Page 6 - PGA Community News - April '22
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Page 6, PGA C.A.N.!                                                   April 2022                                                                                                                                                    April 2022

      Solid Waste Authority

      Household Hazardous Waste Tip

      Put Some Spring In Your                              Instead,  Palm  Beach  County  residents  can  dispose   learn more about the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach

      Clean By Recycling Home                           of their unwanted chemicals at any of the Solid Waste   County’s Home Chemical and Recycling Centers.
                                                        Authority  (SWA)  seven  home  chemical  and  recycling

                                                                                                             The Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County is a
      Chemicals                                         center drop-off locations for free!                dependent special district that was created by the Florida

                                                           One of SWA’s locations is:
                                                                                                           Legislature in 1975. Since then, the SWA has developed
                                                        Jupiter                                            an award-winning integrated solid waste management
                            Save your shelf this spring by   North County Transfer Station                 system to handle the county’s waste and recyclables. We
                          cleaning out home hazards from   14185 N. Military Trail (SWA Road) in Jupiter   call ourselves AWAY: whether you throw it, recycle it or
                          sheds, garages and under sinks!   Monday through Friday: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.        flush it AWAY, we put your waste to work. Each year, we:
                          But remember that any cleaners,   Saturday: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.                     • Process more than 100,000 tons of recyclables.
                          paints, pesticides and automotive      Other locations can be found on our website at www.  •  Combust  approximately  1.8  million  tons  of  trash  to
                          products you may want to get rid                                      generate electricity at renewable energy facilities.
                          of  don’t  belong  in  the  regular      Commercial quantities of items that contain mercury   •  Produce  enough  electricity  to  power  approximately
                          trash or down storm drains where   may  require  special  disposal.  Call  (561)  687-1100  for   74,000 homes, about the number of homes in Boca Raton
                          they can expose people, pets and   details on disposing of or recycling any hazardous wastes   and Palm Beach Gardens.
                          our environment to harm.      from your business.                                • Recycle more than 150,000 tons of wastewater treatment
                                                           In the last fiscal year, Palm Beach County residents   residuals (sludge from flushes) into environmentally-
                                                        recycled more than 45,500 pounds of cleaning solutions.   friendly fertilizer.
                                                                                                           • Safely dispose of more than 4.9 million pounds of home
                                                        Each  year,  the  SWA’s  home  chemical  and  recycling
        Community                                       centers either recycle or safely dispose of more than 4.9   hazards.
                                                        million pounds of household hazardous wastes.
                                                                                                           •  Collect  water  off  of  the  roofs  of  Renewable  Energy
                                                           Remember, pollution prevention starts at home. A full
        Safety                                            list of household hazardous wastes can be found at SWA.  Facility 2 and store it in a 2-million-gallon cistern, which
                                                                                                           is used as part of the energy making process.
                                                        org/HCRC or call (866) SWA-INFO, [(866) 792-4636] to
        By Keith Echols,
        Director of Security,                                                                     “Service is our number one priority”
        Allied Universal
           In continuing with our service commitment, I would                                                   561-743-0070
        like to take a moment of your time and offer some safety
        tips. Law enforcement agencies have seen a rise in                                         
        burglarized and stolen vehicles. Most incidents are the
        result of unlocked doors.
           Unfortunately, as we learn to become acclimated
        with the advancements in technology, so have those with
        criminal intent. When searching for their next vehicle
        to steal or burglarize, criminals use their knowledge of
        the key fob to assist with the commission of their crime.
        When you park your car outdoors, or in your driveway,
        it’s important to lock your car and place your valuables
        out of plain sight. With the newer model cars, the side
        view mirrors are programmed to fold inward when the
        car is locked.
           Also,  take  your  garage  door  opener  inside with
        you when you go inside your home. Another thing to                                                                          Expires 4/30/22.
        remember is to lock the door between your garage and
        your home. PGA Security and Palm Beach Gardens Police
        are patrolling all the communities in PGA National on a                                                          State Licensed & Insured
        regular basis, but we can’t be everywhere. We need your   Serving Palm Beach County                            CPC # 1457468 • LPG#30099
        help and that starts with making sure you have locked
        your vehicles, secured you garage door, and your home.
           Always secure your vehicle, and never leave valuables
        in plain sight. Together we can make a difference, never
        hesitate to call security at (561) 627-1600. Report all                                               Dr. Rose Farrah and her team proudly
        suspicious people and activities because the smallest piece                                           announce opening of our new office
        of information may be the biggest part of the solution.                                               on Northlake Blvd.
        Keep your garage door closed when not in use and set
        your alarm when you leave your home.

          Season Is Here!

            Along with season comes the increased temptation
         to utilize the golf courses as a park/playground, but
         we must ask you to refrain from any non-golf related
         access.                                         be proud oF your                                             Free Implant
            Maintenance  is  performed  on  all  the  courses                                                        ConsultatIon
         during the year, so there is equipment and work being                                                               ($300 value)
         done. In addition, it is a time when there are more    smIle!
         golfers on the course enjoying our beautiful weather.
                                           Thank you                                                                  $200 OFF

                                                                                                            FIRST ImplanT TREaTmEnT

                                                                                                          CuttIng edge teChnology & 3d sCannIng
                                                         Call now: (561)-705-0045                          Periodontics       surgical extractions
                                                                                                           veneers            cosmetic surgery
                                                         517 Northlake Blvd., Suite 3, North Palm Beach, FL 33408  bridges    oral cancer
                                                                                                           crowns             screening
                                                                                                           dentures           Preventative dentistry
                                                                                                           oral surgery       dental imPlants
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