Page 4 - Boca ViewPointe - November '22
P. 4

Page 4, Viewpointe                                                  November 2022
      The Rippling Rhythms In My Gene Pool

      By William A. Gralnick                                Very hard-working, Fields wanted to find a sound that   home at six, dinner at seven, family sitting around
                                                         would distinguish him from the other smooth jazz bands of   the radio afterward—there are certain professions she
         The radio comedienne                            the day. When you were trying to find a niche amongst such   shouldn’t marry into. One was a bandleader. Bandleaders
      Jane Ace had a signature                           names as Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, Benny Goodman,   are on the road a lot. They get home late at night and their
      line. When  surprised  by                          and many others, something distinctive was needed. Fields   body clock has different times than the family’s. Even
      something she’d announce,                          met with his arrangers. They studied the sounds that made   when playing gigs in New York, Shep would often not get
      “You could have knocked                            these bands popular and adapted the sounds to different   home until two or three in the morning. When he came
      me over with a fender.” Such was my reaction to finding   instruments. For instance, one orchestra used glissandos   through the door, he was usually ravenous. On the kitchen
      out that my second cousin, band leader Shep Fields, was a   on the trombone. His viola section would do those. Peter   counter would be that night’s dinner waiting for him. One
      Brooklyn boy. Surprising too, was that Fields was born a   Duchan’s right-hand embellishments caught Field’s fancy.   night it wasn’t in its usual place, but something else that
      Feldman. I won’t run you up and down the genealogy tree,   That technique went to the accordion. Triplets on the   looked enticing and smelled delicious was. He scarfed
      but we have Jewish Maginess’ hanging from a branch. I   trumpet went to his clarinets and flutes, and the rolling   it down, and as he often did, he left a note of thanks for
      knew we had some celebrities attached to my mother’s   sounds produced in Ferde Grofe’s Grand Canyon Suite   his wife to see when she got up to start the day. He said
      side of the family. My grandfather’s cousin was the   became another mark of his band. His band was already hot   the corned beef hash was a nice change and very tasty.
      vaudevillian known as the “Mad Russian.” His signature   and heard coast-to-coast on the radio playing in the finest   They never told him that it was the dog’s food that they
      line was challenging someone to a duel and saying in an   hotels in the country. The name that made him famous came   had forgotten to put away. Ba da boom!
      afterthought tone of voice, “If I’m not there on time—start   from a contest held in Chicago. Listeners were asked to      Shep Fields’sounds were popular from the ‘30s to the
      without me.” There was a cousin who was the OB-GYN to   pick a name for his band after listening to selections that   early ‘60s when the Big Band era ended. He died of a
      the stars, having delivered Buddy Hackett and many other   used the new sound. The word rippling came up several   heart attack on February 23, 1981 with his place secure in
      well-known name brands. There was Eddie Fields, the   times. Fields then decided on Shep Fields and His Rippling   the annals of that era’s music. He rests at the Mt. Hebron
      carpet king. Remember the old commercial, “A name on   Rhythms. A star was reborn.                   cemetery, and I am on a campaign to get “The 40’s Junction”
      the door, rates a Bigelow on the floor?” If you lived in the      There was only one thing missing. He wanted a light,   on Sirrius XM to play his music. If you remember the band,
      greater NY area and were rich, you went to Eddie Fields for   fun sound to be the calling card for his introduction. His   remember to drop me a note about your memories.
      your carpet needs. Freddie Field was the theatrical agent   mind wouldn’t stop but it also wouldn’t come up with
      to the stars. Amongst his clients was none other than Judy   something. One night, having a bite to eat in a soda shop      Columnist  and  author  Bill  Gralnick  was  born  and
      Garland. But as my mom used to say, “That and fifteen   with his wife, he was still grumbling about his inability to   raised in Brooklyn, NY. He is writing a three-part
      cents will get you on the subway.”                 come with something. His wife, Evelyn, my mom’s Aunt   humorous memoir. The first is “The War of the Itchy Balls
         Fields wanted to be a lawyer, but his father’s death at   Evie, whom I adored, quietly slipped a straw into her drink   and Other Tales from Brooklyn.” Just published is the
      age 39 sent him back to bandleading, which he had given   and started blowing bubbles. Bingo! The sound of bubbles   sequel, “George Washington Didn’t Sleep Here.” Both are
      up to study the law. That wasn’t unusual. My father wanted   became the indelible intro to the Rippling Rhythms.  available on Amazon. You can find his writing at https://
      to study the violin, but as the oldest boy of five children, he      If a woman wants a traditional home life—husband 
      saw it wouldn’t provide an immediate living. Interested in
      science, he chose medicine. The Depression hit. He became
      a dentist because it was a shorter course.                                       Board Of Directors

                    Attention                                     May 2021 – May 2023 Officers/Executive Committee

                 Boca Pointe                               Chairman and President  Barry J. Haberman       District 5 Howard Weinstein (El Dorado)

                   Residents!                              Vice Chair          Steve Retzer                     Esplanada, Caravelle, Palomar, La Corniche,
                                                                                                             and El Dorado
                                                           Treasurer           Harvey  Kaplan              District 6 Connie Murray (Villa Flora)
                Flatten All Your Boxes!                                                                       Villa Flora, Montego Bay, Villa Del Sol, and Palladium
                                                           District Directors                              District 7 Alan Markoff (The Plum)
               Our recycling trucks do not pick up your    District 1 Mary Ann Frazier (Palms)                The Plum/Cortina, Villa Sonrisa and Pointe 100
          cardboard boxes if they are not flattened. Instead,      Encantada, Valencia and The Palms       District 8 Robert Cornell (Costa Brava)
        they go to trash and are burned with regular refuse....  District 2 Steve King (Imperial Royale)      Costa Del Sol and Costa Brava
            lost revenue for residents of Boca Pointe.       Promenade, Imperial Royale, Imperial, Regency   District 9 Robin Gliboff (Edgewater)
                                                              and Panaché                                     Edgewater Pointe Estates and Stratford Court
                                                           District 3 Harvey Kaplan (Meridiana)
                                                              La Mirada and Meridiana                              At Large Directors
                                                           District 4 Michael Ehrentreu (El Viento)
                                                              El Viento, La Paz, and Southwinds    Through 2023                Through 2023
                                                                                                   Chandra Stewart-Keith (Panaché)  Barry J. Haberman (Encantada)
                                                                                                   Bob Greenstein (Lakes of La Paz)  Marvin Lazarowitz (Villa Del Sol)
        25+ years industry experience                                                              Steve Retzer (La Mirada)    Carsten Bethge (Valencia)

        Beth S. Sigel

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