Page 16 - Boca Exposure - May '22
P. 16

Page 16, Boca Exposure
      From The Desk Of Palm Beach County Mayor

      Robert S. Weinroth: Tourism Up/Unemployment Low

      Robert Weinroth, a former                            TDT funds reduce the tax burden on our residents   federal government offices and local agencies, including
      member of the Boca Raton                           and are reinvested in our community in areas such as   nonprofits. It also includes an entertainment and leisure
      City Council, was elected                          beach renourishment, infrastructure and tourism-related   section and much more.
      as a Palm Beach County                             marketing.                                          To download the guide, visit https://discover.pbcgov.
      Commissioner to replace                              Additionally, the county’s unemployment rate was   org/pdf/publications/guide_services.pdf.
      Steven Abr am s ,  who                             reported at just 2.6 percent for March, well below the   Nonprofit Spotlight: The Volen Center. The Volen
      retired due to term limits                         national and state averages.                      Center is a local nonprofit dedicated to supporting South
      requirements.                                        According to CareerSource Palm Beach County, there   Florida seniors through health care and supportive services
         The county recently                             are more job  openings than  unemployed  for the  ninth   that meet their physical, emotional and social needs.
      received the single largest                        consecutive month: 40,134 job openings vs. 19,235   Throughout the pandemic, the center was an agent
      Tourist  Development Tax                           unemployed people.                                of change by mobilizing its meal site programs, serving
      (TDT) remittance totaling                            This is an important milestone for the county;   nearly 3,000 senior residents.
      $9.7 million. Clearly, our tourism industry is on the   traditionally, summer is a slow season for employment, but   Additionally, the Volen Center maintains a large fleet
      rebound and remains a top industry in the county.   we are only witnessing new and better job opportunities   of buses to transport seniors to medical appointments and
                                                         for our residents!                                other crucial destinations at an affordable cost. Each year,
                                                           Senior/Veteran Discounts.  The county’s Parks
                                                                                                           they average over 85,000 trips!
        Council Corner:                                  and Recreation Department offers senior and veteran
                                                                                                             For more information on the organization, visit https://
                                                         discounts for recreational programs and services at
                                                                                                             History Corner. As reports of beautiful Lake Worth
        Downtown                                         Morikami Museum & Japanese Gardens, waterparks and   reached the north, hotels were built to accommodate the
                                                         pools. Additionally, all fees are waived in Senior Softball
                                                                                                           first winter tourists. In 1880, Elisha and Ella Dimick
                                                           Moreover, Environmental Resources Management,
        Updates                                          in partnership with Veteran Affairs, hosts fishing events   added eight rooms to their house to accommodate visitors
                                                                                                           who managed the difficult journey from Jacksonville to
                                                         and guided kayaking tours for veterans free of charge at
                                                                                                           Palm Beach. They gradually enlarged the island’s first
                                                         Pine Glades and Cypress Creek natural areas.      hotel to 50 rooms.
        By Monica Mayotte, who                             For more information on these events, visit https://  The Cocoanut Grove House (using the old-fashioned
        was re-elected to another                     spelling of coconut) was located on the site that is now the
        term on the Raton City                             Guide to Palm Beach County Services. The Palm   Flagler Museum. The hotel was fully booked each season,
        Council, and who is CRA                          Beach County Guide to Services is a comprehensive guide   and some years they housed guests in tents in the yard.
        Chair. Mayotte has been                          providing brief descriptions and contact information for   If you require assistance, please contact our office at
        a resident of Boca Raton                         services provided by municipalities, county, state and   (561) 355-2204 or email
        for more than 20 years,
        active in the community
        both in our local schools                         West Boca Medical Center Adds
        and as a city advisory
        board member.
        There are so many exciting initiatives happening  Critical Care Intensivist Program
          Spring has sprung!

        around town.
        official groundbreaking ceremony was held in January.  To Enhance Patient Care

