Page 5 - Boca Ezposure - February '22
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Boca Exposure, Page 5
      The Singles Scene Column                                            ©

      The Market Is Hot!                                 position? Why do they live with family? Is it a home with an east      Kelly Leary© has 31 years in the dating industry and a Master’s
                                                         wing? Or is it by default?                        Degree in Psychology. She’s been profiled by The Palm Beach
      By: Kelly Leary, M.S., The                            Lives with a Roommate: What is their age? Why? How? Who?   Post, PalmBeacher Magazine, Stuart News, etc. Revolution
      Florida Matchmaker                                 What? When? Have fun exploring this topic as some have valid   Dating clients are pre-screened including background checks.
         “I’m the key to your new                        reasons and remain age appropriate while others are not.   Professional photos are taken by the staff. Revolution Dating
      home.”~~Your Favorite Love                            New Construction: Usually upscale, up to date, and likely   is not online dating or blind dating. In addition to providing
      Broker                                             financially secure. This person knows what they want and   matchmaking services that make singles “UN-single” through
         The Florida market is                           are customizing it to suit their needs and wants. They may be   their exclusive club membership, Kelly and her team also provide
      booming and getting stronger                       demanding and uncompromising. They may be rigid in and out   feedback from your dates when appropriate. Call 561-630-XOXO
      every day–and I’m not talking                      of the bedroom. They may be worth it though! I would not rule   (9696) or 772-932-HERE (4373) for a LIVE interview with a
      about Real Estate.                                 them out.                                         matchmaker. You may also visit us at
         There is a singles’ tsunami                        Old Construction: Worth the wait. Look for a solid foundation.   *All inquiries are confidential.
      going on right before your                         Choose cement over wood. Look for good lines and structure.
      eyes. Dynamic duos may have                        Don’t be fooled by an attractive outward appearance and forgo   Featured February Clients by
      broken up, thousands of singles have moved to the area during   the inspection! Get a reliable second and third opinion and listen
      the pandemic and countless others have given up on dead end   to your gut. We all have untapped intuition–if you listen to your   Revolution Dating
      relationships and online dating. Add this to an already dismal bar   inner voice. Seek out the opinion of a true friend when in doubt.
      scene and you will come up empty handed and empty hearted   Even easier, when in doubt–don’t proceed.      Our Clients are photographed on our property by a professional
      every time.                                           Waterfront vs. Western Communities: This is a matter of   photographer on their second visit in our office. The following clients
         Singles Beware of the following pitfalls when it comes   preference. Do you prefer mountains or the ocean? You can also   have agreed to have their photos featured in front of the public
      to our current dating climate. MANY risks abound today,   have the best of both worlds too–if you date smart!   eye. This allows them for more exposure and allows us to show
      more now than ever before. During our pandemic era, the      It’s a seller’s market and let’s face it, when you date you are   you a sneak peek into our clientele prototype. All of our clients are
      dating stakes are high.                            selling yourself and buying someone else in a sense (comparatively   sincere, verified, and authentic, if this sounds like you give us a call.
         The Short Sale: Typically, a disgruntled male or female that   speaking). Hopefully you don’t have to try too hard. There’s such a   We look forward to
      doesn’t want to be single. They didn’t choose this label per se, and   thing called “over-staging.” Be you. Aim true. Believe in yourself   meeting you too this
      they are mad at any and all things that made them single. There is   and move with care and kindness at your center.   month. Cupid is her
      some hope with therapy and a healthy time-out to rebuild thy soul.      Welcome to the dating boom in Florida! We can’t wait to explore   aiming her arrow at
      Please contact us for recommendations.             the market with you. It’s HOT!                    you in 2022. Happy
         The Foreclosure: This is a man or woman you want to stay      Thank you for sharing your time with me again today. Thank you   Valentine’s Day from
      away from at all costs. This person is likely damaged or destroyed,   to Seabreeze Publications for noticing my talent (as a matchmaker   all of us at Revolution
      sadly. They really should not be dating as they are in some kind of   and writer) so many years ago. These locally published papers focus   Dating. May the force
      a crisis. They are likely in shambles–from financial to emotional or   on sharing good news with our readers in our communities. Do tell   of Love be with you
      physical destruction. This is the saddest type of single to encounter.   your friends to read and process the positive news. They will thank   too!   Meet Shellie!   Meet David!
      They need so much work–it may be impossible. This will take a   you later. Be their hero. Be your own hero. Keep it simple, folks.
      long commitment on the buyer’s part to rebuild. The question   We all need something FUN to talk about and something to look
      remains: Is it worth it?                           forward to as a whole.
         The Renter: He or she is not secure for whatever reason. They      Can’t wait to see you at our LOVE-FEST 2022! We will be
      may be new to the area (which is okay, as long as they are rooting   celebrating my 31 years in the love business. I am so grateful to
      down in some way here in Florida). How long is the lease? What   know all of you. Thank you for talking about a revolution! Please
      are their intentions? Are they financially sound or amidst a financial   mention this article for special Valentine’s Day scheduling!
      setback? Why do they rent? Find out before you proceed, without                         XOXO, Kelly
      judgment. Just the facts, please.                  #LoveOffLine #DateLocal #More4Uin2022 #URSecretsSafeHere
         Lives with Family: What is their age? Occupation? Cultural   #EventsReturning #TellYourFriends    Meet Charles!   Meet Stacey!    Meet Pam!

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