Page 12 - Boca ViewPointe - November '22
P. 12

Page 12, Viewpointe                                                 November 2022
       There Are Angels

      By Judith Levy                                     Street, four long avenue blocks from where I needed to go. Now   money I offered. I hugged him and told him I’d never forget his
                                                         I had to walk those long blocks with my cane while hurrying   kindness.
         I was called to New                             to cross with the traffic lights. They have a blinking machine      Then I implored the hospital to allow me in although I had no
      York; my daughter was in                           indicting how many seconds you still have to get across the street   identification and later at the airport when I was going home, I
      the hospital in intensive care.                    till the oncoming traffic will run you down.      pleaded with them and they allowed me to fly even though I had
      I had given up travelling but                         In the morning I began my trek back to the hospital. No cabs   no driver’s license. I showed credit cards and a checkbook but
      despite that, I was catching a                     in sight, so I planned to walk to First Avenue in hopes of getting   none would do, but some good angel must have been watching
      plane to the Big Apple, nothing                    a bus, assuming I could climb up onto the bus. As I was hobbling   over me and finally let me get home to Boca Pointe.
      could keep me away. When I                         on the cobblestones, I spied a man in a truck. I asked him if he      So, this Thanksgiving I will be grateful for the good angels
      got there, I found the city was                    could possibly take me to New York Hospital, I would pay him.   that helped me and I hope they will watch over my daughter too,
      paralyzed. President Biden                         “No” he said, and then gave me a mouthful of reasons why he   who has sadly lost her battle. Reach out and help someone, be
      and the president of the Ukraine were in town to address the   couldn’t possibly do this. So, I said, “Thank you, anyway,” and   a good angel and I will try my best to be a good angel too.
      United Nations. Cars were moving at a crawl’s pace and cabs   continued slowly on my way. When I got to the corner, I could see
      were hardly available at all. Still, I managed to get to New York   there was no bus in sight and no taxis either. Then as I despaired,      Judith Levy is the New York Times best-selling author of
      Presbyterian and gave my license to identify myself and that was   this truck pulled up, the one who had just turned me down. “I’ve   GRANDMOTHER REMEMBERS, which has sold over four
      the last I saw of it. Where I put it, where I dropped it, I don’t   been thinking about you and I just have to help you,” he said,   million copies and the mega best-seller GRANDFATHER
      know.                                              “Get in.”                                         REMEMBERS, published by HarperCollins. Both books are
         I stayed with my daughter for several hours and then it took      “You must be an angel sent from heaven,” I told him. He   available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Perfect for the
      me three hours to get from 68th Street and York Avenue to 54th   took me right to the hospital’s front door and refused to take the   holidays. 
       The Mis- And Dis- Of Modern Reporting

      By Harold Katz, R.Ph.                              almost  everyone.  ‘Walking                       health problems. (Whether this is mis- or dis- information,
                                                         back’ or completely retracting                    it doesn’t matter. The children suffer.)
         The word ‘Misinformation’                       this falsehood is impossible.                        5. Polio, also a disease virtually eliminated, is recurring
      is defined as information that                        Here are  a  few of the                        in some major cities, because parents read and were told in
      is false or inaccurate and                         recent disinformation tidbits                     media headlines that receiving the vaccine was not necessary,
      that is often widely spread                        and their “side effects” on our                   because the disease had been conquered. (Does anyone
      amongst others. There may be                       nation:                                           remember the “iron lung” period before the vaccines were
      no intent to deceive. The term                        1. “There is a direct connection between the spread of   available?)
      ‘disinformation’ is a type of                      COVID-19 and the 5G telephone transmission system that is      6. “Taking a multiple vitamin daily ensures getting
      misinformation that is created                     being finalized across the country.” (No comment needed.)  enough essential vitamins to prevent heart disease, breast
      to be deliberately deceptive,                         2. Benadryl (diphenhydramine) an antihistamine can   cancer, and colon cancer”. (This article then refers to a study
      creating  a  lie  for  gainful  purposes. The  intent  here  is   cause hallucinations if you swallow enough of it. (At least   that had nothing to do with these diseases or these claims.
      intentionally to deceive. This article is limited to these two   one teenager has died while trying to get a “high” on it.)  Disinformation.)
      definitions only as they apply to medical, pharmaceutical,      3. Claims that cannabis (marijuana) will cure cancer.      7. “A study showed that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are
      or health news...not politics.                     (Absolutely no research to back up this claim. False hope   harmful to infants that are breast feeding.” From Instagram.
         The spread and reach of misinformation have been   for vulnerable people)                         (No references, no proof, no confirming sources offered.)
      intensified and magnified by all social media: television, radio,      4. Measles, a childhood disease virtually wiped out, is      8. A rumor that the drug fentanyl could kill by just
      internet, cell phones and the press. As a result, a falsehood   making a comeback in Florida and 26 other states because   touching it. (This disinformation originated in Texas and
      is almost immediately viewed by an estimated 70% of the   of parents who deny their children the vaccine because they
      population. Add word of mouth spread, and a lie may reach   heard that the vaccine can cause mental disfunction and other   The Mis- And Dis- Of Modern Reporting on page 13

         How The Breast Center At West Boca Diagnostic

         Imaging Finds Cancer Early

          Chances are you or someone you know will  highest risk patients, for example, would receive    “Between our experienced team and our
        be diagnosed with breast cancer.  One in eight  an annual mammogram and breast MRI.               comprehensive care, we are extremely proud of
        women at some point in their life will learn    “The goal is to find breast cancer early,” Dr.  the life-saving service we provide at the Breast
        they have it.  According to the American Cancer  Kalis said.                                      Center,” said George Rizzuto, CEO of West Boca
        Society, more than a quarter million women will    The Breast Center has the full complement  of  Medical Center. “The center is a shining example
        be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer this year  biopsy services. So, the patient wouldn’t have to  of our world class care at the community level.”
        alone.  Almost 50,000 women will die from it in  go off-site for diagnostic tests. The center also    To learn more about the Breast Center at
        2022.  Early detection can make all the difference,  has close relationships with fellowship trained  West Boca Diagnostic, please visit https://www.
        and that’s how the Breast Center at West Boca  breast surgeons, so patients can be fast tracked or
        Diagnostic Imaging stands out: its ability to find  for treatment seamlessly.                     call (866) 724-6002.
        the cancer is award winning.
        On top of prevention and early detection, the
        Breast Center provides a comprehensive breast
        program to accurately diagnose what type of
        cancer it is and how to treat it.  A patient navigator
        will walk you through the breast cancer beating
          On site, the Breast Center has radiologists
        fellowship trained in breast disease and
        licensed mammographers and licensed breast
        ultrasonographers.  It’s important to have the
        radiologist on site, so if something comes back
        from an exam abnormal, the patient can find out
        results that day instead of waiting days or weeks.
        Depending on the outcome, we can develop the
        management plan same day as well. Patients won’t
        be stuck worrying and waiting.
          “That’s a big positive here.  We’re not run like
        a factory.  We have a personal touch that we pride
        ourselves in,” said Dr. Marc Kalis, a radiologist
        with a subspecialty in breast imaging. “It’s not a
        one-size-fits-all policy here; we treat each patient
        as an individual.”
          Based on risk factors that a patient may have,
        like if breast cancer runs in their family, the Breast
        Center can tailor the screening process.  The
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