          Our new Brightline station is under construction. The
        But now, actual shovels and all types of heavy equipment
        are being used to build both the train station and the new   Program Gives Critical Care           and Dr.  Kenneth  Baron, will join  Dr. Milan. These
        parking garage. If all goes well, we are hopeful that the                                          intensivists will be working alongside an experienced
        station will be opened towards the end of the year.  Patients Treated In ICu An                    nursing team led by director Wendy Dubois.
           The city council held a discussion in April at a                                                   “The critical care intensivist program will enhance
        City Council Workshop about the ground lease for the   Even Higher Level Of Care                   our services at West Boca Medical Center, and continue
        proposed Boca Raton Center for Arts and Innovation                                                 to strengthen the quality of care we have been providing
        in Mizner Park. We discussed the final outstanding   West Boca Medical Center is further enhancing its  to this community for more than 35 years,” said George
        issues for a ground lease for the organization for the   care to some of its sickest patients with the addition  Rizzuto, chief executive officer at West Boca Medical
        property on the northeast corner of Mizner Park and the   of its Critical Care Intensivist Program. The program  Center. “Having this team in place at our hospital will
        Mizner Park Amphitheater. I am excited and hopeful   consists of a team of doctors and nurse practitioners  give our patients the support and treatments necessary
        that this project will move forward.              overseeing the hospital’s intensive care unit (ICU),  for someone being cared for in our ICU.”
           And, a heads up: More parking meters are coming   24 hours a day seven days
        to downtown Boca Raton. This can be a divisive topic,   a week. The intensivists are
        but let me explain why parking meters help ensure there   board-certified physicians
        are more available parking spaces when you come to the   certified in the subspecialty
        downtown. When parking is free, there is no reason for   of critical care medicine. Dr.
        drivers to move their cars. People who live downtown   Stephen Milan will be the
        will take up these spaces instead of parking in their   medical director of the new
        own parking facilities because it is more convenient.   program.
        This makes it difficult for visitors to the downtown   “I am truly honored to
        who want to shop or dine to find parking.         be named the new medical
           The newest meters will be located on Palmetto   director and lead our
        Park Road between Federal Highway and N.E. 5th    intensivist  program  reflects
        Avenue, along S.E. 3rd Avenue, S.E. 4th Avenue,   West Boca Medical Center’s
        and along Royal Palm Way. Just like the rest of our   dedication to providing
        downtown parking, you can pay at a meter or by using   patients and our community
        the ParkMobile app  which  can  be downloaded to a   to safe and high quality
        smartphone from your App Store.                   care,” said Dr. Milan. “This
           Lastly, I’d like to highlight our city libraries.   also means our hospital and
        They  are a wonderful community amenity that is   the community we serve,
        enjoyed by residents of all ages. Our libraries are   will always have a dedicated
        fully open so come in, look around, and even check   medical specialist caring for patients who are being     Due to the effectiveness of 24/7 in-house Intensivist
        out some books. Our libraries offer many interesting   treated in our Intensive Care Unit.”        coverage, the American College of Critical Care
        programs and classes. You can check out all of the   Benefits associated with the intensivist approach  Medicine and the Society of Critical Care Medicine
        libraries’ offerings at and www.  can include:                                 recommend it as the ideal model. It is preferred because                              • Increased survival                          it benefits patients, providers, and hospitals. Beyond
           As always, please continue to be kind and         • Reduced incidence of disease (morbidity)    that, optimizing ICU staffing with 24/7 in-house
        considerate to one another.                          • Reduced ICU length of stay (decrease in ventilator days)  coverage (or tele-ICU support for smaller hospitals)
           Feel free to contact me with any city concerns you may   • Fewer clinical and procedural complications  ensures that patients who are acutely ill receive the
        have. I can be reached at my email address: mmayotte@  • Reduced costs per case                    level of care we would want for ourselves and our loved or my city cell phone: (561) 212-5543.     • Improved patient and staff satisfaction     ones, no matter when they need it.
           Take care. Be well.                               • Focus on patient safety                        For more information about the services at the hospital,
                     ?                                    Adelman, Dr. Carlos Gutierrez, Dr. Noah Schreibman,
                                                             Several highly skilled physicians, including Dr. Mark  go to or call 866-724-6002.

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