Page 9 - Boca Ezposure - February '22
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Boca Exposure, Page 9
      Mayor’s Update: State Of The City Preview

      Scott Singer is the 35th                              •  Updates  on  progress  on major park, road, and   have them all in Boca Raton. Even during year two of the
      Mayor of Boca Raton.  A                            infrastructure projects, including the groundbreaking of our   pandemic, we have progressed thanks to the character and
      south Florida native,                              new Brightline station;                           heart of the people of Boca Raton. We can be thankful for
      attorney, mediator, and small                         • How our crime rate dropped again for the fourth year   our many community and neighborhood leaders, as well as
      business owner, Scott and                          in a row, an additional 9 percent this year, and more than   our nearly 2,000 dedicated employees who have continued
      his wife Bella live in Broken                      31percent over the past four years, to lows we haven’t seen   to serve with excellence.
      Sound with their two young                         in more than 40 years!                               Innovation is playing a key role in our recovery. The
      children.                                             • How property values have risen substantially;   pandemic continues to force rapid, adaptive changes to the
         As we enter 2022, I’m                              • Ways our community continued to rally and respond to   way people look at business, technology and services. The
      honored to report on the                           help during the pandemic;                         growing spirit of innovation and rising interest in Boca Raton
      state of our city. Boca Raton                         • Proactive steps by the city to ensure the health, safety and   are some of the reasons that our prospects have never been
      is strong and on the rise!                         welfare of our residents and to speed recovery for businesses;  brighter. I am eager to seize the opportunities that these
      We have been tempered through another challenging year,      • Why our low tax rate continues to attract businesses and   challenges provide. As ever, we’ll continue to prepare, adapt,
      but emerged stronger than ever. Our people continue to   investment, and                             lead and grow for a bright and vibrant future.
      demonstrate resiliency, and long-term factors are attracting      • Many new innovations last year and for years to come.     Please take some time to learn more about the unseen
      more people, businesses and investment to Boca Raton.     When you imagine an ideal city, the attributes it would   stories of the past year by watching the video at myboca.
         This year’s State of the City address is available on our   have include natural beauty, a diverse and growing business   us/soc. As always, I’d love to see your comments, so please
      city website at Among the highlights you’ll   base, arts and culture, history and a spirit of community.   email me at and stay connected with me
      see are:                                           We do not have to only imagine these things because we   on social media @ScottSingerUSA on all platforms.
      Council Corner: All You Need Is Love!

      By Yvette Drucker, who was                         honor to be appointed to committees/boards, and I will be      I would be remiss not to share that we paid tribute to the
      re-elected to the Council in                       participating in some excellent programming.      late Lois Martin, who was an active civic community leader.
      her own name. Drucker had                             Tallahassee, here I come! I will be participating in the   Martin sat on many of our city boards and paved the way
      been serving on the Council                        fly-in with Florida League of Cities (Advocacy Committee),   for the redevelopment of Dixie Manor and the community
      after being appointed to fill                      continuing my advocacy work around protecting “Home   center, both of which bear her name. Her legacy was honored
      the vacancy left by Jeremy                         Rule” and the importance of local-self-government as   at Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church with a celebration of
      Rodgers when he was called                         we the elected should be able to create fair, effective and   life service.
      to military service.                               responsive policies for our community. I will also have      Boca is back to business, and the season is so busy. With
         I hope we are all staying                       the opportunity to participate in the 2022 Safe Streets   that said, I ask that we don’t lose sight of the Pandemic.
      healthy and enjoying the                           Summit “Resilient and Adaptive Streets” taking place in   Last month we had the Omicron surge, so I will continue to
      beautiful weather. Exciting                        Miami, as we continue making strides on safe, equitable   encourage you all to get vaccinated and boosted, and continue
      things continue happening                          multimodal transportation options that will continue to meet   to stay informed. The city communication department
      all around the city. Last month we had the most awaited   our community needs now and for the future.   launched a new app – My Boca; download it so you can stay
      Brightline groundbreaking ceremony–what a moment in      If you haven’t been out to play golf at the newly opened   informed. Together we will continue to move forward.
      our city’s history! It is scheduled to be ready in late fall/  Boca Raton Golf & Racquet Club, I encourage you to do      Wishing you all a month filled with Love #allyouneedislove.
      winter 2022. I truly believe this will be a game changer for   so. I visited the property and was very impressed with all   If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at
      our city, as it will be a huge economic driver. I cannot wait   the renovations; the best is yet to come. From what I have and you can always follow me on
      for people to visit, come back often, and fall in love with   seen so far, maybe I will pick up a new hobby this year.   @yvettedrucker on all social media platforms. And for all
      Boca Raton!                                        Thank you to staff and everyone working there; it’s looking   things city related, visit us at or download
         In my role as city councilwoman, I have had the   great, and it shows.                            our new app, My Boca.
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