Page 7 - Boca Ezposure - February '22
P. 7

Boca Exposure, Page 7
      From The Desk Of Palm Beach                                                                           Sleep And Reflux

      County Mayor Robert S. Weinroth:                                                                      By Steven E. Reznick,

      New Area Code, New Airline, New                                                                       M.D., FACP

                                                                                                               He artburn,
                                                                                                            indigestion, and
      Businesses ... And More!                                                                              gastrointestinal reflux
                                                                                                            (GERD) have plagued
                                                                                                            civilization for decades.
                                                                                                            Causes  include eating
      Robert Weinroth, a former                          our economy and the residents who work in the tourism   too late just before bed,
      member of the Boca Raton                           industry.                                          eating the wrong foods
      City Council, was elected                             New area code in Palm Beach County. Palm Beach   (foods which reduce
      as a Palm Beach County                             County was recently assigned 728 as a new area code   lower esophageal
      Commissioner to replace                            (in addition to 561). Anticipating that phone numbers   pressure such as alcohol, fats, tobacco, red sauces,
      Steven Abrams, who                                 starting with 561 will run out by 2023, the new number   and berries) and wearing tight clothing including a
      retired due to term limits                         was assigned by the Florida Public Service Commission.   tight belt.
      requirements.                                      It will serve the same geographic boundaries as the 561      Nonmedicinal treatment has included staying
         Jan. 11 was the official                        area code and will be assigned to new telephone numbers   upright for several hours to let food, digestive enzymes
      st a rt  of t he  Fl ori da                        and/or additional lines. All existing 561 numbers will   and acid travel out of the stomach by elevating the head
      Legislative Session and                            not be affected. For more information, visit http://www.  of the bed using gravity to prevent reflux. Medicines
      Team Palm Beach County                                                      include antacids (Tums, Rolaids), histamine two
      was in the house and the senate! The county was fully      PBI welcomes its 13th airline.  Palm Beach   receptor blockers (Tagamet, Pepcid) and protein pump
      represented, including all seven county commissioners. It   International Airport (PBI) is pleased to welcome   inhibitors (Dexilant, Nexium).
      was a whirlwind of meetings with many state leadership   Breeze Airways, with service starting on Feb. 19.      In a study authored by Judy Trieu, M.D., researchers
      members to discuss the needs important to our county and   Some of the destinations include New Orleans, La.,   evaluated the most advantageous position to sleep in
      its residents. On our agenda were a number of proprietary   Akron/Canton/Columbus, Ohio; Charleston, S.C.; and   to prevent GERD. They observed 57 GERD patients
      issues such as affordable housing, food resources, water   Norfolk/Richmond, Va. PBI serves more than 6.7 million   sleeping and at the same time measured the pH (acidity
      quality/storage and transportation. Additionally, we   passengers annually, and offers 200 nonstop flights daily   or base level) of the esophageal secretions using a
      continued to advocate for home rule since the state has   with 13 airlines. For more information, visit https://www.  technique called ambulatory pH-impedance reflux
      preempted local governments from regulating local issues                                 monitoring. They found that individuals who slept in the
      such as vacation rentals, tree trimming regulations and      Nonprofit highlight: Veterans & Homefront Voices.   left lateral position did far better than any other position.
      pet sales.                                         Veterans & Homefront Voices is a local nonprofit that      I very proudly related this story to a patient who is
         As always, we are grateful to our state partners for   connects our veterans with Junior ROTC cadets to   an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi. He battles weight control
      their time and effort. Session will continue through March   capture, preserve and share the veteran’s legacy. In   in addition to GERD. I showed him the research and
      11, and a full complement of the county’s lobbyists will   addition, this year marks the 80th anniversary of World   he responded, “This is old news. It is written in the
      remain in Tallahassee to monitor bills and appropriations   War II. In preparation for several upcoming celebrations   Old Testament that we should be sleeping on our left
      important to our residents.                        honoring local World War II veterans, the nonprofit is   sides.” Had I been paying more attention to my Hebrew
         Business Development Board Palm Beach County.   recruiting local veterans to be recognized. Interested   studies, as I prepared for my bar-mitzvah, this old news
      It’s been a successful year for economic development with   World War II veterans can contact Conrad Ogletree at   would not have been new to me.
      a record-breaking number of new companies and families                       New Sleep Medication
      moving to the area. We were the No. 1 county in Florida      History corner. In 1872, Palm Beach’s first permanent      The FDA approved Quviviq (daridorexant) for
      for growth in 2021, and 2022 looks even better!    settler, Charles “Charlie” Moore moved into Augustus   treatment of adults with insomnia including difficulties
         As mayor of Palm Beach County, I have the opportunity   Lang’s abandoned house in Lake Worth. Charlie acquired   falling asleep and staying asleep. Research was
