Page 8 - Boca ViewPointe - November '22
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Page 8, Viewpointe                                                  November 2022

        The Art Of A                                    Welcome To The Fantastic World

        Thankful Heart                                  Of FENG SHUI!!!

                                                         By Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera P.H.D.           Main qualities: Care.
        By Josette Veltri                                                                                  Winter station.
                                                            In the article that we present today, the system of the five      • WOOD.
           It is a fact that an                          elements that make up this ancient science of FENG SHUI   Areas to harmonize: Family, health.
        attitude of gratitude                            will be dedicated.                                Colors: Greens, blues and derivatives.
        improves ones quality of                            This system is similar to the cycles of nature and therefore   Main qualities: Vitality, expansion, growth.
        life. Researchers continue                       works together to obtain a balance. These five elements are:  Spring station.
        to explore and uncover                              • Earth.                                          • FIRE.
        multiple health benefits                            • Metal.                                       Areas to harmonize: Fame.
        of thinking with a grateful                         • Water.                                       Colors: Red.
        heart as lowering                                   • Wood.                                        Shapes: Triangle.
        levels of distress                                  • Fire.                                        Main qualities: Recognition.
        and pain, lowering                                  Each of these elements is associated with certain qualities,   Summer season.
        rates of depression,                             these qualities are part of the “FENG SHUI”, because they      It should be noted that these five elements, by
        better physical and                              help in the search for harmony in spaces and energize them.   themselves, do not solve a problem of harmonization of
        psychological well-                              It is important to highlight that each of these elements, It is   the environment, because if we compare our house with a
        being and more.                                  generally present in our homes, offices, premises and in many   human body, it is as if we had a pain, we take a pill without
        (                                 internal and external environments, but its proper location,   looking for the origin of the discomfort and its due solution.
           Research studies also show a thankful heart   depending on what you want to improve within the spaces,   Therefore, we must first take into account that part of life,
        increases sleep quality, reducing the time required to   will have a positive or negative result, that is, it will attract   family, prosperity, health, education, professional career,
        fall asleep and increases sleep duration. (Psychology   the CHI or the SHA.                        recognition in society, among many other needs of the
        Today, Apr 30, 2014 – Improve Sleep)               The CHI directs us to a positive energy and on the   human being, we want to seek to improve or optimize and
           Gratitude Professor Robert Emmons writes a thankful   contrary the SHA is a negative energy. If we remember our   Having this, an analysis will be carried out, whose diagnosis
        heart celebrates and increases the value we put on ourselves,   previous articles published in this Boca Pointe community   will be the solution to the conflict. Starting from the fact
        others, the places we go and the things we possess.   newspaper, we have talked about the areas of FENG SHUI   that in most cases, many “cures” or answers to the problem
           So, how do we know if we are practicing the Art of   and its characteristics, cures, such as improving the lives of   require very little, or they are in our environment.
        a Thankful Heart? Answer Yes or No to the following   family members, employees, etc. In this ancient science, as      To illustrate the aforementioned, we will use the
        five questions and find out:                     its name indicates, harmony and peace are sought, whose   following example:
           1. Are we spending most days perceiving people,   qualities influence the home and life.           A lady wrote to me and her question was related to the
        places and things with compassion and understanding?      Each element that makes up this ancient science is   position of her bed in the room, which caused her insomnia,
           This does not mean we ignore unpleasant situations   associated with colors and shapes and those qualities are   unpleasant dreams, restlessness, to which I asked her what
        but with a thankful heart we will have options to   what are used to avoid SHA, or negative energy. Another   the location was. of your bed inside the room? Something
        perceive unpleasantness in more productive ways.   aspect of these elements worth mentioning is their simplicity,   so simple and common, for which he was given the solution
           2. Are we consciously developing an optimistic point   by the very fact of being of nature itself, although in some   that otherwise would have become a physical and mental
        of view? Do we see the glass as half-full or half-empty?  cases they are processed products.       health problem.
           3. Are we thankful for the people, places and      The qualities of these elements are detailed below:     This situation described above can happen to anyone as
        things in our lives right now? Or, are we allowing the      • EARTH.                               well as many others, therefore, although the solution is very
        endless limiting mind chatter to trigger our thoughts   Areas to harmonize: Health, knowledge, relationships.  simple, if we do not seek help it can become something bigger.
        to question why don’t I have __, or I should have__?   Colors: Brown, orange, yellow and its derivatives.     I invite you to write to our email and with great pleasure
           4. Are we programming our minds with value based   Shapes: Square, flat.                        and in order of arrival we will be able to answer your questions.
        intentions every morning? When we start the day with   Main qualities: Self-care, stability, reasons.     Until the next installment!!
        value based intentions such as how can I manifest   Season: Transition between seasons.               Milagros
        or demonstrate my values of gratitude, friendliness,      • METAL.
        compassion,  kindness,  etc.,  we  give  our  brains  a   Areas to harmonize: Education, help other people.     Author Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera, Feng
        directive to find out how.                       Colors: White, metallic (gold, silver).           Shui  Specialist  is  a  resident  of  the  Plum.  Email:
           5. Are we conscious of our thoughts and behavior   Shapes: Circular, spherical.        
        patterns that no longer serve us? If not mindful of our   Main qualities: Efficiency, precision, beauty.
        limiting patterns, we experience life as being unfair   Fall season.
        which leads to an increase in moodiness which leads      • WATER.
        to an increase in emotionally charged reactions.   Areas to harmonize: Children.
           How we practice the Art of a Thankful Heart is a   Colors: Black.
        choice. Some may find journaling their gratitude list,   Shapes: Curved, wavy.
        others demonstrate gratitude through volunteering and
        some may choose to softly utter, I am grateful for ___.
           Choose a method that works best for you, but do                                                            Norbert Graber, R. Ph.
        choose! And, before long, you will find practicing                                                           and Lynn Graber, R. Ph.
        the Art of a Thankful Heart will benefit you in ways
           Thanksgiving season is here and with it comes
        many opportunities to demonstrate and manifest our
        gratitude for  ourselves,  our  families,  friends and
           Whether your life is currently great, good or
        overflowing with difficulties remember, there is
        always something and someone to be thankful for.

           For more information on learning and applying
        coping strategies, contact Josette Veltri at josette@ 

          On behalf of  The
        Club at Boca Pointe we                                                                                                        FREE
        would like to remind                                             Family Owned & Operated                                 LOCAL DELIVERY
        our residents that NO                                   SERVING BOCA POINTE AND OUR COMMUNITY SINCE 2001                   Free for prescription
                                                                                                                                      drugs only
        walking, running,                                  •  Easy Prescription Transfer      •  Prescriptions Filled Fast
                                                           •  All Medicare Part D Plans Accepted •  Professional Compounding
        bicycle riding or dog                              •  Most Private Insurance Plans For   •  Orthopedic & Surgical      FAST, FRIENDLY SERVICE
        walking is permitted                                 Prescription Drugs Accepted        Supplies                      SPECIAL ORDERS WELCOME
        on the golf course or                                Including United Healthcare      •  Nebulizers & Supplies       HIGHEST-QUALITY MEDICINES
        golf cart paths. For safety reasons, the paths        and Tricare                     •  Compression Stockings           & HEALTH PRODUCTS
        are for golf carts only.                                                         561-391-6336

                                                                                      22191 Powerline Road • Boca Raton
          Thank you for cooperating with The Club's                      SW Corner of Palmetto & Powerline • Mon-Fri 9am to 6pm • Sat 9am to 3pm • Closed Sun
        policy.                                                                     
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