Page 8 - The Jewish Voice - September '23
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Page 8, The Jewish Voice
Local Happenings from page 7 program to write the first letter in a new Torah that will be conversations about mental health or substance use. It does
written over the course of this year. As we are taught in this by improving understanding and providing an action plan
talented pool of creators. We Deuteronomy 31:19, “Write for yourselves this song and that teaches people to identify and address a potential issue
look forward to welcoming teach it to the children of Israel.” safely and responsibly. MHFA teaches:
visitors to our galleries.” • Risk factors and warning signs of mental health concerns
“Elegant Threads” Nearly $2 Million in State • How to recognize depression, anxiety, trauma, psychosis,
celebrates wearable and non- and substance abuse
wearable fiber arts, bringing Funding Allocated for Mental • A five-step action plan to help someone who is
together a stunning array experiencing a mental health concern or is in crisis
of masterful creations by Health First Aid Training • Available evidence-based professional, peer, and self-
talented artists who will help resources
compete for awards. The Ferd & Gladys Alpert “Mental illness is far more common than most realize, with
community is invited to Jewish Family Service research showing that one in five adults suffer from mental
attend an awards reception (Alpert JFS) announced health complications every single year. The unfortunate fact
in the gallery with light bites that Florida State Sen. Lori is that people with mental illnesses often suffer alone,” said
and refreshments on October Berman and State Rep. Kim Cindy Wides, director of community outreach and mental
19, 5 - 7 p.m. Patti Barker, Brick House Berfield together secured health first aid at Alpert JFS. “MHFA’s mission is to change
Also showcased are $1,911,233 in funding for this. Thanks to the support and advocacy of our legislative
masterpieces from internationally renowned artists such Mental Health First Aid champions, Alpert JFS along with our partner agencies will
as Bisa Butler and Lezley Saar (on loan from the private (MHFA) training in Florida. be able to reach and respond to thousands of additional people
collection of Beth Rudin DeWoody) and sculptures from MHF A t e a c h e s experiencing a mental health crisis.”
renowned artist Muriel Kaplan. Kaplan, featured in the participants how to assist To sign up for a MHFA training or to learn more, please
2023 Fall Art & Culture magazine issue, will also show someone experiencing a contact Wides at and 561-713-
two sculptures created by the prominent Palm Beach artist mental health or substance 1851 or visit
and reimagined by Lighthouse ArtCenter’s Curator Janeen use challenge or crisis. This Cindy Wides
Mason. training provides skills Jewish Dating Course
Elegant Threads will culminate in a spectacular Runway needed to reach out and provide initial support to someone
Show on November 16, 5 - 7 p.m., with inspirational developing a mental health or substance use challenge and Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens Young Jewish Professionals
garments and wearable art presented in a visually immersive help connect them to the appropriate care. division recently participated in The Jewish Dating Course, a
experience. Tickets to the runway show can be purchased With nearly $2 million in new funding, Alpert JFS JLI Torah seminar for young adults in the area.
online at for $100 per will expand its MHFA training to Broward, Hillsborough, The seminar provides Judaism’s perspective on love,
person. Manatee, Martin, Miami-Dade, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, and dating, and marriage; the most recent lesson, But I Just Can’t
In contrast, “Little LUSH” is a captivating ceramics St. Lucie counties. The agency is partnering with Goodman Decide, focused on the Torah’s advice for finding clarity in
exhibition featuring a juried selection of functional small Jewish Family Services (Goodman JFS), Jewish Community the often exhaustive and frightening dating process.
works. Ceramicists around the nation responded to a call Services of South Florida (JCS), and Direction for Living in Participants learned about the Torah’s balance between
to artists and have masterfully created a diverse range of Tampa to execute the expansion. doing one’s due diligence while also keeping an unbroken,
useful contemporary art objects. From delicate teacups and Alpert JFS originally introduced MHFA in Palm Beach complete trust in G-D.
bowls to intricate vases and sculptures, these small-scale County in 2014. Since then, Alpert JFS has enlisted over The young adults were welcomed with pizza and light
ceramics embody the perfect blend of artistic expression and 80 trainers who have taught the program to over 10,000 refreshments, then enjoyed the lesson and spontaneous games
practicality. The community is invited to attend an awards community members. In 2021, Alpert JFS received a evening that transpired afterward.
reception in the gallery with light bites and refreshments on $100,000 grant from The Florida House of Representatives, A complimentary bonus class titled But Rabbi, Why Can’t
September 21, 5 - 7 p.m. specifically designated for MHFA, which has enabled the I Marry Her? took place last month.
For more information about Lighthouse ArtCenter’s organization to train participants at no cost. Ideal participants
exhibitions and events, please visit include community members, police officers and first
responders, employers and employees, teachers and school
Torah on One Leg personnel, health care professionals, and caring individuals.
“After taking the course myself, I became convinced of
Temple Judea kicked off its Youth Education Program its importance in breaking the stigma of mental illness and
last month. The theme for this school year is Torah – and helping people who could be family, friends, neighbors, or
will align to the congregational programming. At Temple maybe a stranger, at a time of need,” said Berman. “It’s really
Judea, the entire school learns the same curriculum at an exciting that we were able to secure these funds and expand
age-appropriate level. Students will be exposed to Jewish the training to 12,500 new people this coming year.”
matriarchs and patriarchs as well as key values taught in the “It’s incredible to be able to, along with Sen. Berman,
Torah, like “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” secure nearly $2 million to expand this impactful program to
One of the highlights of the year will be on October 15, so many,” said Berfield. “I hope to see this program expand
when Temple Judea invites the youngest student in its YEP statewide and become as commonplace as CPR.”
In addition to the training component, MHFA also
removes the fear and hesitation many feel about starting Local Happenings on page 9
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