Page 12 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - March '23
P. 12

Page 12, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      Dan Bi From Ontario, Canada,

      Wins Best Of Show At 2023 ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival

        The 2023 ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival presented by Hanley                                           up on Sunday, Feb. 19, in Palm Beach Gardens. Ranked as
      Foundation and produced by the Palm Beach North Chamber                                              one of the Top 10 art shows in the United States, ArtiGras
      of Commerce is proud to announce Dan Bi from Ontario,                                                showcases a unique juried exhibition of nearly 300 fine artists
      Canada, has won Best of Show for his mixed media work                                                from all over the country.
      with fine paper cuttings.                                                                              A portion of the proceeds from ArtiGras goes to support
        “I’m so surprised and very glad,” said Bi about winning                                            art education in schools throughout Palm Beach County. For
      Best of Show at the 2023 ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival. This is                                        additional information on ArtiGras visit
      the third time Bi has been selected to show at ArtiGras. He                                          About Hanley Foundation
      won first place in mixed media at last year’s festival. “I’m                                           Hanley Foundation combats substance use disorders
      glad I came back to show this year, and will definitely return                                       within our communities by raising awareness and providing
      next year.”                                                                                          education through quality substance use prevention
        The winners were selected by three judges who scored   Best Of Show Winner Dan Bi with his Best Of Show Trophy  programming in schools and communities in Palm Beach
      each artist and awarded a Best of Show and a first-place                                             and 21 other counties within Florida. Hanley Foundation
      winner in each of the 12 categories. The judges also awarded   Michael Chen - Photography - New York, N.Y.  is dedicated to working alongside community partners
      11 Judges Awards.                                  Gary Traczyk - Sculpture - Palmetto Bay, Fla.     to promote healthy lifestyles and to positively influence
        The following is a list of the artists who placed first in   Derrick Crossland - Wood - Islamorada, Fla.  attitudes, norms, and values by empowering individuals
      each category and the Judges Awards:               Judges Awards                                     and families while helping supply need-based treatment
      Best Of Show                                       Janvier Ngamije - Fiber Nonwearable - Lewisville, Texas  scholarships to individuals with demonstrated needs in Palm
      Dan Bi - Mixed Media - Markhan, Ontario, Canada    Nolan Prohaska - Glass - Somerset, Wis.           Beach County.
      First Place Awards                                 Michael Alexander - Jewelry - New York, N.Y.      About Palm Beach North Chamber Of Commerce
      Don McWhorter - Ceramics - Carrollton, Ga.         Antoni Kozlowski - Jewelry - Shelby Township, Mich.    The Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce is one of the
      Sondra Wampler - Digital Art - Santa Fe, N.M.      Diane Seeman - Mixed Media - Cincinnati, Ohio     largest and most active business organizations in Southeast
      Melissa Helene Bossenbroek - Drawing and Printmaking -   Yu Zhou - Painting - Winter Garden, Fla.    Florida. Serving businesses in the 10 municipalities that make
      Silver Cliff, Wis.                                 Arlet Gomez - Painting - Greenacres, Fla.         up Palm Beach North, the chamber fosters a partnership of
      Jean Yao-Fiber Nonwearable - Fort Lauderdale, Fla.  JD Dennison - Photography - Troy, Mich.          private, public, educational and civic organizations working
      Shekina Rudoy - Fiber Wearable - Princeton, N.J.   Eric Shupe - Sculpture - Hampton, Fla.            together to ensure Palm Beach North is Florida’s “Prosperity
      Christopher Jeffries - Glass - Long Beach, Calif.  Greg Thomas-Moore - Wood - Deltona, Fla.          Coast.” The chamber’s four strategic imperatives are: a
      Don and Serena David - Jewelry - Palm Coast, Fla.  Magali Cereghino-Groves - Wood - Orlando, Fla.    prosperous economy, high quality of life for all residents, a
      Stephanie Lavender - Mixed Media - Fort Lauderdale, Fla.    Celebrating 38 years in Palm Beach County, the ArtiGras   smart and connected region, and regional leadership. For
      William Kwamena-Poh - Painting - Savannah, Ga.     Fine Arts Festival presented by Hanley Foundation wrapped   more information visit:
      Living Longer, Living Better

      After A Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis

        An estimated 150,000 U.S. adults will be diagnosed   refined at Cleveland Clinic Florida, it is more common   team offers a full range of advanced treatment options
      with colorectal cancer this year. Excluding skin cancer, it   for patients to need only a temporary ileostomy to let the   for colon and rectal cancers. The Maroone Cancer Center
      is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men   body rest and heal, rather than a permanent colostomy.  at Cleveland Clinic Florida is an ACS Commission on
      and women each year in the United States.            “Preserving and improving the quality of life are   Cancer  Accredited Program and Cleveland Clinic Florida
        Now for the good news. The five-year survival rate   always our top priorities, and the work being done by   in Weston was the first in Florida and second in the nation
      for colorectal cancer has more than doubled since 1970,   my colleagues in Florida, Ohio, London and Abu Dhabi   to earn accreditation from the ACS National Accreditation
      climbing to 65 percent, due to medical advances and early   attest to these priorities,” says Wexner. “For patients with   Program for Rectal Cancer.
      screening. For people with localized colorectal cancer   colorectal cancer, that means eliminating their cancer     Cleveland Clinic Florida’s Department of Colorectal
      (stage 1) the survival rate is 91 percent.         while helping them preserve bowel continence whenever   Surgery is world-renowned for achieving excellent
        “Colorectal cancer                               possible.”                                        outcomes and using innovative state-of-the-art
      is both preventable and                              Cleveland Clinic Florida is home to South Florida’s   treatments for colorectal conditions. Learn  more at
      highly treatable when                              only gastroenterology and gastrointestial surgery program or call at (877)
      we catch it early,” says                           ranked nationally by  U.S. News World Report’s “Best   463-2010 to schedule a consultation.
      Steven Wexner,  M.D.,                              Hospitals” rankings (2022/23). Identified as “high
      Ph.D., Director of the                             performing” in colon cancer surgery by the magazine, the
      Ellen Leifer Shulman
      and Steven Shulman
      Digestive Disease Center
      at Cleveland Clinic Florida
      in Weston. “Patients can
      live long, quality lives
      after a colorectal cancer
      diagnosis thanks to treatment advancements.”
      Advanced Surgical Care
        Treatment options for colon and rectal cancers vary
      depending upon a person’s health, age and cancer
      stage. While surgery is the most common treatment,
      chemotherapy and radiation therapy may be needed as
      well. The type of surgery performed will depend on the
      extent of the cancer and where it’s located.
        Some patients will require the removal of part or all of
      the colon (colectomy) or rectum (rectal resection). Others
      may require the removal of both. These procedures can
      be done during open surgery, through one large incision,
      or using minimally invasive techniques, which include
      laparoscopy, robotic, and transanal endoscopic surgery
      through a few small incisions.
        “Patients benefit from minimally invasive surgery in
      many ways, including less pain and scarring, a shorter
      hospital stay, and quicker recovery,” explains Dr. Wexner,
      who led the Cleveland Clinic Florida team that pioneered
      this approach. “Most importantly, we can perform these
      less invasive procedures while still minimizing the risk
      for cancer recurrence.”
      Preserving Quality Of Life
        Advancements in surgical care have made it possible
      for many patients to achieve normal bowel habits and
      bowel continence after colorectal surgery. Fewer patients
      today require a permanent colostomy, in which stool is
      diverted  from  the  lower  part  of  the  digestive  tract  by
      connecting the end of the colon to an opening in the belly.
      Thanks to newer surgical techniques developed and/or
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