their homes.                or 561.852.3182 (leave a voicemail). 
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