Page 11 - Boca Club News - January '22
P. 11

Boca Club News, Page 11


      Mayor’s Update: Starting the New Year Right!

      Scott Singer is the 35th Mayor                    Mizner, and the 47th annual Boat Parade. After a prolonged      The exhibition runs through early March before it heads to
      of Boca Raton. A South Florida                    absence, it was great to end the year on a high holiday note   Paris, but don’t wait. You may want to see it more than once.
      native, attorney, mediator, and                   with so many neighbors getting together.           Details are at
      small business owner, Scott and                      Good News and  Tips on Public Safety. Crime        In addition, we’ve made major headway on the
      his wife Bella live in Broken Sound               statistics for Boca Raton continue to show a decline in   years-long investment in our downtown waterfront, with
      with their two young children.                    crime overall–9% reduction in offenses in the last year   completion of milestones on the new sea walls and for our
         As we look ahead to 2022, we                   alone. This is especially amazing, as we have seen a drop   Palmetto Park Road beachfront area at Wildflower and
      can reflect back on the many recent               in crime over the last four years of more than 30% from   Silver Palm Parks. This work is a prelude to the expanded
      successes in 2021 in Boca Raton.                  what were already low crime figures. That’s great news   boat ramp and new pedestrian promenade that will connect
      Even during another challenging year, our city forged   for our residents and visitors, as public safety is the first   the two parks to create a six-acre urban green space. The
      ahead with many moments of triumph and continued   function of government. One area, though, where crime   City Council approved the designs for the playground
      excellence. Here are some of the many highlights, which   can be improved is motor  vehicle  theft. That’s in part   facilities that will serve as additional public art, in addition
      I’ll cover in  greater depth  in  our  annual  State  of  the   because many owners are leaving key fobs in the car or   to the art installations approved for these parks.
      City address. The address is scheduled to premiere in   in the ignition! Please help us fight crime and protect your      Recreation–New Openings. In November, the
      early February. Please stay in touch at  property. Always lock your car doors and take the keys   city opened the new Boca Raton Golf & Racquet Club
      scottsingerusa and for more details on the   with you. Nearly half of all auto burglaries are when the   (BRGRC), an 18-hole championship golf course. We are
      launch date. For now, let’s look back on the last quarter   doors are open and often with items of value in plain sight.   currently planning for upgrades to the tennis and racquet
      of 2021.                                          Please take them with you, and lock them up!       facilities, and will be adding pickleball. We also closed on
         Return of Successful Signature Events. As I write      Brightline and Downtown Culture and Waterfront.   the sale of the western golf course, with $65 million going
      this, we just staged the eighth annual edition of the Boca   Brightline has now begun work on the downtown parking   to additional capital improvements in our city as part of a
      Raton Bowl. The Palm Beach Post reported the game and   garage and will soon begin construction of the new   dedicated fund. In the fall, the city also unveiled the new
      the thousands of visitors it brought to our community   downtown station. So many residents and businesses   Sand Pine Park and ADA-accessible Center playground at
      are estimated to generate several millions of dollars of   have discussed how Brightline will be a game changer   Hughes Park, which largely serves the students of the Fuller
      economic impact, in addition to more than one million   for Boca Raton, and especially our downtown. When the   Child Development Center and neighbors.
      viewers on ESPN.                                  station opens at the end of 2022, we can look forward to      Even with rising COVID-19 figures from the Omicron
         The thrilling contest between  Western Kentucky   the many riders who will come to Boca Raton to add to   variant, we have much to look forward to in 2022. Our city
      University and Appalachian State University got plenty   our thriving businesses and visit the cultural, dining and   continues to remain prepared and vigilant for pandemic issues,
      of national attention because WKU quarterback Bailey   shopping attractions in Mizner Park and beyond, and for   and I’m grateful that so many residents have been proactive
      Zappe broke two NCAA single-season records during the   our residents to connect to a major transportation network   about their health and helping others. Our wonderful weather
      game – most passing yards and most passing touchdowns.   from Miami to Orlando.                      and low taxes continue to attract major businesses and bolster
      With extra coverage of the records set by a future NFL      One of the attractions that is already bringing visitors is   our property values. We have more economic development
      quarterback, and as the first game of a seven-game slate   the world premiere of the amazing Machu Picchu and the   initiatives planned for 2022, which I plan to cover in a future
      on the opening weekend of Bowl Season, Boca Raton got   Golden Empires of Peru at the Boca Raton Museum of Art.   edition. Please stay tuned here.
      many more mentions to a national audience, multiplying   This exhibition features the largest ever traveling exhibit      As always, I’m grateful to serve the people of Boca Raton!
      our economic impact.                              of ancient golden artifacts, and many other priceless   Please share any thoughts you have at,
         This event also followed a successful schedule   works dating back 3,000 years. You can also experience   and stay connected on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at
      of holiday events. Thousands of people joined us in   the incredible virtual reality presentation and soar high   @scottsingerusa. Want to see something in a future column?
      Downtown Boca for the return of Tree Lighting, our 50th   above Machu Picchu–the most realistic V.R. I’ve ever   Please let me know.
      Annual  Holiday  Parade,  a  new  series  called  Merry  in   experienced.                              Wishing you and yours a safe, happy, and healthy new year!
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