Page 9 - PGA Community News - December '22
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December 2022                                                            December 2022                                                  PGA C.A.N.!, Page 9
      Call For ‘ArtiGras Island’ Themed Student Entries

      For 2023 ArtiGras Youth Art Competition

         The 2023 ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival, presented by Hanley   “ArtiGras Island.”                    crayon to chalk and
      Foundation and produced by the Palm Beach North Chamber   Students  can  create                      paint. For many students
      of Commerce, is looking for artistically-talented students to   their own piece of art               in Palm Beach County,
      submit pieces of artwork for their Baptist Health ArtiGras   centered around what                    ArtiGras is more than a
      Youth Art Competition which this year carries the theme   “ArtiGras Island” means                    fabulous art festival to
                                                        to them. The artwork can                           attend during Presidents’
                                                        be about what they love                            Day weekend, it is an
                                                        about nature, or students                          opportunity to share
                                                        can recreate their own                             their works of art and
                                                        destination island.                                showcase their skill and
                                                           Students in                                     talent in the ArtiGras
                                                        grades kindergarten                                Youth Art Competition.
                                                        through 12th grade are                                The artwork will be

                                                        encouraged to submit                               judged by local artists
                                                        artwork in mediums                                 and art educators who
      Submission from last year’s youth art contest     ranging from pencil and  2020 Youth Art winner     will have the daunting   Estephany Herrera from Jupiter
                                                                                                           task of narrowing down   High School placed third in the
        The Singles Scene Column                                            ©                              the hundreds of entries   senior division in 2022.
                                                                                                           to only 77 finalists then
                                                                                                           selecting a first, second and third place winner along with two
                                                                                                           honorable mentions for each school grade. The winners will
        By Kelly Leary, M.S., THE Florida Matchmaker, Est. 1991  that make your skin crawl: “Why are you still single?”   be announced on the Sunday of ArtiGras, Feb. 19, 2023.
        Matchmaking Under the                           Suddenly everyone is a critic, right?                website ( or through their school’s art teacher up
                                                                                                             Students can submit their artwork through the ArtiGras
                                                           3. You will have no one to kiss on New Year’s Eve