      to serve on the Business Development Board of Palm   more land on Palm Beach and across Lake Worth, near   positive for improving sleep onset, sleep maintenance
      Beach County (BDB) Executive Committee. The BDB is   Lake Magnolia. As word spread northward of the paradise   and patient-reported sleep time. The drug had minimal
      the county’s official economic development organization   the pioneers had discovered, family, friends and other new   adverse effects and should be on the market by May.
      that attracts and retains business investment through   settlers followed in increasing numbers from many states.      I prefer to have new medications on the market for
      corporate relocations, expansions and international trade.   The Lake Worth Pioneers Association was organized in   six or more months before I will prescribe it to my
      The efforts have a lasting and sustainable impact on our   1894, early enough to record arrivals from first-hand   patients, especially with multiple prescribing choices.
      county. This past year, the BDB facilitated 31 corporate   knowledge; those who did not stay long were left off   Real world experience and reporting is sometimes very
      relocations and expansions that created 3,028 high-salary   the roll. Descendants of the original members still hold   different than clinical trials.
      jobs and $150 million in capital investment.       annual picnics and share stories handed down through   Evusheld Approved For Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
         At the same time, visitors continue to flock to the   the generations.                             Of COVID-19
      area in record numbers fueling our local hotels, small      If you require assistance, please contact our office at      Evusheld received emergency use authorization to
      businesses and restaurants. This is extremely important to   (561) 355-2204 or email  prevent COVID-19 in individuals who truly cannot
                                                                                                            be given any of the current COVID-19 vaccines
                                                                                                            or to individuals who are severely to moderately
                                                                                                            immunosuppressed due to a medical condition
                                                                                                            or treatment that renders them this way. It is a
                                                                                                            combination of two monoclonal antibodies to be used
                                                                                                            in humans 12 years of age or older weighing at least
                                                                                                            88 pounds.
                                                                                                               In these high-risk patients, a clinical trial known as
                                                                                                            3 PROVENT showed Evusheld reduced the risk of a
                                                                                                            COVID infection by 77 percent compared to a placebo.
                                                                                                            Few adverse effects were reported by some including
                                                                                                            headaches, fatigue and coughs.
                                                                                                               Patients with known coagulation disorders, or low
                                                                                                            platelet counts, are more at risk of complications from
                                                                                                            Evusheld than others. There was also a caution issued
                                                                                                            for patients at high risk of a cardiovascular event.
                                                                                                               Dr. Reznick is board certified in internal medicine,
                                                                                                            with added qualifications in geriatrics. To schedule a
                                                                                                            complimentary meeting with Dr. Reznick to discuss
                                                                                                            his personalized care concierge practice, call (561)
                                                                                                            368-0191 or visit

                                                                                                             8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

                                                                                                            Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing
                                                                                                            Palm Beach County and is a privately
                                                                                                            owned and managed company.
                                                                                                            Captain’s is committed to providing
                                                                                                            dependable, reliable and professional
                                                                                                            ground transportation to and from all
                                                                                                            South Florida Airports and Seaports.  PBCVH212
                                                                                                               To reserve your vehicle:
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