Page 6 - Boca Club News - November '22
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Page 6, Boca Club News
      “A Class Act,” Legal Drama, On Stage at

      Miami’s Sandrell Rivers Theater until Nov. 20th

         A major chemical company                       who is really winning. Who makes millions whether they win      “Courts are inherently dramatic places, and I guess I saw
      pours cancer-causing waste                        or lose? Which lawyers battle the best, or the worst? Who gets   that connection between law and theater before I even realized
      into the water supply, and                        justice in the end? “A Class Act” is a sophisticated thrill ride   it,” he continued. ‘A Class Act’ depicts the dramatically
      a  high-powered  law  firm                        that has been described as engrossing and gripping, one that   war-like negotiations between those corporate non-caring
      brings a class action lawsuit                     examines a world in which greed pervades, the loyal suffer,   pollution perpetrators and the lawyers who represent the
      on  behalf  of  thousands  of                     and morality is always relative.                   dying public.”
      “the little people” who might                        “When I originally wrote the play, we were all probably      Attorney turned author and playwright Norman Shabel
      die from the poisonous water.                     peripherally aware that there was poison being dumped in the   spent close to 50 years as a trial and class action lawyer. He
      Who wins? Who loses? “A                           world’s drinking waters by non-caring corporations whose   has drawn upon his experience to fashion a “pulled from
      Class Act,” Norman Shabel’s                       only consideration was saving expenses in the production   the headlines” look at what goes on in corporate America,
      intriguing and timely look                        of their products,” Shabel said recently. “But of late there   in courtrooms, and behind the scenes. The play received
      at the inner workings of our                      have been numerous articles and exposés—nationally and   excellent reviews when it played Off-Broadway in 2016.
      justice system will ask and  Norman Shabel        locally—that have brought the issue to the forefront.”     Ticket prices range from $25 to $40 and can be purchased
      possibly answer these and                            “In fact, this past June, the Environmental Protection   online  at
      other questions in the play that runs through November 20th   Agency warned that ‘forever chemicals’ found in our nation’s   performance or by phone at (305) 284-8872. Tickets: $25
      at the Sandrell Rivers Theater in Miami.          drinking water are more dangerous than previously thought,   (veterans, seniors, students with ID)/$35 (advance sale)/$40
         As the lawyers wheel and deal, and decide whether to take   and by some estimates these toxic chemicals can be found   (at the door). Performances: Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m.;
      a settlement or go to trial, it becomes increasingly unclear   in the blood of nearly every person on our planet.”  Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m.
        Boca Happenings

      Boca Public Library’s Photography Exhibit,

      “Backyard Beauty,” at Spanish River Branch’s

      Art Gallery Through December 10th

         The Spanish River branch of the Boca Raton Public      “Backyard Beauty,” a current free exhibit, runs through   South Florida Wildlife Center, whose mission is to protect
      Library presents a new photography exhibit, “Backyard   December 10th, The purchase of his prints will benefit the   wildlife in our area. Visit
      Beauty” by Joshua Rubin.
      This award-winning nature
      photographer specializes in
      capturing the natural beauty
      of the native birds of South
         A  Rosenblatt  High
      School  student  at  Donna
      Klein  Jewish Academy,
      Boca  resident  Joshua
      Rubin’s  interest  in
      photography  was  sparked
      by  taking  a  summer
      course at the Palm Beach
      Photographic Centre. Since
      then, he has been teaching
      himself how to improve his
      techniques. He hopes that
      everyone will be inspired by his photos to go to the many
      nature centers and wetlands in our area to experience the
      serenity and beauty in our backyard.

                              Introduce Yourself
                                 To Your Great,
                             Great Grandchildren

        You  have  taken  care  to  protect  your  financial
        assets for future generations. Have you done the
        same for precious memories? If not, we can help
        preserve  YOUR STORY  for  future  generations  to
        share and cherish. In a relaxed interview format,
        with a professional videographer, we will record
        those memories. At the conclusion you will have a
        CD or Flash Drive, easy to access, to pass on.
        Go to to see an actual interview.
        Call me at 847-638-6457
        Or email me at
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