        Mistletoe                                       (BIGGEST BUMMER EVER).                             until the deadline on Friday, Dec. 16. Students and teachers
                                                           4. You will be sleeping alone on the most romantic   can email, call (561) 746-7111 or visit
           “A Very Merry Season,                        nights of the year. Is it ever fun to sleep alone? for more information.
        and a Happy New Year.                              THE GRAND SOLUTION: No matter what your            ArtiGras, which is scheduled for Feb. 18 to 19, 2023, has
        Let’s hope it’s a good one,                     age is--thirty or eighty--you can find a new partner. We   been listed as a Top 10 festival in the country and features
        without any fear.”                              see it every day. Increase your odds of finding authentic   more than 300 artists from across the country. Over the past
           Seasons Greetings                            and attractive people to date with bravado and faith in our   10 years, ArtiGras has raised over $300,000 for youth art
        and welcome to the most                         31 year sustainable matchmaking system. We know it’s   education and local charities.
        magical time of the year. I                     tough being single, newly single, or widowed this time
        am so glad you are here! As                     of year. However, you can simply and proactively flip the
        always, if you are spoken                       script. There is someone out there who feels like you and
        for, do share this hopeful                      is waiting to meet you too...especially this month.
        news with your single                              A gift of love (from YOU to YOU) will lift your spirits
        family and friends who                          instantly. The action of doing something about this will
        may be struggling this time of year.            change your vibe for the whole month...even if you decide
           Dating in December can be more romantic than any   you want your first date after January. You know you are a
        other time of the year. Just think about your first-date   client and your file is all set up and ready to go. You beat
        venue options. Think about how you can quickly see if   the rush.
        you are compatible with someone just by driving through      Understand, many of your married friends are faking it
        a neighborhood decked out in holiday lights or visiting the   through the holiday as if they were happy. Many will argue
        local chocolate factory. How someone handles the holiday   and bicker, unfortunately. YOU are in a great situation.
        season is often a window to how they handle their entire   YOU are the designer of your love life and YOU will   Photograph of artwork from Daniel Tran from Suncoast
        life. Think about it!                           choose who to kiss when the clock strikes twelve on New   Community High School who won Best of Show in the 2022
           The holidays can bring out an abundance of good energy   Year’s Eve, with our help. Your future match is waiting for   Baptist Health Youth Art Competition
        which can promote positive feelings in even the biggest   you to get your name in our Santa hat. Birds of a feather
        Grinch. Cupid and Santa love to work in tandem too--as   flock together. Take a look at our new drop of clients too...  Palm Beach
        you know--making it even more possible for your dreams   so impressive...even more so in person and we have met
        to come true. Your odds of attracting your future partner   every one of them in our office!
        are doubled in December. (Keep in mind: This doesn’t      So this is December in loveland and I wish you   Gardens
        mean you have to spend the high holidays together if you   happiness too. This is your birthright. Please keep love
        just started dating.)                           and hope as your guiding light, and you won’t go wrong.
           Let’s face it though, this time of year can bring on a   Let LOVE guide you. Still stuck between fear and love?   Historical Society
        case of the Holiday Blues. If you don’t prioritize yourself   Choose love.
        this month, you may have regrets. You don’t have to halt      December holds a mirror up to you and asks, “What
        dating just because it’s the holidays. Your children are   do you want this year my dear?” I know what you want   Meet The Board
        likely grown and if not--and you are a single parent--all   because you are reading this column. The next step is your
        the more reason to gift yourself too. You absolutely should   responsibility. Make your appointment to meet us and we      Maria Mamlouk
        step it up a bit. There is no gain in being a martyr. It is also   will take care of the rest.     (right in picture) has
        a bad example for your offspring.                  Wishing you an extraordinary Holiday Season and a   been a resident in
           So, let your heart be light and end the year strong with   Happy New Year 2023! Let the good times roll!   Palm Beach Gardens
        ease and elegance! Consider the following details before      Thank you for sharing your year with me once again.   since 1991, and was
        you write down your December goals. Remember that it   The love in me honors the love in all of you.   one of the founders
        really is a wonderful life when you make the moments                               XoXo, Kelly     of the Historical
        count.                                          #BeatTheHolidayRush #GiftYourselfThisYear          Society in 2008. She
         The Upside of Being Single in December:        #HolidayLove #WhyWaitJustDate #Connect #LoveOffline   was also one of the
           1. You don’t have to buy your romantic partner a gift.   #TellYourFriends                       seven authors who
        L.O.L. Some people think this way. Some people hold off      Kelly Leary© has a stellar 31 years in the dating   volunteered many
        dating until March after the holidays and Valentine’s Day.   industry and a masters degree in Psychology. Revolution   hours and searched
        Bah humbug, right?                              Dating participates in multiple charitable organizations   widely  to  bring  to
           2. You can pick and choose where you want to go for   such as The Leukemia Lymphoma Society, Chasin A   life the history of
        holiday gatherings. Yeah! No more long drives to the in-  Dream Foundation, Furry Friends Animal Adoption   Palm Beach Gardens
        laws! Double-yeah!                              Clinic and more. Revolution Dating members are     in our 2012 history book: Images of America, Palm Beach
           3. You have more time for yourself and your family   prescreened in person including background checks.   Gardens.
        since you no longer have to split your time between   Professional photos are taken by the staff.  This is not      Born in Cuba, Maria arrived in the United States in 1960
        families. Do things and celebrate the way you want to and   online dating or blind dating. In addition to providing   as a political refugee and made Washington, D.C. her home.
        hopefully, we meet you sooner than later. This year all of   matchmaking services that make singles “UN-single”   She holds a master’s degree from Georgetown University
        the big holidays fall at the end of the month. By taking   through their exclusive club membership, this club also   and worked for the United States Agency for International
        steps now, you can pre-empt that defeated feeling. This is   provides dating feedback and coaching as needed. Please   Development (foreign aid) for over 21 years.
        so empowering. Thank me later.                  call the Hotline at 561-630-XOXO (9696) or 772-932-     After traveling throughout the world, Maria, now a widow
         The DOWNSIDE of Being Single in December:      HERE (4373) to speak to a LIVE matchmaker. You may   and retired, spends her time volunteering, in addition to the
           1. People will feel sorry for you, no matter what you   also visit us at *All Inquiries   Historical Society, with the Community Foundation of Palm
        say or think.                                   are Confidential.                                  Beach and Martin Counties and recently became a member
           2. You will be asked endless irritating questions                                               of the Advisory Board of the Salvation Army. She still plays
                                                Paid Advertisement                                         tennis and cards and loves to play a part in the preservation
                                                                                                           of our local heritage.
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