Page 13 - PGA Community News - December '22
P. 13

December 2022                                                            December 2022                                                 PGA C.A.N.!, Page 13
      Town Of Jupiter News

      Decision: Fire/Rescue                                                                                  submitted a second proposal with reduced costs for the
                                                                                                             Since PBC learned about this in-progress study, it
      Service Provider                                                                                     opportunity to continue providing fire/rescue services to
                                                                                                           the Town of Jupiter.
      By Jim Kuretski,                                                                                        The attached graph illustrates historical costs and
      Mayor, Town of Jupiter                                                                               future costs for the various fire/rescue service provider
         Jupiter  has  contracted                                                                          alternatives that are now under consideration.
      with Palm Beach County                                                                                  The town manager was directed on Nov. 1 to continue
      (PBC)  for  fire/rescue                                                                              the alternatives study; as well as dialogue with PBC about
      services for the past 15                                                                             a potential third and lower cost proposal.
      years. The contract obligated                                                                           Stay tuned.
      the town to pay PBC for
      fire/rescue  services  based
      upon  actual costs plus                                                                                     Reminder From
      overheads markup, with
      annual cost adjustments.                          cost plus markup basis. These skyrocketed costs are/were   Palm Beach Gardens
         This contract worked well and was fair to both parties.   intended to be used by PBC to subsidize costs for fire/
      Costs were collected through annual ad valorem tax   rescue services to unincorporated rural areas wherein such
      assessments on real estate property through the Taxing   costs are inherently much higher.                Police Department
      Authority: “Jupiter Fire MSTU.” Jupiter property owners      We were shocked and disappointed that PBC would
      should look at the 2022 Real Estate Property Tax Bill,   even consider such skyrocketed annual increases in tax   Adopt These Habits To
      received in mailboxes in early November, to understand   assessments for fire/rescue services to Jupiter.  Prevent Vehicle Burglaries
      how much each of you currently pays for these fire/rescue      North Palm Beach County municipalities such as Palm
      services.                                         Beach Gardens, Tequesta and North Palm Beach have
         Earlier  this  year,  PBC  notified  Jupiter  of  its  intent   their own municipal fire departments. The Jupiter Town     • Please lock your vehicle doors every time
      to increase its annual bills by 21.5 percent per year for   Council  authorized Town  Manager Frank  Kitzerow to   – even for a quick stop or at home.
      the next five-year period. This would mean that in 2028,   initiate a study of alternative fire/rescue service providers     • Never leave items of any kind inside your
      Jupiter property owners would have to pay 234 percent   including the possibility of creating a new Town of Jupiter   vehicle. Hiding items doesn’t work!
      of the expected costs under the current contract’s actual   Fire Department.                            • At a minimum, if you must leave items,
                                                                                                            place them in your trunk.
          Drainage Information From Northern Palm Beach County                                                • Cell phone/iPod power cords, GPS holders
                                                                                                            and other key sets act as neon signs.
                                      Improvement District                                                    • Park in well-lit areas, stay alert and call

           Why do some yards flood after large quantities of rain? The simple answer is according to most approved   in any suspicious activities to the police
                                                                                                            department nonemergency number: 799-4445.
        drainage designs, some water is meant to be temporarily stored in public recreational areas, yard swale
        and streets. The excess surface water slowly drains to community lakes or on-site ponds via street and
        yard drainage grates and/or via swales, ditches and canals. The more complex answer is that each yard is
        different. Some yards have drainage swale areas. These are areas that are sloped to catch water and filter
        out pollutants as water is absorbed into the ground. Some yards direct water to the community drainage
        system as run-off with very little water retained in the yard. Familiarize yourself with how your yard was
        built to determine how water drains from your home.

              Yesterday I was diagnosed with prostate Cancer

                Today I start the fight.

                At the Anderson Family Cancer Institute at Jupiter Medical Center, we believe that no one should wait for cancer care. That is why
                we are offering next day oncologist appointments for newly diagnosed patients. Rapid access to leading cancer specialists will
                empower patients and their families to jump start their journey to beat cancer.

                 For Next Day Oncologist Appointments call 561-263-4400.
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