Page 11 - PGA Community News - December '22
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December 2022                                                            December 2022                                                 PGA C.A.N.!, Page 11
      A Night To Remember

      Gala Highlighted Heartwarming  family. It’s these moments that make this gala so impactful.”         Nicholson Foundation, PNC Bank, Florida Power & Light,
                                                           A special ceremony honored George Rosenfield, a
      Tributes, Donations To Help                         97-year-old WWII and Korean War vet. Among the guests   Intrepid Oceans Marine, LLC, House of David, LLC, and Lt.
                                                                                                           General (Ret.) Robert and Vicki Chelberg.
      Florida Veterans                                  were Congressman Brian Mast and Palm Beach County      The gala benefits WVRF and its mission to provide
                                                        Commissioner Maria Marino, who presented a proclamation   emergency financial support to qualified disabled veterans
         A Night  of Honor  Gala  celebrated its  11th  year  on   declaring Nov. 5 as Wounded Veterans Relief Fund Day. The   living in Florida. Part of the proceeds support WVRF’s critical
      Saturday, Nov. 5, at the Country Club at Mirasol. Presented by   United States Marine Corps Color Guard and Palm Beach   dental care program, which provides care to veterans who
      the Wounded Veterans Relief Fund (WVRF), the memorable   Pipes and Drums also took center stage.     do not qualify for V.A. dental coverage. Veterans can receive
      evening featured a live auction, a surprise donated vehicle      Kate Arrizza, CEO of the Cox Science Center and Kimberly   assistance with dental infections, pain management, fillings,
      for a veteran in need, and a long list of VIP guests. More   Reckley, senior vice president, client and community director   dentures, and implants that will improve their chances of
      than 350 people attended the event, which raised $304,000   with PNC Bank, cochaired the gala. WPTV’s Shannon Cake   employment and overall health.
      to support the mission of WVRF.                   and Brian Edwards of The United Way, Palm Beach County,      To learn more about WVRF, visit
         “This is not only our biggest fundraiser of the year,   served as emcees. Sponsors of the evening included the Stiles-
      but also a very moving event that
      pays tribute to our wounded Florida
      veterans, many who are in desperate
      situations,” WVRF Executive Director
      Mike Durkee said. “The Air Force
      veteran who received the car was
      totally shocked, broke down in tears
      and  had  everyone  choked  up.  She
      had been in despair over needing
      transportation to go to work, make
      her V.A. appointments and help her

                                        Exceeding Expectations

                                   For Home Buyers And Sellers
                                  Happy and Safe Holidays to all PGA Families

                                    What’s my home VaLUe in the cUrrent market?
                            Dennis Charles Ferry

                                    Cell Direct:
                                                                           5540 PGA Blvd., Suite 108
                                 609-230-8942                            Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
                           “Dennis is the consummate professional. His explanation of the property, pros and cons, was right
          Dennis Charles   on the mark. He was always there to answer a question, and freely give his opinion and advice when
               Ferry       asked. A gentleman and a pleasure to do business with.” A.J.B.                      NEW HOT GOLF FrONT LISTING
             “I personally   “Dennis has been an extremely helpful agent throughout this transaction. He made our life so easy   42 Via Corso, Villa d’Este PGA National
           show all listings”  in navigating through the whole buying process. His can-do attitude and his honesty made us feel   3BD, 2BTH Sold Furnished
                           very comfortable and made him a very good friend of ours. We highly recommend him for any   Listed at $675,000
                           real estate transaction that you may have.” Z.H.

        25 Via Cararra, Villa d’Este PGA National         24 Via Del Corso, Villa d’Este, PGA National     Fazio Golf Front PGA National 51 Via Verona
           Listed at $625,000 Sold at $650,000                        Palmer Golf Course                       in Villa d’Este, One-Story 3BD, 2BTH
               Highest selling price for this model to date       Listed and sold at $759,000                       $650,000 Sold Furnished

         9 Via Aurelia, Villa d’Este, PGA National         60 Green Point Circle B, PGA National            8 Via Sorrento, Villa d’Este, PGA National
           Listed at $619,000 Sold at $635,000                       Water and Golf Front                    Steps to community pool, 3BD, 2.5 BTHS
                                                            Listed at $998,000 Sold at $1,023,000             Listed at $649,000 Under Contract
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