Page 12 - PGA Community News- March '22
P. 12

Page 12, PGA C.A.N.!                                                 March 2022                                                                                                                                                    March 2022
      Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office

      Dear Taxpayer:                                    personal property used in a business includes furniture,
         One aspect of the                              fixtures, machinery, tools, equipment, appliances, signs,
      homestead exemption that                          leasehold improvements, supplies, leased equipment, and
      many people miss is that it                       any other assets used by the business.
      caps the annual valuation of                         The filing deadline is April 1. Failure to file will result
      your home. So, in addition                        in the loss of the exemption and the assessment of penalties
      to a reduction in the taxable                     per Florida Statutes, Sections 193.072 and 193.073.
      assessment of your home,                             Save time, paper, and postage by filing online using
      the Save Our Homes Cap                            the e-file link on our website If you
      limits any increase to                            need a paper form (DR-405) you can download it from
      the  assessed value  of a                         our website on the Forms page. If you have any questions
      homestead exempt property                         about reporting personal property, tangible e-filing, or
      to a maximum of 3 percent each year or the change in the   the $25,000 tangible exemption, please call our office at   Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Dorothy Jacks
      Consumer Price Index (CPI), whichever is lower.   (561) 355-2896 or email          (center, with check) leads the 2021 virtual scholarship awards
         For 2022, the maximum increase will be 3 percent,                                                 ceremony with the PAO Scholarship Committee.
      as the change in CPI increased 7 percent from December
      2020  to  December  2021. This  increase  in  CPI  reflects  Property Appraiser’s Office             an accredited higher-education institution (college or
      the inflation seen across dozens of consumer categories,   Annual Scholarship Awards                 community college).
      including shelter, food, transportation, and energy.                                                    In addition to receiving a scholarship, each recipient
         While the change in the CPI follows many markets,   Program                                       will be offered an opportunity for a paid summer
      Florida law requires my office to value property based                                               internship in the Property Appraiser’s Office (PAO).
      on the status of the real estate market. My office will      My office is now accepting applications for the      Since 1994, the Palm Beach County Property
      determine a total market value for every home as of Jan. 1,   29th Annual Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s   Appraiser’s Office has awarded more than $150,000 in
      taking into consideration the price fluctuations reflected in   Scholarship. Six college scholarships of $1,500 each will   college scholarships. The program is particularly special
      the sales of residential properties. But if your property is   be awarded to graduating high school seniors who plan   to the Property Appraiser’s Office because the money
      homesteaded, the taxable assessed value will not increase   to attend a higher education institution full time. The   raised for the scholarships is 100 percent funded by
      more than 3 percent.                              deadline to apply is March 31.                     employees who volunteer to donate to the fund in return
         If you already have a homestead exemption on your      To be eligible for a scholarship award, a student must   for casual dress Fridays.
      property,  you  do  not  need  to  reapply.  Other  property   be a resident of Palm Beach County, have a minimum      For more information, call (561) 355-3230 or visit
      tax exemptions include those for low-income seniors,   of 3.0 grade point average (GPA), and plan to attend
      widows and widowers, persons with disabilities, active-
      duty military, veterans, “granny flats,” and more. For                                                                      ON  T H E  HOR I Z ON
      information,  visit  or  call  Exemption
      Services at (561) 355-2866.                                                                                                 Lighthouse Sunset Tour
         In this month’s newsletter, a reminder to all business                                                                      Mar. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
      owners in Palm Beach County about filing for a Tangible                                                                    Lighthouse Moonrise Tour
      Personal Property Tax Return for 2022 and my office’s                                       Where History                          Mar. 18
      annual college scholarship application process is now                                    Meets Adventure!                   Lighthouse Sunrise Tour
      open. Enjoy reading and enjoy your spring.                                                                                        Mar. 13, 19
                                           Respectfully,                                                                          Twilight Yoga at the Light
                                Dorothy Jacks, CFA, AAS,                                                                              Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28
                    Palm Beach County Property Appraiser                                                                           Lighthouse Story Time
                                                                                                                                     & Crafts for Kids
                                                                                                                                         Mar. 26

                                                                                                                                   Wild & Scenic
                                                                                                                                    Film Festival
                                                                                                                                     Saturday, April 9
      Business Tangible Personal                                                                                                      Tickets available
                                                                                                                                      starting March 7
                                                   561-747-8380                                                This activity is conducted under
                                                                                                                                              permit from the Bureau of Land
                                                                                                                                              Management (BLM) and occurs
                                                                                                                                               all or in part on public lands
         Florida allows an exemption up to $25,000 in value for   500 Captain Armour’s Way, Jupiter                                           administered by the BLM within
                                                                                                                                               the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse
                                                                                                                                               Outstanding Natural Area.
      tangible personal property assets used by a business. You
      must file an initial Tangible Personal Property Tax Return
      (DR-405) to receive the exemption. Thereafter, you need
      not file an annual return unless the value of your tangible
      personal property exceeds $25,000 on Jan. 1. Tangible   Home Care
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