Page 8 - Boca Ezposure - February '22
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Page 8, Boca Exposure
      The Second Annual Purse Drive Was Held

       In Support Of The Upcoming Old Bags Luncheon

      To Be Held At The Colony Hotel In February

         Center for Family Services held their Second Annual   Colony Hotel and Worth Avenue. If you missed the purse   Events Kristen Bardin at (561) 616-1257 or email at
      Purse  Drive,  generously  hosted  by  Daniella  Ortiz,  in   drive, it is not too late to participate. Contact the center
      Via Amore  on Dec. 7. Ragtops assisted with a 1959   today to donate a new or gently used designer handbag for   About Center For Family Services (CFS) Of Palm
      Ford Galaxie Convertible to collect the over 50 designer   the auction. Proceeds from the luncheon go to strengthen   Beach County, Inc.
      handbags  including  Chanel,  Louis  Vuitton,  Bottega   families in our community through mental health and      CFS is a nonprofit social service agency whose
      Veneta, Nancy Gonzalez, Cecy Martinez, Tory Burch and   psychoeducational services.                  mission is to strengthen individuals and families through
      others, donated during the drive. Guests enjoyed delicious      Tickets and sponsorships are available now for the   behavioral health services and education. Since 1961,
      hors d’oeuvres and live music in the courtyard on the   much-anticipated Old Bags Luncheon.  Top sponsors   they have been serving children, adults, and families in
      designer  Florida  winter  day.  Following  the  reception,   include Auction Sponsor Nest Seekers International,   Palm  Beach  County  through  an  array  of  services and
      Luncheon Committee members moved to Saks Fifth     Shoulder Bag Sponsors Tammy and Charlie Pompea and   collaborations with other human services agencies. Their
      Avenue for a beautiful kickoff luncheon and fashion chat   The Colony Hotel, and Cross Body Sponsors Allison   goal is to help clients surmount psychological distress
      with stylist and editor, Katherine Lande and Sydney Evan   Nicklaus and Barbara Nicklaus, Cecy Martinez Handbags,   and harmful behaviors, educate them about safeguards
      jewelry designer, Rosanne Karmes.                  Esplanade Palm Beach, Frances Fisher, Lola Dré, Renee   and coping strategies, and empower them to become
         The drive supports the designer handbag silent auction   B. Scott, Sally Kimball, Classic Collections and Karen   emotionally  healthy  individuals,  ultimately  protecting
      held during the center’s signature fundraising event, the   Murray, Fivestory Palm Beach and Saks Fifth Avenue.   the mental health of future generations. Learn more at
      Old Bags Luncheon, planned for Friday, Feb. 11 at The      For more information contact Director of Special
      Boca Raton Public Library To Host Mayors’ Chess

      Challenge At Spanish River Branch, Feb. 26;

      All Ages Welcome

         Chess players of all ages, beginner and expert, are invited      The Mayors’ Chess Challenge started in south Florida   Scott Singer host the second Mayors’ Chess Challenge,”
      to play chess with other community members at the Spanish   in 2014 to draw attention to the benefits of chess, one of   notes Lisa Testa, Public Services Librarian. “This wonderful
      River Library branch on Feb. 26 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.,   the oldest and most intriguing of games, and is now hosted   community event brings together elected officials,
      for the annual Mayors’ Chess Challenge. City of Boca Raton   by 20 cities throughout the year. Players of all ages and   community leaders and people of all ages. Everyone has so
      Mayor Scott Singer will be a special guest.        abilities learn critical-thinking skills, improve concentration   much fun watching and playing chess together, whether they
         “I’m excited to join the Boca Raton Library and other   and discipline, develop problem-solving skills, and build   are beginners or skilled chess players.”
      mayors in bringing this event back to Boca Raton to highlight   self-esteem and good sportsmanship. Plus, chess is fun!      This is an opportunity for the whole family to enjoy an
      the wonderful game of chess to our community and our   Participants can pick up a special “passport” to log all the   exciting morning of chess and community engagement.
      children. Interest in chess has only risen over the last few   local events they attend. Instructors will be on hand to help   Enrollment is not required. The Spanish River Library is
      years, and we are looking forward to getting together and   those new to the game.                   located at 1501 N.W. Spanish River Blvd., in Boca. For more
      seeing some great, young chess players,” says Mayor Singer.      “The Boca Raton Public Library is thrilled to have Mayor   information, call (561) 393-7852.
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